Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern von Boger,  Katrin
Traumatic experiences may occur during pregnancy, during birth and in the early years of life. The resulting traumas sometimes have lifelong effects. Very young children are also particularly dependent on their primary caregivers. Often, however, the primary caregivers are at a loss in dealing with traumatized children, and this can lead to early attachment disorders. This book explains the origins and effects of early trauma and presents an integrative attachment-oriented approach to the treatment of trauma starting from birth. It focuses on working with parents and role models, on the attachment between parent or role model and the child, and direct trauma-integrative work with the child.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern von Boger,  Katrin
Traumatic experiences may occur during pregnancy, during birth and in the early years of life. The resulting traumas sometimes have lifelong effects. Very young children are also particularly dependent on their primary caregivers. Often, however, the primary caregivers are at a loss in dealing with traumatized children, and this can lead to early attachment disorders. This book explains the origins and effects of early trauma and presents an integrative attachment-oriented approach to the treatment of trauma starting from birth. It focuses on working with parents and role models, on the attachment between parent or role model and the child, and direct trauma-integrative work with the child.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern von Boger,  Katrin
Traumatic experiences may occur during pregnancy, during birth and in the early years of life. The resulting traumas sometimes have lifelong effects. Very young children are also particularly dependent on their primary caregivers. Often, however, the primary caregivers are at a loss in dealing with traumatized children, and this can lead to early attachment disorders. This book explains the origins and effects of early trauma and presents an integrative attachment-oriented approach to the treatment of trauma starting from birth. It focuses on working with parents and role models, on the attachment between parent or role model and the child, and direct trauma-integrative work with the child.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern von Boger,  Katrin
Traumatic experiences may occur during pregnancy, during birth and in the early years of life. The resulting traumas sometimes have lifelong effects. Very young children are also particularly dependent on their primary caregivers. Often, however, the primary caregivers are at a loss in dealing with traumatized children, and this can lead to early attachment disorders. This book explains the origins and effects of early trauma and presents an integrative attachment-oriented approach to the treatment of trauma starting from birth. It focuses on working with parents and role models, on the attachment between parent or role model and the child, and direct trauma-integrative work with the child.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
> findR *

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern von Boger,  Katrin
Traumatic experiences may occur during pregnancy, during birth and in the early years of life. The resulting traumas sometimes have lifelong effects. Very young children are also particularly dependent on their primary caregivers. Often, however, the primary caregivers are at a loss in dealing with traumatized children, and this can lead to early attachment disorders. This book explains the origins and effects of early trauma and presents an integrative attachment-oriented approach to the treatment of trauma starting from birth. It focuses on working with parents and role models, on the attachment between parent or role model and the child, and direct trauma-integrative work with the child.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern von Boger,  Katrin
Traumatic experiences may occur during pregnancy, during birth and in the early years of life. The resulting traumas sometimes have lifelong effects. Very young children are also particularly dependent on their primary caregivers. Often, however, the primary caregivers are at a loss in dealing with traumatized children, and this can lead to early attachment disorders. This book explains the origins and effects of early trauma and presents an integrative attachment-oriented approach to the treatment of trauma starting from birth. It focuses on working with parents and role models, on the attachment between parent or role model and the child, and direct trauma-integrative work with the child.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern

Integrative Bindungsorientierte Traumatherapie bei Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Vorschulkindern von Boger,  Katrin
Traumatic experiences may occur during pregnancy, during birth and in the early years of life. The resulting traumas sometimes have lifelong effects. Very young children are also particularly dependent on their primary caregivers. Often, however, the primary caregivers are at a loss in dealing with traumatized children, and this can lead to early attachment disorders. This book explains the origins and effects of early trauma and presents an integrative attachment-oriented approach to the treatment of trauma starting from birth. It focuses on working with parents and role models, on the attachment between parent or role model and the child, and direct trauma-integrative work with the child.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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