Maria Die Himmels-Thür
Ein anonymes Theophilus-Drama 1655 bei den Straubinger Jesuiten aufgeführt
Andreas Ammann, Hans-Gert Roloff, André Schnyder, Anne Wagniart
For the first time, this edition presents the text, unique and handed down only in writing, of ›Maria Die Himmels-Thür‹ (Mary The Gates of Heaven), a drama which was performed in Straubing in 1655, to all those doing research in the fields of literary studies, theater history and the histories of themes and piety. Apart from a summary of Straubing’s theater history, which was heavily influenced by the Jesuits, and a text interpretation written by readers from various disciplines, the reprint of the German Periocha, the translation which is parallel to the original Latin text, a commentary referring to languages and subjects as well as an outline of the reception of this material up to the 17th century provide a suitable approach to the text.