Textbook of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Vol 2

Textbook of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Vol 2 von Agrawal,  Karoon, Balakrishnan,  G, Sabapathy,  S. Raja
Textbook of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery is a comprehensive and illustrated work for students, teachers, and practicing surgeons. It is a six-volume set with the topics of the volumes based on the clinical needs of plastic surgeons in developing countries. Along with latest developments, these volumes incorporate landmark contributions, innovations, and techniques used by Indian clinicians who regularly deal with unique and complicated conditions. While a majority of authors have been chosen from the Indian subcontinent, a few international authors whose work is considered indispensable for understanding the subject have also been included. The six volumes seek to incorporate in one work issues relevant to the developing world as well as insights from national and international plastic surgery practices which highlight newer management techniques along with traditional methods. This makes these volumes a "must-have" resource for students and practitioners of plastic surgery across the globe. This current volume, Hand and Upper Extremity, offers a detailed explanation of various reconstruction procedures of the hand and upper extremity. It is divided into two sections. The first section describes the basics of hand surgery, imaging, congenital hand differences, degenerative conditions, and tumors of the hand. Interesting topics, such as arthroscopy and Dupuytren's contracture find a special mention in this section and are discussed in detail. The management of the trauma of hand and the upper extremity has been discussed in the second section. Thus, the chapters cover myriads of topics ranging from common fingertip injuries to complex microsurgical reconstructions and their rehabilitation, making the volume a must read for every plastic surgeon managing patients with hand and upper extremity problems, as well as for students and faculty members. Salient features: Comprehensive source of information on the basic principles of diagnosis and management techniques for majority of hand conditions. Balanced and prospective approach to the current clinical practices followed by plastic surgeons both in the developing and developed nations. Includes various chapters explaining the scientific fundamentals applicable to hand surgery, imaging techniques, and rehabilitation.
Aktualisiert: 2022-06-23
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