Endocrine Management of Prostatic Cancer von Klosterhalfen,  H.

Endocrine Management of Prostatic Cancer

Frontmatter — Contents — I. Mechanism of hormonal action at cellular level and biochemistry — Mechanism and effects of androgen withdrawal therapies / Bruchovsky, N. / Rennie, P. S. / Goldenberg, S. L. — Target-cell response to androgen withdrawal / Voigt, K. D. / Klein, H. — Effects of chronic treatment with an LH-RH agonist on human testis tissue / Huhtaniemi, I. T. — Animal models for prostate cancer / Otto, U. / Wagner, B. / Kloppel, G. / Baisch, H. / Klosterhalfen, H. — The significance of the nude mice model for studies on human prostatic carcinoma / Steenbrugge, G. J. van / Jong, F. H. de / Gallee, M. P. W. / Schroder, F. H. — II. Etiology and experimental basis of therapy — Etiology and natural history of early prostatic cancer / Schröder, F. H. — Pharmacological basis of androgen deprivation by various antiandrogens and their combination with LH-RH agonists / Neumann, F. / El Etreby, M. F. / Habenicht, U.-F. / Radlmaier, A. / Bormacher, K. — III. Clinics — Evaluation of different endocrine approaches in the treatment of prostatic carcinoma / Turkes, A. O. / Peeling, W. B. / Wilson, D. W. / Griffiths, K. — Rationale of total androgen blockade by cyproterone acetate / Tunn, U. W. — Clinical experience with Androcur® in the treatment of prostatic cancer / Becker, H. / Klosterhalfen, H. — Prostate cancer treatment: tolerance of different endocrine regimens / Varenhorst, E. — Result of long-term treatment with cyproterone acetate (CPA) in advanced prostatic cancer patients / Di Silverio, F. / Sciarra, F. — Results and experience with the androgen ablation therapy: current trends in the USA / Kirchheim, D. — Long-term results of an LH-RH agonist monotherapy in patients with carcinoma of the prostate and reflections on the so-called total androgen blockade with pre-medicated cyproterone acetate / Jacobi, G. H. — List of first-mentioned contributors

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