The Essential Air Fryer Cookbook

The Essential Air Fryer Cookbook von Brown,  Inez
An air fryer is a combination of a convection oven and a deep fryer. It uses a super-hot column of air to circulate the food around it, circulate the around oil, and cook it evenly so you Donate end up with any soggy parts. Air frying means that food inapt submerged in oil, which makes it a great option for people who wish to lose some weight or who are trying to eat healthier. ITAs also fast and easy, which makes it a great option for busy people. Hot air cooks food more slowly because it does not conduct heat as well as oil or water. To understand the difference, think of how you can put your hand into a 350°F oven for a few seconds, but you cannot put it into boiling water (212°F). To mimic deep-frying, but without all the unhealthy oil, an air fryer uses a fan to push the air around the food to dramatically speed the cooking process. So, just as in a deep-fat fryer, in an air fryer, the surface of the food dehydrates, water is released, and the interior cooks in a few minutes. Foods cooked in an air fryer cook 25 percent faster than foods cooked in a conventional oven. This book covers Breakfast recipes Vegetables and sides Meat recipes Fish and seafood recipes Snacks and dessert And a lot more! And because little or no oil is used, cooking with an air fryer is a much more versatile way to cook food than cooking with a deep fryer. You can bake, roast, grill, stir-fry, and even steam foods in an air fryer. So instead of just cooking alternatives to fried foods, use this appliance to make foods without those hundreds of added fat calories; it actually will help improve your health and well-being.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-03
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