Potenziale neuer Mobilitätsformen und -technologien für eine nachhaltige Raumentwicklung
Christian Jacoby, Sandra Wappelhorst
Forms of mobility and mobility technologies are currently subject to significant processes
of change, closely linked to the increased environmental requirements of the energy
transition and climate protection on the one hand, and dynamic developments in the
field of mobile applications of information and communication technologies on the other
hand. Innovations in these fields, in particular the growing significance of electric mobility
and sharing solutions (car sharing, bike sharing, scooter sharing), have considerable
potential for implementing the guiding principle of sustainable mobility and spatial development.
It thus follows that spatial planning and regional development must provide
plans and concepts to support the exploitation of this potential. Within the Academy for
Spatial Research and Planning (ARL), Regional Working Group (LAG) of Bavaria, this task
has been tackled by a group that came together in 2013 and has since produced various
papers considering the potential of new forms of mobility and mobility technologies for
sustainable spatial development, drawing on different academic perspectives and practical experience. The results of the investigations of the working group are presented in
this volume. The aim of the working group was to illustrate the opportunities and risks of
the new forms of mobility and mobility technologies under consideration, with a focus
on assessing their use and usability in furthering sustainable mobility and spatial development.