Einsätze wirksam führen

Einsätze wirksam führen von Gißler,  Dominic
The critical importance and complexity of hazard prevention and crisis management operations mean that the managers responsible have to meet the highest standards. This book presents a universal management theory for the police, fire brigade, and emergency services as well as for administrative bodies and business enterprises. Operational management is understood theoretically as involving the cybernetic regulation of complex adaptive systems, and this is illustrated using many operational examples. Encouraging behaviour, skilful tools and a comprehensible decision-making model are explained that allow management steps to be effective. A practical algorithm sums up the education, training and implementation required. Possible courses of action are outlined that can ensure higher-level management capability and the maintenance of effective management systems. The book is intended not only for practitioners but also for training institutes and researchers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Einsätze wirksam führen

Einsätze wirksam führen von Gißler,  Dominic
The critical importance and complexity of hazard prevention and crisis management operations mean that the managers responsible have to meet the highest standards. This book presents a universal management theory for the police, fire brigade, and emergency services as well as for administrative bodies and business enterprises. Operational management is understood theoretically as involving the cybernetic regulation of complex adaptive systems, and this is illustrated using many operational examples. Encouraging behaviour, skilful tools and a comprehensible decision-making model are explained that allow management steps to be effective. A practical algorithm sums up the education, training and implementation required. Possible courses of action are outlined that can ensure higher-level management capability and the maintenance of effective management systems. The book is intended not only for practitioners but also for training institutes and researchers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Einsätze wirksam führen

Einsätze wirksam führen von Gißler,  Dominic
The critical importance and complexity of hazard prevention and crisis management operations mean that the managers responsible have to meet the highest standards. This book presents a universal management theory for the police, fire brigade, and emergency services as well as for administrative bodies and business enterprises. Operational management is understood theoretically as involving the cybernetic regulation of complex adaptive systems, and this is illustrated using many operational examples. Encouraging behaviour, skilful tools and a comprehensible decision-making model are explained that allow management steps to be effective. A practical algorithm sums up the education, training and implementation required. Possible courses of action are outlined that can ensure higher-level management capability and the maintenance of effective management systems. The book is intended not only for practitioners but also for training institutes and researchers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren von Gißler,  Dominic
In the field of emergency response and crisis management, staff work is a tried and tested, but as yet little studied, method of dealing effectively with complex situations. The author considers the entirety of the processes involved in different types of staff groups & ranging from technical and specific performance capacity using the necessary tools and forms of behaviour, to ways of verifying the results achieved. The tools that are needed for successful staff work and that have been developed by the author specifically for staff work are of central importance. Practical applications of the tools presented are illustrated in tutorial videos produced especially for this book.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-05
> findR *

Einsätze wirksam führen

Einsätze wirksam führen von Gißler,  Dominic
The critical importance and complexity of hazard prevention and crisis management operations mean that the managers responsible have to meet the highest standards. This book presents a universal management theory for the police, fire brigade, and emergency services as well as for administrative bodies and business enterprises. Operational management is understood theoretically as involving the cybernetic regulation of complex adaptive systems, and this is illustrated using many operational examples. Encouraging behaviour, skilful tools and a comprehensible decision-making model are explained that allow management steps to be effective. A practical algorithm sums up the education, training and implementation required. Possible courses of action are outlined that can ensure higher-level management capability and the maintenance of effective management systems. The book is intended not only for practitioners but also for training institutes and researchers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Einsätze wirksam führen

Einsätze wirksam führen von Gißler,  Dominic
The critical importance and complexity of hazard prevention and crisis management operations mean that the managers responsible have to meet the highest standards. This book presents a universal management theory for the police, fire brigade, and emergency services as well as for administrative bodies and business enterprises. Operational management is understood theoretically as involving the cybernetic regulation of complex adaptive systems, and this is illustrated using many operational examples. Encouraging behaviour, skilful tools and a comprehensible decision-making model are explained that allow management steps to be effective. A practical algorithm sums up the education, training and implementation required. Possible courses of action are outlined that can ensure higher-level management capability and the maintenance of effective management systems. The book is intended not only for practitioners but also for training institutes and researchers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Einsätze wirksam führen

Einsätze wirksam führen von Gißler,  Dominic
The critical importance and complexity of hazard prevention and crisis management operations mean that the managers responsible have to meet the highest standards. This book presents a universal management theory for the police, fire brigade, and emergency services as well as for administrative bodies and business enterprises. Operational management is understood theoretically as involving the cybernetic regulation of complex adaptive systems, and this is illustrated using many operational examples. Encouraging behaviour, skilful tools and a comprehensible decision-making model are explained that allow management steps to be effective. A practical algorithm sums up the education, training and implementation required. Possible courses of action are outlined that can ensure higher-level management capability and the maintenance of effective management systems. The book is intended not only for practitioners but also for training institutes and researchers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Erfolg der Stabsarbeit

Erfolg der Stabsarbeit von Gißler,  Dominic
Das Forschungsprojekt hatte zum Ziel ein Modell zu entwickeln, wie die Arbeit und die Leistung von Stäben erfasst und beurteilt werden kann. Hierfür war die Generierung einer Theorie notwendig. Zur Exploration wurden Ereignisanalysen durchgeführt, Stäbe bei ihrer Arbeit beobachtet und Experten in Interviews befragt. Untersucht wurden 45 Fälle aus dem Spektrum von Gefahrenabwehr und Krisenmanagement aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Erfolgreiche Stabsarbeit wird kurz als eine ausreichende Führungsleistung bezeichnet. Führungsleistungen eines Stabes sind als Stab zu funktionieren (grundlegender Selbstzweck), Einsätze (Bewältigungsmaßnahmen) führbar zu machen, Zeitvorteile gegenüber dem natürlichen Ereignisverlauf zu erarbeiten und den Ereignisfortgang zu beeinflussen. Diese Leistungen werden am allgemeinen Anspruch an einen Stab gemessen. Danach wird von einem Stab in Gefahrenabwehr und Krisenmanagement erwartet, dass er als Art Generalinstrument innerhalb seiner (typischerweise hohen, aber nicht grenzenlosen) Leistungsfähigkeitsgrenzen unter den jeweiligen Umständen das bestmögliche Einsatzresultat herbeiführt. Mit dem entwickelten Modell können Einsätze und Übungen beurteilt werden. Zudem können Abläufe im Stab justiert und das Entscheidungsverhalten von Stäben unterstützt werden.
Aktualisiert: 2020-07-13
> findR *

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren von Gißler,  Dominic
In the field of emergency response and crisis management, staff work is a tried and tested, but as yet little studied, method of dealing effectively with complex situations. The author considers the entirety of the processes involved in different types of staff groups & ranging from technical and specific performance capacity using the necessary tools and forms of behaviour, to ways of verifying the results achieved. The tools that are needed for successful staff work and that have been developed by the author specifically for staff work are of central importance. Practical applications of the tools presented are illustrated in tutorial videos produced especially for this book.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren von Gißler,  Dominic
In the field of emergency response and crisis management, staff work is a tried and tested, but as yet little studied, method of dealing effectively with complex situations. The author considers the entirety of the processes involved in different types of staff groups & ranging from technical and specific performance capacity using the necessary tools and forms of behaviour, to ways of verifying the results achieved. The tools that are needed for successful staff work and that have been developed by the author specifically for staff work are of central importance. Practical applications of the tools presented are illustrated in tutorial videos produced especially for this book.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren von Gißler,  Dominic
In the field of emergency response and crisis management, staff work is a tried and tested, but as yet little studied, method of dealing effectively with complex situations. The author considers the entirety of the processes involved in different types of staff groups & ranging from technical and specific performance capacity using the necessary tools and forms of behaviour, to ways of verifying the results achieved. The tools that are needed for successful staff work and that have been developed by the author specifically for staff work are of central importance. Practical applications of the tools presented are illustrated in tutorial videos produced especially for this book.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren

Führung und Stabsarbeit trainieren von Gißler,  Dominic
In the field of emergency response and crisis management, staff work is a tried and tested, but as yet little studied, method of dealing effectively with complex situations. The author considers the entirety of the processes involved in different types of staff groups & ranging from technical and specific performance capacity using the necessary tools and forms of behaviour, to ways of verifying the results achieved. The tools that are needed for successful staff work and that have been developed by the author specifically for staff work are of central importance. Practical applications of the tools presented are illustrated in tutorial videos produced especially for this book.
Aktualisiert: 2022-12-15
> findR *

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