The increasing complexity and growing division of labour in nursing is leading not only to reduced job satisfaction, but also a decline in the quality of care. This pilot interventional study & conducted for the first time in the German-speaking world & shows how primary nursing can be implemented in specific ways as a relationship-oriented nursing system in long-term outpatient care, and what effects can be expected as a result. A new standard developed from hands-on practice for long-term outpatient care, including explanations of the practical implementation of primary nursing in this setting, enables nurses to provide relationship-based care and provides managers with important tips on how to implement the nursing system in their own institutions. This book explains the nursing-economics benefits of making the adjustments in nursing organization that were identified in the study, as well as the potential for improved health outcomes resulting from case management in nursing by assigning primary responsibility for the nursing process.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The increasing complexity and growing division of labour in nursing is leading not only to reduced job satisfaction, but also a decline in the quality of care. This pilot interventional study & conducted for the first time in the German-speaking world & shows how primary nursing can be implemented in specific ways as a relationship-oriented nursing system in long-term outpatient care, and what effects can be expected as a result. A new standard developed from hands-on practice for long-term outpatient care, including explanations of the practical implementation of primary nursing in this setting, enables nurses to provide relationship-based care and provides managers with important tips on how to implement the nursing system in their own institutions. This book explains the nursing-economics benefits of making the adjustments in nursing organization that were identified in the study, as well as the potential for improved health outcomes resulting from case management in nursing by assigning primary responsibility for the nursing process.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The increasing complexity and growing division of labour in nursing is leading not only to reduced job satisfaction, but also a decline in the quality of care. This pilot interventional study & conducted for the first time in the German-speaking world & shows how primary nursing can be implemented in specific ways as a relationship-oriented nursing system in long-term outpatient care, and what effects can be expected as a result. A new standard developed from hands-on practice for long-term outpatient care, including explanations of the practical implementation of primary nursing in this setting, enables nurses to provide relationship-based care and provides managers with important tips on how to implement the nursing system in their own institutions. This book explains the nursing-economics benefits of making the adjustments in nursing organization that were identified in the study, as well as the potential for improved health outcomes resulting from case management in nursing by assigning primary responsibility for the nursing process.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *
The increasing complexity and growing division of labour in nursing is leading not only to reduced job satisfaction, but also a decline in the quality of care. This pilot interventional study & conducted for the first time in the German-speaking world & shows how primary nursing can be implemented in specific ways as a relationship-oriented nursing system in long-term outpatient care, and what effects can be expected as a result. A new standard developed from hands-on practice for long-term outpatient care, including explanations of the practical implementation of primary nursing in this setting, enables nurses to provide relationship-based care and provides managers with important tips on how to implement the nursing system in their own institutions. This book explains the nursing-economics benefits of making the adjustments in nursing organization that were identified in the study, as well as the potential for improved health outcomes resulting from case management in nursing by assigning primary responsibility for the nursing process.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *
The increasing complexity and growing division of labour in nursing is leading not only to reduced job satisfaction, but also a decline in the quality of care. This pilot interventional study & conducted for the first time in the German-speaking world & shows how primary nursing can be implemented in specific ways as a relationship-oriented nursing system in long-term outpatient care, and what effects can be expected as a result. A new standard developed from hands-on practice for long-term outpatient care, including explanations of the practical implementation of primary nursing in this setting, enables nurses to provide relationship-based care and provides managers with important tips on how to implement the nursing system in their own institutions. This book explains the nursing-economics benefits of making the adjustments in nursing organization that were identified in the study, as well as the potential for improved health outcomes resulting from case management in nursing by assigning primary responsibility for the nursing process.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *
The increasing complexity and growing division of labour in nursing is leading not only to reduced job satisfaction, but also a decline in the quality of care. This pilot interventional study & conducted for the first time in the German-speaking world & shows how primary nursing can be implemented in specific ways as a relationship-oriented nursing system in long-term outpatient care, and what effects can be expected as a result. A new standard developed from hands-on practice for long-term outpatient care, including explanations of the practical implementation of primary nursing in this setting, enables nurses to provide relationship-based care and provides managers with important tips on how to implement the nursing system in their own institutions. This book explains the nursing-economics benefits of making the adjustments in nursing organization that were identified in the study, as well as the potential for improved health outcomes resulting from case management in nursing by assigning primary responsibility for the nursing process.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *
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