Judaism, the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, is one of the pillars of modern civilization. A collective of internationally renowned experts cooperated in a singular academic enterprise to portray Judaism from its transformation as a Temple cult to its broad contemporary varieties. In three volumes the long-running book series "Die Religionen der Menschheit" (Religions of Humanity) presents for the first time a complete and compelling view on Jewish life now and then - a fascinating portrait of the Jewish people with its ability to adapt itself to most different cultural settings, always maintaining its strong and unique identity. Volume III completes this ambitious project with profound chapters on Modern Jewish Culture, Halakhah (Jewish Law), Jewish Languages, Jewish Philosophy, Modern Jewish Literature, Feminism and Gender, and on Judaism and inter-faith relations.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-13
Peter Antes,
Elliot Dorff,
Ottfried Fraisse,
Manfred Hutter,
Gwynn Kessler,
Matthias Morgenstern,
David E. Orton,
Jörg Rüpke,
Joachim Schloer,
Bettina Schmidt,
Stefan Schreiner,
Norman Solomon,
Michael Tilly,
Burton L Visotzky
> findR *
Judaism, the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, is one of the pillars of modern civilization. A collective of internationally renowned experts cooperated in a singular academic enterprise to portray Judaism from its transformation as a Temple cult to its broad contemporary varieties. In three volumes the long-running book series "Die Religionen der Menschheit" (Religions of Humanity) presents for the first time a complete and compelling view on Jewish life now and then - a fascinating portrait of the Jewish people with its ability to adapt itself to most different cultural settings, always maintaining its strong and unique identity. Volume III completes this ambitious project with profound chapters on Modern Jewish Culture, Halakhah (Jewish Law), Jewish Languages, Jewish Philosophy, Modern Jewish Literature, Feminism and Gender, and on Judaism and inter-faith relations.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-13
Peter Antes,
Elliot Dorff,
Ottfried Fraisse,
Manfred Hutter,
Gwynn Kessler,
Matthias Morgenstern,
David E. Orton,
Jörg Rüpke,
Joachim Schloer,
Bettina Schmidt,
Stefan Schreiner,
Norman Solomon,
Michael Tilly,
Burton L Visotzky
> findR *
Judaism, the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, is one of the pillars of modern civilization. A collective of internationally renowned experts cooperated in a singular academic enterprise to portray Judaism from its transformation as a Temple cult to its broad contemporary varieties. In three volumes the long-running book series "Die Religionen der Menschheit" (Religions of Humanity) presents for the first time a complete and compelling view on Jewish life now and then - a fascinating portrait of the Jewish people with its ability to adapt itself to most different cultural settings, always maintaining its strong and unique identity. Volume III completes this ambitious project with profound chapters on Modern Jewish Culture, Halakhah (Jewish Law), Jewish Languages, Jewish Philosophy, Modern Jewish Literature, Feminism and Gender, and on Judaism and inter-faith relations.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-13
Peter Antes,
Elliot Dorff,
Ottfried Fraisse,
Manfred Hutter,
Gwynn Kessler,
Matthias Morgenstern,
David E. Orton,
Jörg Rüpke,
Joachim Schloer,
Bettina Schmidt,
Stefan Schreiner,
Norman Solomon,
Michael Tilly,
Burton L Visotzky
> findR *
Judaism, the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, is one of the pillars of modern civilization. A collective of internationally renowned experts cooperated in a singular academic enterprise to portray Judaism from its transformation as a Temple cult to its broad contemporary varieties. In three volumes the long-running book series "Die Religionen der Menschheit" (Religions of Humanity) presents for the first time a complete and compelling view on Jewish life now and then - a fascinating portrait of the Jewish people with its ability to adapt itself to most different cultural settings, always maintaining its strong and unique identity. Volume III completes this ambitious project with profound chapters on Modern Jewish Culture, Halakhah (Jewish Law), Jewish Languages, Jewish Philosophy, Modern Jewish Literature, Feminism and Gender, and on Judaism and inter-faith relations.
Aktualisiert: 2020-10-01
Peter Antes,
Elliot Dorff,
Ottfried Fraisse,
Manfred Hutter,
Gwynn Kessler,
Matthias Morgenstern,
David E. Orton,
Jörg Rüpke,
Joachim Schloer,
Bettina Schmidt,
Stefan Schreiner,
Norman Solomon,
Michael Tilly,
Burton L Visotzky
> findR *
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