Prognos Technology Report 2012
Report of the round of enquiries 2011/2012 of the expert panel
Prognos AG
In this, its 2012 report, Prognos will for a fourth time provide a comprehensive trend analysis of technological developments. The technological expert panel, established in 2006, collates international scientific and industrial know-how. Its aim is to provide on-going information regarding technological advancements and markets in traditional fields, such as chemistry, electronics and optics, but also in newer areas, for example, modern bio- and nanotechnology. At the fourth question and answer session, over 130 experts from ten different countries provided their assessments of technological developments, and reflected on the statistical evaluations after an interval of several weeks. This Delphi methodology was applied to successfully evaluate a multitude of theses concerning trends in technology.
The topic of „New Materials“ forms the focal point of this report. Further emphasis lies on Security for Networked Production and E-Mobility.