Das menschliche Schicksal zwischen Individuation und Identifizierung

Das menschliche Schicksal zwischen Individuation und Identifizierung von Chiland,  Colette, Herzog,  James M., Lebovici,  Serge, Leupold-Löwenthal,  H., Müller-Pozzi,  Heinz, Stork,  Jochen
If the theme of a symposium is: »Human destiniy between individuation and identification«, it can be rightly assumed that the phenomenon of individuation is the central focus of reflection. Individuation has been a primary principle of human existence in the area of philosophy but has received little consideration in psychoanalysis as of yet. The phenomenon of individuation should be taken up within a relationship of contrasts within which human singularity and particularity receive their meaning. It should dela with the difficult relationship that individuation and identification form together. Finding or not finding a solution to this conflict is crucial for the destiny of every individual.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-18
> findR *

Über die Ursprünge des Ödipuskomplexes

Über die Ursprünge des Ödipuskomplexes von Britton,  Ronald, Chasseguet-Smirgel,  J., Grunberger,  Béla, Stork,  Jochen, Wurmser,  Leon
It is only with amazement that we can understand the boldness with which Freud, with only himself to refer to, and as the very first to attempt a self-analysis, came to discover the oedipus complex which by now has become common knowledge in Western culture. A man like Freud needed extraordinary courage and incorruptibility of view as much as the undiminishing obstinacy of the researcher in order to break through to these contents of the unconscious. However, Freud's description of the oedipus complex must nowadays be regarded incomplete. It stand principally under the sign of the male and father, of castration at the hands of the father, the phallus and the super-ego. The motherly components, the archaic mother-images and the fears of annihilation and retaliation emanating from them, as well as their relationship of the primitive forms of the father-imago were still unknown to Freud. The intensive discussion of this theme as seen by various internationally known authors make up the contents of this volume.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Neue Wege im Verständnis der allerfrühesten Entwicklung des Kindes

Neue Wege im Verständnis der allerfrühesten Entwicklung des Kindes von Berger,  Margarete, Cramer,  Bertrand, Debray,  Rosine, Diercks,  Michael, Galenson,  Eleanor, Hirsch,  Mathias, Kittler,  Erika, Kreisler,  Léon, Möhring,  Peter, Piontelli,  Alessandra, Plänkers,  Tomas, Soulé,  Michel, Stork,  Jochen
The importance of recent sceintific findings can often be judged by which further questions and problems they raise and by which previously unknown perspectives they reveal. human ethology's fascinating contributions to the earliest development of the human being seem to be such a treasure of insights containing many inspiring ideas. This pertains especially to psychoanalysis since it provides the appropriate tools for understanding human ethology and the deep significance of its findings. The most recent ethological findings – with the aid of psychoanalysis – enable us to have a deeper insight into the earliest aspirations of anthropogenesis which are unique in the dialectic contradictions and serve as the basic subject of psychoanalytical development theory. In additionas another importatn result, these findings give us new understanding for the secrets of infant psychopathology and enable us to develop new appropriate treatments.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Das Vaterbild in Kontinuität und Wandlung

Das Vaterbild in Kontinuität und Wandlung von Abelin,  Ernest L., Chasseguet-Smirgel,  J., Grunberger,  Béla, Holzboog,  Eckhart, Kutter,  Peter, Stork,  Jochen
The popularity and actuality of the »father« – be it the »repressive« father or the »new« fathers – challenges us to keep up the scientific discussion. The internationally acclaimed authors of this volume examine the role of the father and his importance in early infancy. The discussion centers on two questions: Does the father, alongside with the mother, have a structuring importance for psycho-sexual development? And if so, what is the psycho-dynamic function of the father and the father imago? The studies show that the father, due to his »otherness« vis-à-vis the mother, occupies a firm functional position right from the beginning. The concept of a two-dimensional mother-child-dyad therefore needs to be corrected: With the inclusion of the father, the development in early infancy must be considered three-dimensional. It also includes dialectic and conflicting processes form the very beginning, the center of which is form by the Oedipus complex.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Zur Psychologie und Psychopathologie des Säuglings – neue Ergebnisse in der psychoanalytischen Reflexion

Zur Psychologie und Psychopathologie des Säuglings – neue Ergebnisse in der psychoanalytischen Reflexion von Chiland,  Colette, Harnisch,  Rainer, Häußinger,  Gabriele, Holzboog,  Eckhart, Köhler,  Lotte, Lazar,  Ross A., Lebovici,  Serge, Lehmann,  Nora, Minde,  Klaus K., Papoušek,  Hanuš, Stork,  Jochen
Researchers of various orientations have made new and fascinating discoveries in the field of early childhood, first made accessible by Freud and psychoanalysis. These discoveries widen our knowledge about man's psychic development and question positions thusfar adopted. Basic to our new understanding is the discovery of the »active« infant. Contrary to the old concept of the infant as a passive being, whose activities after birth are merely of a reflexive nature, more recent research describes an infant who from birth onwards is capable of primitive perception, simple thinking processes and of a rudimentary form of intentionality. Thereby the infant succeeds in pursuing an intention and in gaining a degree of independence. Right from the start she/he interacts actively with the world around her/him in order to explore and influence it.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Das Märchen – ein Märchen?

Das Märchen – ein Märchen? von Bettelheim,  Bruno, Dettmering,  Peter, Diatkine,  René, Eifermann,  Rivka R., Holzboog,  Eckhart, Sayn-Wittgenstein,  Ottokar Graf von, Stork,  Jochen
We say easily that this or that story is only a fairy tale, that is to say, made-up, perhaps even a lie; without truth, without reality, not to be taken seriously. Alternatively, a happy experience makes us feel transported into a fairy tale or into a dream. Here too, we appease, belittle and prettify things. In fact, everyone knows that viewed closely, a fairy tale deals with serious and often cruel things. Indeed, it is this double meaning which is an essential characteristic of the fairy tale and which it shares with dreams. This book which contains various essays by authors from different cultures, tries to find an answer to the question of the fairy tale and is committed to the psychoanalytic view of the the unconscious connections to be found in these astonishing phenomenon.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse / Band 39

Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse / Band 39 von Beland,  Hermann, Berner,  Wolfgang, Dettmering,  Peter, Eickhoff,  Friedrich-Wilhelm, Eissler,  Kurt R., Federn,  Ernst, Freud,  Sigmund, Hermanns,  Ludger M., Knott,  Marie Luise, Kuiper,  Piet, Kütemeyer,  Mechthilde, Laplanche,  Jean, Laufer,  M. Egle, Leikert,  Sebastian, Meistermann-Seeger,  Edeltrud, Moser-Ha,  Heiyöng, Parin,  Paul, Ries,  Paul, Stork,  Jochen, Stroczan,  Katherine, Wurmser,  Leon
BEITRÄGE ZUR GESCHICHTE DER PSYCHOANALYSE: Sigmund Freud: Einige Betrachtungen zu einer vergleichenden Studie über organische und hysterische motorische Lähmungen. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Marie Luise Knott und Mechthilde Kütemeyer - Mechthilde Kütemeyer: 'Die Verbindung dieser Hand mit der Idee des Königs.'. Der vergessene neurologische Beitrag Freuds zur Hysterie. Nachbemerkung zur deutschen Übersetzung von Freud (1893c) ›Quelques Considérations pour une Étude Comparative des Paralysies Motrices Organiques et Hystériques‹ - Paul Ries: Geheimnisse einer Seele: Wessen Film und wessen Psychoanalyse? - Ernst Federn: Über die Geschichte der Seele und die Seelenforschung der Geschichte. THEORETISCHER BEITRAG: Jean Laplanche: Ziele des psychoanalytischen Prozesses. KLINISCHE BEITRÄGE: Heikyöng Moser-Ha: Eine klinische Anwendung des Konzepts der Borderline-Position - Sebastian Leikert und Wilfried Ruff: Die posttherapeutische Krise. Eine Untersuchung zum Durcharbeiten von Therapieerfahrung. BEITRÄGE ZUR ANGEWANDTEN PSYCHOANALYSE: Jochen Stork: Gedanken über die Gemeinsamkeiten von moderner Kunst und Psychoanalyse. Irrationalität und neue Innerlichkeit - Katherine Stroczan: Das Museum der Kuriositäten: die Intérieurs von Balthus - Peter Dettmering: Psychoanalyse und Literatur: Am Beispiel ›Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde‹.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-20
> findR *

Über die Ursprünge des Ödipuskomplexes

Über die Ursprünge des Ödipuskomplexes von Britton,  Ronald, Chasseguet-Smirgel,  J., Grunberger,  Béla, Holzboog,  Eckhart, Stork,  Jochen, Wurmser,  Leon
It is only with amazement that we can understand the boldness with which Freud, with only himself to refer to, and as the very first to attempt a self-analysis, came to discover the oedipus complex which by now has become common knowledge in Western culture. A man like Freud needed extraordinary courage and incorruptibility of view as much as the undiminishing obstinacy of the researcher in order to break through to these contents of the unconscious. However, Freud's description of the oedipus complex must nowadays be regarded incomplete. It stand principally under the sign of the male and father, of castration at the hands of the father, the phallus and the super-ego. The motherly components, the archaic mother-images and the fears of annihilation and retaliation emanating from them, as well as their relationship of the primitive forms of the father-imago were still unknown to Freud. The intensive discussion of this theme as seen by various internationally known authors make up the contents of this volume.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Das menschliche Schicksal zwischen Individuation und Identifizierung. Ein psychoanalytischer Versuch

Das menschliche Schicksal zwischen Individuation und Identifizierung. Ein psychoanalytischer Versuch von Chiland,  Colette, Herzog,  James M., Holzboog,  Eckhart, Lebovici,  Serge, Leupold-Löwenthal,  H., Müller-Pozzi,  Heinz, Stork,  Jochen
If the theme of a symposium is: »Human destiniy between individuation and identification«, it can be rightly assumed that the phenomenon of individuation is the central focus of reflection. Individuation has been a primary principle of human existence in the area of philosophy but has received little consideration in psychoanalysis as of yet. The phenomenon of individuation should be taken up within a relationship of contrasts within which human singularity and particularity receive their meaning. It should dela with the difficult relationship that individuation and identification form together. Finding or not finding a solution to this conflict is crucial for the destiny of every individual.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Das Märchen – ein Märchen?

Das Märchen – ein Märchen? von Bettelheim,  Bruno, Dettmering,  Peter, Diatkine,  René, Eifermann,  Rivka R., Holzboog,  Eckhart, Sayn-Wittgenstein,  Ottokar Graf von, Stork,  Jochen
We say easily that this or that story is only a fairy tale, that is to say, made-up, perhaps even a lie; without truth, without reality, not to be taken seriously. Alternatively, a happy experience makes us feel transported into a fairy tale or into a dream. Here too, we appease, belittle and prettify things. In fact, everyone knows that viewed closely, a fairy tale deals with serious and often cruel things. Indeed, it is this double meaning which is an essential characteristic of the fairy tale and which it shares with dreams. This book which contains various essays by authors from different cultures, tries to find an answer to the question of the fairy tale and is committed to the psychoanalytic view of the the unconscious connections to be found in these astonishing phenomenon.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

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