Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Anhand von 36 realen Fällen mit akuter Störung des Bewusstseins aller Altersstufen schildert dieses Buch, wie Stufendiagnostik und Therapiemaßnahmen aufgebaut sind und wie sie sich im weiteren Behandlungsprozess ständig in kritischer Überprüfung befinden. Das Spektrum der zugrunde liegenden Hirnfunktionsstörungen umfasst neurologische, psychiatrische, internistische und unfallchirurgische Erkrankungen. Lehrreich sind sowohl die Kasuistiken mit günstigem Behandlungsergebnis als auch die Verläufe von Patienten, die ihre Erkrankung nicht überlebt hatten. Die Fallschilderung erfolgt systematisch und praxisorientiert nach Anamnese, Diagnostik und Befund, Therapie und Verlauf, Fazit und Take Home Messages. Zielgruppen sind praktisch tätige Neurologen, Internisten, Intensivmediziner, Notfallmediziner und Psychiater.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Anhand von 36 realen Fällen mit akuter Störung des Bewusstseins aller Altersstufen schildert dieses Buch, wie Stufendiagnostik und Therapiemaßnahmen aufgebaut sind und wie sie sich im weiteren Behandlungsprozess ständig in kritischer Überprüfung befinden. Das Spektrum der zugrunde liegenden Hirnfunktionsstörungen umfasst neurologische, psychiatrische, internistische und unfallchirurgische Erkrankungen. Lehrreich sind sowohl die Kasuistiken mit günstigem Behandlungsergebnis als auch die Verläufe von Patienten, die ihre Erkrankung nicht überlebt hatten. Die Fallschilderung erfolgt systematisch und praxisorientiert nach Anamnese, Diagnostik und Befund, Therapie und Verlauf, Fazit und Take Home Messages. Zielgruppen sind praktisch tätige Neurologen, Internisten, Intensivmediziner, Notfallmediziner und Psychiater.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Frank Andres,
Silke Bode,
Burkhard Bornemeier,
Nicole Büßelberg,
Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky,
Franziska Cerra,
Stefanie Duchac,
Frank Erbguth,
Michaela Friedhoff,
Joerg Glahn,
Simone Hartmann-Eisele,
Rüdiger Haupt,
Ursula Immenschuh,
Gabi Jacobs,
Daniela Koenig,
Myrta Köhler,
Matthias Kruse,
Simon Ladwig,
Sindy Lautenschläger,
Ralph Lehnguth,
Nils Margraf,
Johannes Meyne,
Peter Nydahl,
Waltraud Pfeilschifter,
Marcus Rall,
Sabine Rehwinkel,
Anke Siebdrat,
Victoria Teipen,
Katja Werheid,
Helge Stefan Wuttig
> findR *
Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Frank Andres,
Silke Bode,
Burkhard Bornemeier,
Nicole Büßelberg,
Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky,
Franziska Cerra,
Stefanie Duchac,
Frank Erbguth,
Michaela Friedhoff,
Joerg Glahn,
Simone Hartmann-Eisele,
Rüdiger Haupt,
Ursula Immenschuh,
Gabi Jacobs,
Daniela Koenig,
Myrta Köhler,
Matthias Kruse,
Simon Ladwig,
Sindy Lautenschläger,
Ralph Lehnguth,
Nils Margraf,
Johannes Meyne,
Peter Nydahl,
Waltraud Pfeilschifter,
Marcus Rall,
Sabine Rehwinkel,
Anke Siebdrat,
Victoria Teipen,
Katja Werheid,
Helge Stefan Wuttig
> findR *
Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Frank Andres,
Silke Bode,
Burkhard Bornemeier,
Nicole Büßelberg,
Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky,
Franziska Cerra,
Stefanie Duchac,
Frank Erbguth,
Michaela Friedhoff,
Joerg Glahn,
Simone Hartmann-Eisele,
Rüdiger Haupt,
Ursula Immenschuh,
Gabi Jacobs,
Daniela Koenig,
Myrta Köhler,
Matthias Kruse,
Simon Ladwig,
Sindy Lautenschläger,
Ralph Lehnguth,
Nils Margraf,
Johannes Meyne,
Peter Nydahl,
Waltraud Pfeilschifter,
Marcus Rall,
Sabine Rehwinkel,
Anke Siebdrat,
Victoria Teipen,
Katja Werheid,
Helge Stefan Wuttig
> findR *
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowledge and clinical experience in the field of neurogeriatrics into a practical textbook. Renowned authors from the fields of neurology and geriatrics, neurosurgery, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation medicine and urology provide an interdisciplinary focus on neurological aspects of age multimorbidity.
This second, enlarged and updated edition has been restructured and expanded to include the neurogeriatric syndromes of immobility, instability, intellectual decline, isolation in old age, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. Special aspects of pharmacotherapy in the elderly are now given considerably more space and attention. The specific clinical pictures and practical aspects relevant to action in the fields of ethics, law and social medicine have been updated. Information panels and checklists provide quick overviews.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Klaus Berger,
Christian G. Bien,
Kai Boelmans,
Helmut Buchner,
Cornelius Deuschl,
Rolf R. Diehl,
Bianca Dräger,
Rainer Dziewas,
Carsten Eggers,
Barbara Elkeles,
Frank Erbguth,
Astrid Friebe,
Helmut Frohnhofen,
Charly Gaul,
Alexander Gerhard,
Markus Gosch,
Thomas Günnewig,
Hajo Hamer,
Peter Hau,
Frank Hentschel,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Walter Huber,
Marek Jauß,
Elisabeth Jentschke,
Wolfgang Jost,
Julia Krämer,
Sonja Krupp,
Johannes D. Lang,
Hartmut Lehfeld,
Stefan Lorenzl,
Albert Ludolph,
Nina-Kristin Mann,
Maximilian Mehdorn,
Sven G. Meuth,
Thomas Mokrusch,
Roland Nau,
Günter Niklewski,
Ruth Nobis-Bosch,
David Pedrosa,
Christian Radzewitz,
E. Bernd Ringelstein,
Alexander Roesler,
Sven Schmiedl,
Roman Schniepp,
Michael Schwab,
Jörn P. Sieb,
Cornel Sieber,
Reinhard Sittl,
Andreas M. Stark,
Michael Strupp,
Lars Timmermann,
Jens Trögner,
Matthias Vorgerd,
Reinhold Waimer,
Tobias Warnecke,
Wiedemann Klaus,
Andreas Wiedemann,
Rainer Wirth,
Dirk K. Wolter,
Peter Young,
Bernd Zimmer
> findR *
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowledge and clinical experience in the field of neurogeriatrics into a practical textbook. Renowned authors from the fields of neurology and geriatrics, neurosurgery, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation medicine and urology provide an interdisciplinary focus on neurological aspects of age multimorbidity.
This second, enlarged and updated edition has been restructured and expanded to include the neurogeriatric syndromes of immobility, instability, intellectual decline, isolation in old age, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. Special aspects of pharmacotherapy in the elderly are now given considerably more space and attention. The specific clinical pictures and practical aspects relevant to action in the fields of ethics, law and social medicine have been updated. Information panels and checklists provide quick overviews.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Klaus Berger,
Christian G. Bien,
Kai Boelmans,
Helmut Buchner,
Cornelius Deuschl,
Rolf R. Diehl,
Bianca Dräger,
Rainer Dziewas,
Carsten Eggers,
Barbara Elkeles,
Frank Erbguth,
Astrid Friebe,
Helmut Frohnhofen,
Charly Gaul,
Alexander Gerhard,
Markus Gosch,
Thomas Günnewig,
Hajo Hamer,
Peter Hau,
Frank Hentschel,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Walter Huber,
Marek Jauß,
Elisabeth Jentschke,
Wolfgang Jost,
Julia Krämer,
Sonja Krupp,
Johannes D. Lang,
Hartmut Lehfeld,
Stefan Lorenzl,
Albert Ludolph,
Nina-Kristin Mann,
Maximilian Mehdorn,
Sven G. Meuth,
Thomas Mokrusch,
Roland Nau,
Günter Niklewski,
Ruth Nobis-Bosch,
David Pedrosa,
Christian Radzewitz,
E. Bernd Ringelstein,
Alexander Roesler,
Sven Schmiedl,
Roman Schniepp,
Michael Schwab,
Jörn P. Sieb,
Cornel Sieber,
Reinhard Sittl,
Andreas M. Stark,
Michael Strupp,
Lars Timmermann,
Jens Trögner,
Matthias Vorgerd,
Reinhold Waimer,
Tobias Warnecke,
Wiedemann Klaus,
Andreas Wiedemann,
Rainer Wirth,
Dirk K. Wolter,
Peter Young,
Bernd Zimmer
> findR *
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowledge and clinical experience in the field of neurogeriatrics into a practical textbook. Renowned authors from the fields of neurology and geriatrics, neurosurgery, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation medicine and urology provide an interdisciplinary focus on neurological aspects of age multimorbidity.
This second, enlarged and updated edition has been restructured and expanded to include the neurogeriatric syndromes of immobility, instability, intellectual decline, isolation in old age, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. Special aspects of pharmacotherapy in the elderly are now given considerably more space and attention. The specific clinical pictures and practical aspects relevant to action in the fields of ethics, law and social medicine have been updated. Information panels and checklists provide quick overviews.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Klaus Berger,
Christian G. Bien,
Kai Boelmans,
Helmut Buchner,
Cornelius Deuschl,
Rolf R. Diehl,
Bianca Dräger,
Rainer Dziewas,
Carsten Eggers,
Barbara Elkeles,
Frank Erbguth,
Astrid Friebe,
Helmut Frohnhofen,
Charly Gaul,
Alexander Gerhard,
Markus Gosch,
Thomas Günnewig,
Hajo Hamer,
Peter Hau,
Frank Hentschel,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Walter Huber,
Marek Jauß,
Elisabeth Jentschke,
Wolfgang Jost,
Julia Krämer,
Sonja Krupp,
Johannes D. Lang,
Hartmut Lehfeld,
Stefan Lorenzl,
Albert Ludolph,
Nina-Kristin Mann,
Maximilian Mehdorn,
Sven G. Meuth,
Thomas Mokrusch,
Roland Nau,
Günter Niklewski,
Ruth Nobis-Bosch,
David Pedrosa,
Christian Radzewitz,
E. Bernd Ringelstein,
Alexander Roesler,
Sven Schmiedl,
Roman Schniepp,
Michael Schwab,
Jörn P. Sieb,
Cornel Sieber,
Reinhard Sittl,
Andreas M. Stark,
Michael Strupp,
Lars Timmermann,
Jens Trögner,
Matthias Vorgerd,
Reinhold Waimer,
Tobias Warnecke,
Wiedemann Klaus,
Andreas Wiedemann,
Rainer Wirth,
Dirk K. Wolter,
Peter Young,
Bernd Zimmer
> findR *
Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
Frank Andres,
Silke Bode,
Burkhard Bornemeier,
Nicole Büßelberg,
Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky,
Franziska Cerra,
Stefanie Duchac,
Frank Erbguth,
Michaela Friedhoff,
Joerg Glahn,
Simone Hartmann-Eisele,
Rüdiger Haupt,
Ursula Immenschuh,
Gabi Jacobs,
Daniela Koenig,
Myrta Köhler,
Matthias Kruse,
Simon Ladwig,
Sindy Lautenschläger,
Ralph Lehnguth,
Nils Margraf,
Johannes Meyne,
Peter Nydahl,
Waltraud Pfeilschifter,
Marcus Rall,
Sabine Rehwinkel,
Anke Siebdrat,
Victoria Teipen,
Katja Werheid,
Helge Stefan Wuttig
> findR *
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowledge and clinical experience in the field of neurogeriatrics into a practical textbook. Renowned authors from the fields of neurology and geriatrics, neurosurgery, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation medicine and urology provide an interdisciplinary focus on neurological aspects of age multimorbidity.
This second, enlarged and updated edition has been restructured and expanded to include the neurogeriatric syndromes of immobility, instability, intellectual decline, isolation in old age, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. Special aspects of pharmacotherapy in the elderly are now given considerably more space and attention. The specific clinical pictures and practical aspects relevant to action in the fields of ethics, law and social medicine have been updated. Information panels and checklists provide quick overviews.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
Klaus Berger,
Christian G. Bien,
Kai Boelmans,
Helmut Buchner,
Cornelius Deuschl,
Rolf R. Diehl,
Bianca Dräger,
Rainer Dziewas,
Carsten Eggers,
Barbara Elkeles,
Frank Erbguth,
Astrid Friebe,
Helmut Frohnhofen,
Charly Gaul,
Alexander Gerhard,
Markus Gosch,
Thomas Günnewig,
Hajo Hamer,
Peter Hau,
Frank Hentschel,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Walter Huber,
Marek Jauß,
Elisabeth Jentschke,
Wolfgang Jost,
Julia Krämer,
Sonja Krupp,
Johannes D. Lang,
Hartmut Lehfeld,
Stefan Lorenzl,
Albert Ludolph,
Nina-Kristin Mann,
Maximilian Mehdorn,
Sven G. Meuth,
Thomas Mokrusch,
Roland Nau,
Günter Niklewski,
Ruth Nobis-Bosch,
David Pedrosa,
Christian Radzewitz,
E. Bernd Ringelstein,
Alexander Roesler,
Sven Schmiedl,
Roman Schniepp,
Michael Schwab,
Jörn P. Sieb,
Cornel Sieber,
Reinhard Sittl,
Andreas M. Stark,
Michael Strupp,
Lars Timmermann,
Jens Trögner,
Matthias Vorgerd,
Reinhold Waimer,
Tobias Warnecke,
Wiedemann Klaus,
Andreas Wiedemann,
Rainer Wirth,
Dirk K. Wolter,
Peter Young,
Bernd Zimmer
> findR *
Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
Frank Andres,
Silke Bode,
Burkhard Bornemeier,
Nicole Büßelberg,
Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky,
Franziska Cerra,
Stefanie Duchac,
Frank Erbguth,
Michaela Friedhoff,
Joerg Glahn,
Simone Hartmann-Eisele,
Rüdiger Haupt,
Ursula Immenschuh,
Gabi Jacobs,
Daniela Koenig,
Myrta Köhler,
Matthias Kruse,
Simon Ladwig,
Sindy Lautenschläger,
Ralph Lehnguth,
Nils Margraf,
Johannes Meyne,
Peter Nydahl,
Waltraud Pfeilschifter,
Marcus Rall,
Sabine Rehwinkel,
Anke Siebdrat,
Victoria Teipen,
Katja Werheid,
Helge Stefan Wuttig
> findR *
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowledge and clinical experience in the field of neurogeriatrics into a practical textbook. Renowned authors from the fields of neurology and geriatrics, neurosurgery, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation medicine and urology provide an interdisciplinary focus on neurological aspects of age multimorbidity.
This second, enlarged and updated edition has been restructured and expanded to include the neurogeriatric syndromes of immobility, instability, intellectual decline, isolation in old age, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. Special aspects of pharmacotherapy in the elderly are now given considerably more space and attention. The specific clinical pictures and practical aspects relevant to action in the fields of ethics, law and social medicine have been updated. Information panels and checklists provide quick overviews.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
Klaus Berger,
Christian G. Bien,
Kai Boelmans,
Helmut Buchner,
Cornelius Deuschl,
Rolf R. Diehl,
Bianca Dräger,
Rainer Dziewas,
Carsten Eggers,
Barbara Elkeles,
Frank Erbguth,
Astrid Friebe,
Helmut Frohnhofen,
Charly Gaul,
Alexander Gerhard,
Markus Gosch,
Thomas Günnewig,
Hajo Hamer,
Peter Hau,
Frank Hentschel,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Walter Huber,
Marek Jauß,
Elisabeth Jentschke,
Wolfgang Jost,
Julia Krämer,
Sonja Krupp,
Johannes D. Lang,
Hartmut Lehfeld,
Stefan Lorenzl,
Albert Ludolph,
Nina-Kristin Mann,
Maximilian Mehdorn,
Sven G. Meuth,
Thomas Mokrusch,
Roland Nau,
Günter Niklewski,
Ruth Nobis-Bosch,
David Pedrosa,
Christian Radzewitz,
E. Bernd Ringelstein,
Alexander Roesler,
Sven Schmiedl,
Roman Schniepp,
Michael Schwab,
Jörn P. Sieb,
Cornel Sieber,
Reinhard Sittl,
Andreas M. Stark,
Michael Strupp,
Lars Timmermann,
Jens Trögner,
Matthias Vorgerd,
Reinhold Waimer,
Tobias Warnecke,
Wiedemann Klaus,
Andreas Wiedemann,
Rainer Wirth,
Dirk K. Wolter,
Peter Young,
Bernd Zimmer
> findR *
Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
Frank Andres,
Silke Bode,
Burkhard Bornemeier,
Nicole Büßelberg,
Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky,
Franziska Cerra,
Stefanie Duchac,
Frank Erbguth,
Michaela Friedhoff,
Joerg Glahn,
Simone Hartmann-Eisele,
Rüdiger Haupt,
Ursula Immenschuh,
Gabi Jacobs,
Daniela Koenig,
Myrta Köhler,
Matthias Kruse,
Simon Ladwig,
Sindy Lautenschläger,
Ralph Lehnguth,
Nils Margraf,
Johannes Meyne,
Peter Nydahl,
Waltraud Pfeilschifter,
Marcus Rall,
Sabine Rehwinkel,
Anke Siebdrat,
Victoria Teipen,
Katja Werheid,
Helge Stefan Wuttig
> findR *
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowledge and clinical experience in the field of neurogeriatrics into a practical textbook. Renowned authors from the fields of neurology and geriatrics, neurosurgery, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation medicine and urology provide an interdisciplinary focus on neurological aspects of age multimorbidity.
This second, enlarged and updated edition has been restructured and expanded to include the neurogeriatric syndromes of immobility, instability, intellectual decline, isolation in old age, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. Special aspects of pharmacotherapy in the elderly are now given considerably more space and attention. The specific clinical pictures and practical aspects relevant to action in the fields of ethics, law and social medicine have been updated. Information panels and checklists provide quick overviews.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
Klaus Berger,
Christian G. Bien,
Kai Boelmans,
Helmut Buchner,
Cornelius Deuschl,
Rolf R. Diehl,
Bianca Dräger,
Rainer Dziewas,
Carsten Eggers,
Barbara Elkeles,
Frank Erbguth,
Astrid Friebe,
Helmut Frohnhofen,
Charly Gaul,
Alexander Gerhard,
Markus Gosch,
Thomas Günnewig,
Hajo Hamer,
Peter Hau,
Frank Hentschel,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Walter Huber,
Marek Jauß,
Elisabeth Jentschke,
Wolfgang Jost,
Julia Krämer,
Sonja Krupp,
Johannes D. Lang,
Hartmut Lehfeld,
Stefan Lorenzl,
Albert Ludolph,
Nina-Kristin Mann,
Maximilian Mehdorn,
Sven G. Meuth,
Thomas Mokrusch,
Roland Nau,
Günter Niklewski,
Ruth Nobis-Bosch,
David Pedrosa,
Christian Radzewitz,
E. Bernd Ringelstein,
Alexander Roesler,
Sven Schmiedl,
Roman Schniepp,
Michael Schwab,
Jörn P. Sieb,
Cornel Sieber,
Reinhard Sittl,
Andreas M. Stark,
Michael Strupp,
Lars Timmermann,
Jens Trögner,
Matthias Vorgerd,
Reinhold Waimer,
Tobias Warnecke,
Wiedemann Klaus,
Andreas Wiedemann,
Rainer Wirth,
Dirk K. Wolter,
Peter Young,
Bernd Zimmer
> findR *
Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-04
Frank Andres,
Silke Bode,
Burkhard Bornemeier,
Nicole Büßelberg,
Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky,
Franziska Cerra,
Stefanie Duchac,
Frank Erbguth,
Michaela Friedhoff,
Joerg Glahn,
Simone Hartmann-Eisele,
Rüdiger Haupt,
Ursula Immenschuh,
Gabi Jacobs,
Daniela Koenig,
Myrta Köhler,
Matthias Kruse,
Simon Ladwig,
Sindy Lautenschläger,
Ralph Lehnguth,
Nils Margraf,
Johannes Meyne,
Peter Nydahl,
Waltraud Pfeilschifter,
Marcus Rall,
Sabine Rehwinkel,
Anke Siebdrat,
Victoria Teipen,
Katja Werheid,
Helge Stefan Wuttig
> findR *
Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-04
Frank Andres,
Silke Bode,
Burkhard Bornemeier,
Nicole Büßelberg,
Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky,
Franziska Cerra,
Stefanie Duchac,
Frank Erbguth,
Michaela Friedhoff,
Joerg Glahn,
Simone Hartmann-Eisele,
Rüdiger Haupt,
Ursula Immenschuh,
Gabi Jacobs,
Daniela Koenig,
Myrta Köhler,
Matthias Kruse,
Simon Ladwig,
Sindy Lautenschläger,
Ralph Lehnguth,
Nils Margraf,
Johannes Meyne,
Peter Nydahl,
Waltraud Pfeilschifter,
Marcus Rall,
Sabine Rehwinkel,
Anke Siebdrat,
Victoria Teipen,
Katja Werheid,
Helge Stefan Wuttig
> findR *
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowledge and clinical experience in the field of neurogeriatrics into a practical textbook. Renowned authors from the fields of neurology and geriatrics, neurosurgery, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation medicine and urology provide an interdisciplinary focus on neurological aspects of age multimorbidity.
This second, enlarged and updated edition has been restructured and expanded to include the neurogeriatric syndromes of immobility, instability, intellectual decline, isolation in old age, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. Special aspects of pharmacotherapy in the elderly are now given considerably more space and attention. The specific clinical pictures and practical aspects relevant to action in the fields of ethics, law and social medicine have been updated. Information panels and checklists provide quick overviews.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
Klaus Berger,
Christian G. Bien,
Kai Boelmans,
Helmut Buchner,
Cornelius Deuschl,
Rolf R. Diehl,
Bianca Dräger,
Rainer Dziewas,
Carsten Eggers,
Barbara Elkeles,
Frank Erbguth,
Astrid Friebe,
Helmut Frohnhofen,
Charly Gaul,
Alexander Gerhard,
Markus Gosch,
Thomas Günnewig,
Hajo Hamer,
Peter Hau,
Frank Hentschel,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Walter Huber,
Marek Jauß,
Elisabeth Jentschke,
Wolfgang Jost,
Julia Krämer,
Sonja Krupp,
Johannes D. Lang,
Hartmut Lehfeld,
Stefan Lorenzl,
Albert Ludolph,
Nina-Kristin Mann,
Maximilian Mehdorn,
Sven G. Meuth,
Thomas Mokrusch,
Roland Nau,
Günter Niklewski,
Ruth Nobis-Bosch,
David Pedrosa,
Christian Radzewitz,
E. Bernd Ringelstein,
Alexander Roesler,
Sven Schmiedl,
Roman Schniepp,
Michael Schwab,
Jörn P. Sieb,
Cornel Sieber,
Reinhard Sittl,
Andreas M. Stark,
Michael Strupp,
Lars Timmermann,
Jens Trögner,
Matthias Vorgerd,
Reinhold Waimer,
Tobias Warnecke,
Wiedemann Klaus,
Andreas Wiedemann,
Rainer Wirth,
Dirk K. Wolter,
Peter Young,
Bernd Zimmer
> findR *
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowledge and clinical experience in the field of neurogeriatrics into a practical textbook. Renowned authors from the fields of neurology and geriatrics, neurosurgery, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation medicine and urology provide an interdisciplinary focus on neurological aspects of age multimorbidity.
This second, enlarged and updated edition has been restructured and expanded to include the neurogeriatric syndromes of immobility, instability, intellectual decline, isolation in old age, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. Special aspects of pharmacotherapy in the elderly are now given considerably more space and attention. The specific clinical pictures and practical aspects relevant to action in the fields of ethics, law and social medicine have been updated. Information panels and checklists provide quick overviews.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
Klaus Berger,
Christian G. Bien,
Kai Boelmans,
Helmut Buchner,
Cornelius Deuschl,
Rolf R. Diehl,
Bianca Dräger,
Rainer Dziewas,
Carsten Eggers,
Barbara Elkeles,
Frank Erbguth,
Astrid Friebe,
Helmut Frohnhofen,
Charly Gaul,
Alexander Gerhard,
Markus Gosch,
Thomas Günnewig,
Hajo Hamer,
Peter Hau,
Frank Hentschel,
Thomas Hillemacher,
Walter Huber,
Marek Jauß,
Elisabeth Jentschke,
Wolfgang Jost,
Julia Krämer,
Sonja Krupp,
Johannes D. Lang,
Hartmut Lehfeld,
Stefan Lorenzl,
Albert Ludolph,
Nina-Kristin Mann,
Maximilian Mehdorn,
Sven G. Meuth,
Thomas Mokrusch,
Roland Nau,
Günter Niklewski,
Ruth Nobis-Bosch,
David Pedrosa,
Christian Radzewitz,
E. Bernd Ringelstein,
Alexander Roesler,
Sven Schmiedl,
Roman Schniepp,
Michael Schwab,
Jörn P. Sieb,
Cornel Sieber,
Reinhard Sittl,
Andreas M. Stark,
Michael Strupp,
Lars Timmermann,
Jens Trögner,
Matthias Vorgerd,
Reinhold Waimer,
Tobias Warnecke,
Wiedemann Klaus,
Andreas Wiedemann,
Rainer Wirth,
Dirk K. Wolter,
Peter Young,
Bernd Zimmer
> findR *
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