Das Labyrinth – Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil

Das Labyrinth – Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil von Bolton,  Ivor, von Winter,  Peter
We are all familiar with Mozart’s “Die Zauberflöte” (“The Magic Flute”) to the libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder (1751–1812). It is not widely known however that Schikaneder wrote a sequel to “The Magic Flute”, which his friend Peter von Winter (1754–1825) set to music. 2012 the Salzburg Festival presented this operatic rarity in the form of a glittering fairy-tale opera full of magical events. The happy couple Pamina and Tamino have to master trials and tribulations, like the separation by Sarastro in order to wander through an underground labyrinth and the continuing machinations of the Queen of the Night. Well-loved Papageno – who reunites with his parents and finally marries his Papagena – helps Tamino and Pamina in their efforts to reach a happy ending. The Salzburg production by young director Alexandra Liedtke features a number of star soloists with Christof Fischesser as Sarastro and Malin Hartelius and Michael Schade as the lovers Pamina and Tamino. Newcomer Thomas Tatzl gives a charming Papageno, who leads us through the story and is always good for an adventure. Ivor Bolton conducts his Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra energetically, smoothly and elegantly, bringing out the best in Peter von Winter’s charming score with its cleverly interwoven allusions to Mozart. His compositions partly marked the transition between Mozart and Carl Maria von Weber in the development in German opera.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *

Das Labyrinth – Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil

Das Labyrinth – Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil von Bolton,  Ivor, von Winter,  Peter
We are all familiar with Mozart’s “Die Zauberflöte” (“The Magic Flute”) to the libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder (1751–1812). It is not widely known however that Schikaneder wrote a sequel to “The Magic Flute”, which his friend Peter von Winter (1754–1825) set to music. 2012 the Salzburg Festival presented this operatic rarity in the form of a glittering fairy-tale opera full of magical events. The happy couple Pamina and Tamino have to master trials and tribulations, like the separation by Sarastro in order to wander through an underground labyrinth and the continuing machinations of the Queen of the Night. Well-loved Papageno – who reunites with his parents and finally marries his Papagena – helps Tamino and Pamina in their efforts to reach a happy ending. The Salzburg production by young director Alexandra Liedtke features a number of star soloists with Christof Fischesser as Sarastro and Malin Hartelius and Michael Schade as the lovers Pamina and Tamino. Newcomer Thomas Tatzl gives a charming Papageno, who leads us through the story and is always good for an adventure. Ivor Bolton conducts his Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra energetically, smoothly and elegantly, bringing out the best in Peter von Winter’s charming score with its cleverly interwoven allusions to Mozart. His compositions partly marked the transition between Mozart and Carl Maria von Weber in the development in German opera.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *

Das Labyrinth – Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil

Das Labyrinth – Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil von Bolton,  Ivor, von Winter,  Peter
We are all familiar with Mozart’s “Die Zauberflöte” (“The Magic Flute”) to the libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder (1751–1812). It is not widely known however that Schikaneder wrote a sequel to “The Magic Flute”, which his friend Peter von Winter (1754–1825) set to music. 2012 the Salzburg Festival presented this operatic rarity in the form of a glittering fairy-tale opera full of magical events. The happy couple Pamina and Tamino have to master trials and tribulations, like the separation by Sarastro in order to wander through an underground labyrinth and the continuing machinations of the Queen of the Night. Well-loved Papageno – who reunites with his parents and finally marries his Papagena – helps Tamino and Pamina in their efforts to reach a happy ending. The Salzburg production by young director Alexandra Liedtke features a number of star soloists with Christof Fischesser as Sarastro and Malin Hartelius and Michael Schade as the lovers Pamina and Tamino. Newcomer Thomas Tatzl gives a charming Papageno, who leads us through the story and is always good for an adventure. Ivor Bolton conducts his Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra energetically, smoothly and elegantly, bringing out the best in Peter von Winter’s charming score with its cleverly interwoven allusions to Mozart. His compositions partly marked the transition between Mozart and Carl Maria von Weber in the development in German opera.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-20
> findR *

Das Labyrinth – Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil

Das Labyrinth – Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil von Bolton,  Ivor, von Winter,  Peter
We are all familiar with Mozart’s “Die Zauberflöte” (“The Magic Flute”) to the libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder (1751–1812). It is not widely known however that Schikaneder wrote a sequel to “The Magic Flute”, which his friend Peter von Winter (1754–1825) set to music. 2012 the Salzburg Festival presented this operatic rarity in the form of a glittering fairy-tale opera full of magical events. The happy couple Pamina and Tamino have to master trials and tribulations, like the separation by Sarastro in order to wander through an underground labyrinth and the continuing machinations of the Queen of the Night. Well-loved Papageno – who reunites with his parents and finally marries his Papagena – helps Tamino and Pamina in their efforts to reach a happy ending. The Salzburg production by young director Alexandra Liedtke features a number of star soloists with Christof Fischesser as Sarastro and Malin Hartelius and Michael Schade as the lovers Pamina and Tamino. Newcomer Thomas Tatzl gives a charming Papageno, who leads us through the story and is always good for an adventure. Ivor Bolton conducts his Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra energetically, smoothly and elegantly, bringing out the best in Peter von Winter’s charming score with its cleverly interwoven allusions to Mozart. His compositions partly marked the transition between Mozart and Carl Maria von Weber in the development in German opera.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-20
> findR *

Atelier Gespräche und Tatort Kultur: Atelier Gespräche II

Atelier Gespräche und Tatort Kultur: Atelier Gespräche II von Coelsch-Foisner,  Sabine
Kombipaket, bestehend aus "Atelier Gespräche" und "TATORT Kultur: Atelier Gespräche II". Reich bebildert, mit Interviews, Vorträgen und persönlichen Künstlerstatements bieten die Atelier Gespräche spannende Lektüre am Puls unserer Kultur. Die Leserin und den Leser erwarten Einblicke in die unerschöpflichen Facetten der Kunst – das Erzählen mittels Sprache und Musik, das Darstellen im realen und virtuellen Raum, Körperkunst und mediale Vermittlung, das Abbilden und Verfremden von Wirklichkeit und das experimentelle Spiel mit der Wahrnehmung des Lesers, Betrachters oder Hörers.
Aktualisiert: 2020-12-10
> findR *

Das Mozarteumorchester Salzburg

Das Mozarteumorchester Salzburg von Biehler ,  Dorothea, Harb,  Karl, Kasparek,  Gottfried Franz
Das Mozarteumorchester kann sich mit ein wenig Nonchalance als das älteste Orchester überhaupt fühlen. Kein Wunder, dass Ivor Bolton es HIPP nennt – für seine „historically informed performance practice“; es ist also kein Originalklang-Orchester à la Harnoncourt, sich aber der Klanghistorie wohl bewusst. Von Barock bis Modern beherrscht es alle Genres – Sinfonik, Oper, Musical, Ballett – in kleiner Besetzung und mit vollem Aufgebot. Es steht für einen tollen Streicherklang, seine Bläser zählen zu den besten Europas. Bolton, der etliche Spitzen-Orchester dirigiert, möchte von „seinem“ Orchester bald sagen hören: „That’s the Mozarteum sound.“ Das Orchester mit dem berühmten Namen feiert demnächst sein 175-jähriges Bestehen. An der Neugründung hat Constanze Mozart mitgemischt, in Franz Liszt, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Franz von Suppé, Richard Wagner hatte es prominente Förderer. Kein Geringerer als Anton Bruckner bewarb sich um die Leitung. Das Buch blättert im Erzählton auf, wie das Orchester über die Zeiten ins Heute kam, wie es sich unter seinen Dirigenten entwickelte, wo der Schuh drückte, was wo gespielt wurde, welche Stars auftraten und wie allmählich Frauen hinzukamen ... In seiner Geschichte spiegelt sich ein Stück wechselvoller Salzburger Allgemein-Geschichte.
Aktualisiert: 2020-08-10
> findR *

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