
Pricing von Beinert,  Markus, Diller,  Hermann, Ivens,  Björn, Köhler,  Richard, Müller,  Steffen
In view of the increasingly intense competition in many markets, the correct application of pricing policy is a matter of existential importance for corporate policy. This standard textbook discusses the various problem areas involved in setting prices and conditions, from the management point of view. It presents both the latest theoretical and methodological foundations for pricing decisions and for coordinating price and quality, and also price formation procedures that can be applied in practice. Separate sections are devoted to the capital goods sector, the retail trade and the services sector.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Pricing von Beinert,  Markus, Diller,  Hermann, Ivens,  Björn, Köhler,  Richard, Müller,  Steffen
In view of the increasingly intense competition in many markets, the correct application of pricing policy is a matter of existential importance for corporate policy. This standard textbook discusses the various problem areas involved in setting prices and conditions, from the management point of view. It presents both the latest theoretical and methodological foundations for pricing decisions and for coordinating price and quality, and also price formation procedures that can be applied in practice. Separate sections are devoted to the capital goods sector, the retail trade and the services sector.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Pricing von Beinert,  Markus, Diller,  Hermann, Ivens,  Björn, Köhler,  Richard, Müller,  Steffen
In view of the increasingly intense competition in many markets, the correct application of pricing policy is a matter of existential importance for corporate policy. This standard textbook discusses the various problem areas involved in setting prices and conditions, from the management point of view. It presents both the latest theoretical and methodological foundations for pricing decisions and for coordinating price and quality, and also price formation procedures that can be applied in practice. Separate sections are devoted to the capital goods sector, the retail trade and the services sector.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Pricing von Beinert,  Markus, Diller,  Hermann, Ivens,  Björn, Köhler,  Richard, Müller,  Steffen
In view of the increasingly intense competition in many markets, the correct application of pricing policy is a matter of existential importance for corporate policy. This standard textbook discusses the various problem areas involved in setting prices and conditions, from the management point of view. It presents both the latest theoretical and methodological foundations for pricing decisions and for coordinating price and quality, and also price formation procedures that can be applied in practice. Separate sections are devoted to the capital goods sector, the retail trade and the services sector.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *


Pricing von Beinert,  Markus, Diller,  Hermann, Ivens,  Björn, Köhler,  Richard, Müller,  Steffen
In view of the increasingly intense competition in many markets, the correct application of pricing policy is a matter of existential importance for corporate policy. This standard textbook discusses the various problem areas involved in setting prices and conditions, from the management point of view. It presents both the latest theoretical and methodological foundations for pricing decisions and for coordinating price and quality, and also price formation procedures that can be applied in practice. Separate sections are devoted to the capital goods sector, the retail trade and the services sector.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *


Pricing von Beinert,  Markus, Diller,  Hermann, Ivens,  Björn, Köhler,  Richard, Müller,  Steffen
In view of the increasingly intense competition in many markets, the correct application of pricing policy is a matter of existential importance for corporate policy. This standard textbook discusses the various problem areas involved in setting prices and conditions, from the management point of view. It presents both the latest theoretical and methodological foundations for pricing decisions and for coordinating price and quality, and also price formation procedures that can be applied in practice. Separate sections are devoted to the capital goods sector, the retail trade and the services sector.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *


Pricing von Beinert,  Markus, Diller,  Hermann, Ivens,  Björn, Köhler,  Richard, Müller,  Steffen
In view of the increasingly intense competition in many markets, the correct application of pricing policy is a matter of existential importance for corporate policy. This standard textbook discusses the various problem areas involved in setting prices and conditions, from the management point of view. It presents both the latest theoretical and methodological foundations for pricing decisions and for coordinating price and quality, and also price formation procedures that can be applied in practice. Separate sections are devoted to the capital goods sector, the retail trade and the services sector.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Innovativität des Marketing

Innovativität des Marketing von Beinert,  Markus
Innovationen stellen einen wichtigen Motor für das Wachstum von Unternehmen und Märkten dar. Während Produldinnovationen inzwischen breit erforscht worden sind, steht eine umfassende Analyse von innovativen Vermarktungsmaßnahmen noch aus. Die Dissertation von Markus Beinert untersucht Innovationen in der Vermarktung bestehender Kernprodukte und stellt vier wesentliche Fragen in den Vordergrund: Wie kann die lnnovativität der Marketingmaßnahmen bestimmt und gemessen werden? Welchen Erfolg können Unternehmen mit innovativen Marketingmaßnahmen erzielen? Welche internen und externen Kontextfaktoren verstärken diese Erfolgsaussichten bzw. schwächen sie ab? Wie können Marketinginnovationen erfolgreich umgesetzt werden? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen werden verschiedene empirische Studien durchgeführt. Insbesondere eine umfangreiche empirische Untersuchung im Konsumgütersektor liefert viele Erkenntnisse darüber, welche Innovationsschwerpunkte Unternehmen in der Vermarktung wählen und welche Erfolge sie damit erzielen. Zahlreiche Fallstudien liefern zudem wertvolle Hinweise, wie die Innovationsarbeit des Marketings gestaltet werden kann.
Aktualisiert: 2020-09-16
> findR *

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