Schizophrenia Simplified

Schizophrenia Simplified von Seeman,  M V, Thornton,  J F
This book is designed to help anyone involved with schizophrenia, directly or indirectly, personally or professionally. Highly practical in every way, this "field manual" is aimed at helping to minimize the devastating effects of schizophrenia, and points out the pitfalls that patients and their families can encounter. It is designed to help caregivers understand the stage at which a schizophrenic patient is operating, and makes many practical suggestions for treatment. In particular, a wide variety of innovative decision trees and flow charts help the reader grasp the various options available to help manage this disease. The authors are widely acknowledged experts in this field, and regularly advise families, hospitals, and governmental agencies regarding the challenges presented by this illness.
Aktualisiert: 2019-11-27
> findR *

The Scenotest

The Scenotest von Smith,  J A, Staabs,  Gerhild von
The Scenotest has been widely used in Europe for over 50 years to help very quickly assess emotional problems in children. It is a projective instrument employed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes to gain insight into matters that the patient may consciously be withholding, or may not be able to express, due to emotional or physical abuse, or for other complex reasons. The Scenotest belongs to the standard repertoire of psychologists and psychiatrists concerned with the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents: in forensic medicine, in therapy or in the school system. The many thousands of sets sold and used are witness to its success in this difficult field. The standardized material of this test procedure is composed of flexible human figures, bendable in all joints, and a carefully chosen set of accessories: animals, trees, symbolic figures and items from everyday life. The Scenotest arouses the natural desire to play, reveals unconscious thoughts in a nonstressful way, and the many figures offer patients the opportunity to relive their own experiences.
Aktualisiert: 2022-11-30
> findR *

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