
Dada-Zürich von Bergmeier,  Horst
What does Dada mean? The answer lies in the distinction between the perceptible and the designation and the failure to mediate discursively between the two. With the inception of Dada-Zurich – at the intersection between literary and art studies, comparative studies, image-text theory and philosophy – the relationship between modernity and avant-garde as well as between avant-garde and Dadaism was redefined. This redefinition was a consequence of the scandalous aesthetic theoretical insights of Dada Zurich, which concretized in practical and poetic form an aesthetic theory that in itself is aesthetic, and developed an aesthetic-theoretical understanding in which aisthesis takes up a central position. Dada uses the avant-garde as material. The aesthetic theoretical potential of Dada Zurich in turn had an impact not only on the artefacts that were actually used and aesthetically reflected by Dada, but on all modern – including avant-garde – artefacts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *


Dada-Zürich von Bergmeier,  Horst
What does Dada mean? The answer lies in the distinction between the perceptible and the designation and the failure to mediate discursively between the two. With the inception of Dada-Zurich – at the intersection between literary and art studies, comparative studies, image-text theory and philosophy – the relationship between modernity and avant-garde as well as between avant-garde and Dadaism was redefined. This redefinition was a consequence of the scandalous aesthetic theoretical insights of Dada Zurich, which concretized in practical and poetic form an aesthetic theory that in itself is aesthetic, and developed an aesthetic-theoretical understanding in which aisthesis takes up a central position. Dada uses the avant-garde as material. The aesthetic theoretical potential of Dada Zurich in turn had an impact not only on the artefacts that were actually used and aesthetically reflected by Dada, but on all modern – including avant-garde – artefacts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
> findR *


Dada-Zürich von Bergmeier,  Horst
Was bedeutet Dada? Die Antwort liegt in der Differenz von Wahrnehmbarem und Bezeichnung und deren scheiternder diskursiver Vermittlung. Mit der Konstitution des Gegenstandes »Dada-Zürich« – im Schnittfeld von Literatur- und Kunstwissenschaft, Komparatistik, Bild-Text-Theorie und Philosophie – wird das Verhältnis von Moderne und Avantgarde sowie von Avantgarde und Dada neu bestimmt. Diese Neubestimmung resultiert aus der Erkenntnis der ästhetisch-theoretischen Form Dada-Zürichs, deren Konstitution das theoretische Skandalon Ästhetischer Theorie (als einer Theorie, die selber ästhetisch wird) in praktischer und poïetischer Form konkretisiert und eine ästhetisch-theoretische Erkenntnisform entwickelt, in der Aisthesis eine zentrale Stellung einnimmt. Dada nutzt die Avantgarde als Material. Das ästhetisch-theoretische Potential Dada-Zürichs wirkt dabei nicht nur zurück auf die von Dada tatsächlich verwendeten (ästhetisch reflektierten), sondern auf alle modernen – auch avantgardistischen – Artefakte.
Aktualisiert: 2019-04-23
> findR *


Dada-Zürich von Bergmeier,  Horst
What does Dada mean? The answer lies in the distinction between the perceptible and the designation and the failure to mediate discursively between the two. With the inception of Dada-Zurich – at the intersection between literary and art studies, comparative studies, image-text theory and philosophy – the relationship between modernity and avant-garde as well as between avant-garde and Dadaism was redefined. This redefinition was a consequence of the scandalous aesthetic theoretical insights of Dada Zurich, which concretized in practical and poetic form an aesthetic theory that in itself is aesthetic, and developed an aesthetic-theoretical understanding in which aisthesis takes up a central position. Dada uses the avant-garde as material. The aesthetic theoretical potential of Dada Zurich in turn had an impact not only on the artefacts that were actually used and aesthetically reflected by Dada, but on all modern – including avant-garde – artefacts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *

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