»Lohn« im Indoiranischen

»Lohn« im Indoiranischen von Hintze,  Almut
This book is a study of words denoting the concept of ’reward‘, ’recompense‘ in the Rigveda and Avesta. The relevant Vedic and Avestan lexical items are contrasted with words for ’gift‘, ’prize‘, ’punishment‘ by using a typical situational frame in which ’reward‘ or ’recompense‘ are given. This book argues that each of these items highlights a different aspect of that situational framework. Moreover, this characteristic is largely consistent with the etymological meaning of the individual words. Two appendices give all relevant Avestan passages in transliteration and translation and include a detailed philological discussion.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-16
> findR *

Das Perfekt im Indoiranischen

Das Perfekt im Indoiranischen von Kümmel,  Martin Joachim
The subject of this book is the form and function of the verbal category called “perfect” in Old Indo-Aryan (Vedic Sanskrit) and Old Iranian (Avestan), seen from a historical-compara-tive viewpoint (including the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European). A philologically well-founded investigation of all the relevant material is aimed at.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-16
> findR *

»Lohn« im Indoiranischen

»Lohn« im Indoiranischen von Hintze,  Almut
This book is a study of words denoting the concept of ’reward‘, ’recompense‘ in the Rigveda and Avesta. The relevant Vedic and Avestan lexical items are contrasted with words for ’gift‘, ’prize‘, ’punishment‘ by using a typical situational frame in which ’reward‘ or ’recompense‘ are given. This book argues that each of these items highlights a different aspect of that situational framework. Moreover, this characteristic is largely consistent with the etymological meaning of the individual words. Two appendices give all relevant Avestan passages in transliteration and translation and include a detailed philological discussion.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Das Perfekt im Indoiranischen

Das Perfekt im Indoiranischen von Kümmel,  Martin Joachim
The subject of this book is the form and function of the verbal category called “perfect” in Old Indo-Aryan (Vedic Sanskrit) and Old Iranian (Avestan), seen from a historical-compara-tive viewpoint (including the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European). A philologically well-founded investigation of all the relevant material is aimed at.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Indoiranische Völker

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