
Matthäus-Passion von Bach,  Johann Sebastian, Fischer,  Iván
This 2012 recording of the most influential and wide spread oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach features the Hungarian conductor Iván Fischer, a visionary in his field, with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. The double choir is the essential musical aspect on which Iván Fischer’s interpretation of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion is based. Only by consistently seizing on that duality will all the complementary layers stand out as they should. He describes this essential fundamental aspect as follows: “You can’t do the St. Matthew in an unreligious way. The only approach is from a deep, universally religious feeling.” The internationally renowned tenor Mark Padmore is brilliant as the Evangelist, Peter Harvey gives a moving interpretation of Christ. Together with Ingeborg Danz, Renate Arends, Maria Espada, Barbara Kozelj, Peter Gijsbertsen and Henk Neven and the Netherlands Radio Choir they carry the audience through an affecting performance of this masterwork.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *

Sternstunden der Oper: Die Zauberflöte

Sternstunden der Oper: Die Zauberflöte von Beczała,  Piotr, Besson,  Benno, Fischer,  Iván, Mozart,  Wolfgang A, Röschmann,  Dorothea
Eine Flöte als magisches Instrument, durch dessen Klang Prinz Tamino sogar wilde Tiere zu zähmen vermag. Das große Thema der 'Zauberflöte', im Gewande der freimaurerischen Initiationsriten, ist der 'Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit'. Mozart schuf hierzu 1791 zwei Monate vor seinem Tod eine Musik, die ihn unsterblich machen sollte. Schon die Ouvertüre versetzt den Zuschauer in die Märchenwelt eines Fantasie-Ägyptens, dort müssen Tamino und Pamina, aber auch Papageno und Papagena viele Prüfungen bestehen, ehe sie einander liebend in die Arme schließen können. Eine farbenprächtige Inszenierung von Benno Besson, die zugleich eine im Grunde kindliche Begegnung mit der Wirklichkeit ist – offen und sinnlich. Eine wahre Sternstunde der Oper. Die 'Sternstunden der Oper' werden als 10-teilige DVD Edition in hochwertigen Mediabooks, einzeln und in einer edlen Box veröffentlicht.
Aktualisiert: 2021-07-19
> findR *

Die Zauberflöte

Die Zauberflöte von Fischer,  Iván, Mozart,  Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart’s final opera Die Zauberflöte is also his most famous. The general public is familiar with its array of popular arias, most notably the Queen of the Night’s breathtaking coloratura. Since its premiere in 1791, two months before the composer’s death, the opera’s fairy tale plot, eccentric cast and fantastic scenery have exerted an almost childlike fascination on generations of audiences. The production is infused with an all-pervading sense of playful joy – packed with wonderful effects including flying machines, colourful costumes and magical scene changes. The Opéra national de Paris production is cast of the finest rank: Sarastro is played by the bass Matti Salminen, while the other main roles are taken by young singers - meanwhile all well-established on the international scene - who were then at the start of their careers: Pamina is sung by Dorothea Röschmann, while the Queen of Night is played by the soprano Désirée Rancatore. The tenor Piotr Beczala is Tamino, and the baritone Detlef Roth is a fabulously fresh and lively Papageno. For this musical highlight, they come together under the baton of worldwide successful Hungarian conductor Iván Fischer. Benno Besson’s detailed, even scholarly knowledge of the work’s genesis and his supreme grasp of its cultural and ideological background are placed entirely in the service of its fairytale aesthetic offering the viewer a truly magic opera!
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-03
> findR *

Die Zauberflöte – Sternstunden der Oper

Die Zauberflöte – Sternstunden der Oper von Fischer,  Iván, Mozart,  Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart’s final opera Die Zauberflöte is also his most famous. The general public is familiar with its array of popular arias, most notably the Queen of the Night’s breathtaking coloratura. Since its premiere in 1791, two months before the composer’s death, the opera’s fairy tale plot, eccentric cast and fantastic scenery have exerted an almost childlike fascination on generations of audiences. The production is infused with an all-pervading sense of playful joy – packed with wonderful effects including flying machines, colourful costumes and magical scene changes. The Opéra national de Paris production is cast of the finest rank: Sarastro is played by the bass Matti Salminen, while the other main roles are taken by young singers - meanwhile all well-established on the international scene - who were then at the start of their careers: Pamina is sung by Dorothea Röschmann, while the Queen of Night is played by the soprano Désirée Rancatore. The tenor Piotr Beczala is Tamino, and the baritone Detlef Roth is a fabulously fresh and lively Papageno. For this musical highlight, they come together under the baton of worldwide successful Hungarian conductor Iván Fischer. Benno Besson’s detailed, even scholarly knowledge of the work’s genesis and his supreme grasp of its cultural and ideological background are placed entirely in the service of its fairytale aesthetic offering the viewer a truly magic opera!
Aktualisiert: 2021-03-24
> findR *


Matthäus-Passion von Bach,  Johann Sebastian, Fischer,  Iván
This 2012 recording of the most influential and wide spread oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach features the Hungarian conductor Iván Fischer, a visionary in his field, with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. The double choir is the essential musical aspect on which Iván Fischer’s interpretation of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion is based. Only by consistently seizing on that duality will all the complementary layers stand out as they should. He describes this essential fundamental aspect as follows: “You can’t do the St. Matthew in an unreligious way. The only approach is from a deep, universally religious feeling.” The internationally renowned tenor Mark Padmore is brilliant as the Evangelist, Peter Harvey gives a moving interpretation of Christ. Together with Ingeborg Danz, Renate Arends, Maria Espada, Barbara Kozelj, Peter Gijsbertsen and Henk Neven and the Netherlands Radio Choir they carry the audience through an affecting performance of this masterwork.
Aktualisiert: 2020-10-01
> findR *


Matthäus-Passion von Bach,  Johann Sebastian, Fischer,  Iván
This 2012 recording of the most influential and wide spread oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach features the Hungarian conductor Iván Fischer, a visionary in his field, with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. The double choir is the essential musical aspect on which Iván Fischer’s interpretation of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion is based. Only by consistently seizing on that duality will all the complementary layers stand out as they should. He describes this essential fundamental aspect as follows: “You can’t do the St. Matthew in an unreligious way. The only approach is from a deep, universally religious feeling.” The internationally renowned tenor Mark Padmore is brilliant as the Evangelist, Peter Harvey gives a moving interpretation of Christ. Together with Ingeborg Danz, Renate Arends, Maria Espada, Barbara Kozelj, Peter Gijsbertsen and Henk Neven and the Netherlands Radio Choir they carry the audience through an affecting performance of this masterwork.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-20
> findR *

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