Practical, clear, comprehensible, concise and comprehensive, this work presents the subject of compliance as it applies to institutions of all types in the public sector. The new edition provides assistance with practical guidance and implementation for establishing and expanding a forward-looking compliance system. The handbook covers the basics of compliance in the field of public administration and, reflecting these, associated requirements for compliance management that differ from those in the private sector due to a variety of special features. In addition to this practical core, the book also draws attention in particular to specific aspects of compliance in public companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Burkhard Arts,
Martin Auer,
Wiebke Aust,
Matthias Bleidiesel,
Kai Bussmann,
Bettina Döbbe,
Sebastian Festag,
Christiane Freund,
Gunnar Greier,
Jens Tobias Gruber,
Markus Haggeney,
Robert Heller,
Johannes Heyers,
Rüdiger Hopfe,
Claudia Janssen Danyi,
Matthias Knauff,
Matthias Kötter,
Paul Melot de Beauregard,
Anja Mengel,
Detlef Merten,
Klaus Meßerschmidt,
Michaela Möhlenbeck,
Holger Niehaus,
Jan-Peter Ohrtmann,
Nicola Ohrtmann,
Rolf Stober,
Markus Thiel,
Wolf Achim Tönnes,
Volker Weinreich
> findR *
Practical, clear, comprehensible, concise and comprehensive, this work presents the subject of compliance as it applies to institutions of all types in the public sector. The new edition provides assistance with practical guidance and implementation for establishing and expanding a forward-looking compliance system. The handbook covers the basics of compliance in the field of public administration and, reflecting these, associated requirements for compliance management that differ from those in the private sector due to a variety of special features. In addition to this practical core, the book also draws attention in particular to specific aspects of compliance in public companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Burkhard Arts,
Martin Auer,
Wiebke Aust,
Matthias Bleidiesel,
Kai Bussmann,
Bettina Döbbe,
Sebastian Festag,
Christiane Freund,
Gunnar Greier,
Jens Tobias Gruber,
Markus Haggeney,
Robert Heller,
Johannes Heyers,
Rüdiger Hopfe,
Claudia Janssen Danyi,
Matthias Knauff,
Matthias Kötter,
Paul Melot de Beauregard,
Anja Mengel,
Detlef Merten,
Klaus Meßerschmidt,
Michaela Möhlenbeck,
Holger Niehaus,
Jan-Peter Ohrtmann,
Nicola Ohrtmann,
Rolf Stober,
Markus Thiel,
Wolf Achim Tönnes,
Volker Weinreich
> findR *
Practical, clear, comprehensible, concise and comprehensive, this work presents the subject of compliance as it applies to institutions of all types in the public sector. The new edition provides assistance with practical guidance and implementation for establishing and expanding a forward-looking compliance system. The handbook covers the basics of compliance in the field of public administration and, reflecting these, associated requirements for compliance management that differ from those in the private sector due to a variety of special features. In addition to this practical core, the book also draws attention in particular to specific aspects of compliance in public companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Burkhard Arts,
Martin Auer,
Wiebke Aust,
Matthias Bleidiesel,
Kai Bussmann,
Bettina Döbbe,
Sebastian Festag,
Christiane Freund,
Gunnar Greier,
Jens Tobias Gruber,
Markus Haggeney,
Robert Heller,
Johannes Heyers,
Rüdiger Hopfe,
Claudia Janssen Danyi,
Matthias Knauff,
Matthias Kötter,
Paul Melot de Beauregard,
Anja Mengel,
Detlef Merten,
Klaus Meßerschmidt,
Michaela Möhlenbeck,
Holger Niehaus,
Jan-Peter Ohrtmann,
Nicola Ohrtmann,
Rolf Stober,
Markus Thiel,
Wolf Achim Tönnes,
Volker Weinreich
> findR *
Practical, clear, comprehensible, concise and comprehensive, this work presents the subject of compliance as it applies to institutions of all types in the public sector. The new edition provides assistance with practical guidance and implementation for establishing and expanding a forward-looking compliance system. The handbook covers the basics of compliance in the field of public administration and, reflecting these, associated requirements for compliance management that differ from those in the private sector due to a variety of special features. In addition to this practical core, the book also draws attention in particular to specific aspects of compliance in public companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Burkhard Arts,
Martin Auer,
Wiebke Aust,
Paul Melot de Beauregard,
Matthias Bleidiesel,
Kai Bussmann,
Claudia Janssen Danyi,
Bettina Döbbe,
Sebastian Festag,
Christiane Freund,
Gunnar Greier,
Jens Tobias Gruber,
Markus Haggeney,
Robert Heller,
Johannes Heyers,
Rüdiger Hopfe,
Matthias Knauff,
Matthias Kötter,
Anja Mengel,
Detlef Merten,
Klaus Meßerschmidt,
Michaela Möhlenbeck,
Holger Niehaus,
Jan-Peter Ohrtmann,
Nicola Ohrtmann,
Rolf Stober,
Markus Thiel,
Wolf Achim Tönnes,
Volker Weinreich
> findR *
Practical, clear, comprehensible, concise and comprehensive, this work presents the subject of compliance as it applies to institutions of all types in the public sector. The new edition provides assistance with practical guidance and implementation for establishing and expanding a forward-looking compliance system. The handbook covers the basics of compliance in the field of public administration and, reflecting these, associated requirements for compliance management that differ from those in the private sector due to a variety of special features. In addition to this practical core, the book also draws attention in particular to specific aspects of compliance in public companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Burkhard Arts,
Martin Auer,
Wiebke Aust,
Paul Melot de Beauregard,
Matthias Bleidiesel,
Kai Bussmann,
Claudia Janssen Danyi,
Bettina Döbbe,
Sebastian Festag,
Christiane Freund,
Gunnar Greier,
Jens Tobias Gruber,
Markus Haggeney,
Robert Heller,
Johannes Heyers,
Rüdiger Hopfe,
Matthias Knauff,
Matthias Kötter,
Anja Mengel,
Detlef Merten,
Klaus Meßerschmidt,
Michaela Möhlenbeck,
Holger Niehaus,
Jan-Peter Ohrtmann,
Nicola Ohrtmann,
Rolf Stober,
Markus Thiel,
Wolf Achim Tönnes,
Volker Weinreich
> findR *
Practical, clear, comprehensible, concise and comprehensive, this work presents the subject of compliance as it applies to institutions of all types in the public sector. The new edition provides assistance with practical guidance and implementation for establishing and expanding a forward-looking compliance system. The handbook covers the basics of compliance in the field of public administration and, reflecting these, associated requirements for compliance management that differ from those in the private sector due to a variety of special features. In addition to this practical core, the book also draws attention in particular to specific aspects of compliance in public companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Burkhard Arts,
Martin Auer,
Wiebke Aust,
Matthias Bleidiesel,
Kai Bussmann,
Bettina Döbbe,
Sebastian Festag,
Christiane Freund,
Gunnar Greier,
Jens Tobias Gruber,
Markus Haggeney,
Robert Heller,
Johannes Heyers,
Rüdiger Hopfe,
Claudia Janssen Danyi,
Matthias Knauff,
Matthias Kötter,
Paul Melot de Beauregard,
Anja Mengel,
Detlef Merten,
Klaus Meßerschmidt,
Michaela Möhlenbeck,
Holger Niehaus,
Jan-Peter Ohrtmann,
Nicola Ohrtmann,
Rolf Stober,
Markus Thiel,
Wolf Achim Tönnes,
Volker Weinreich
> findR *
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