Corporate language and comprehensibility are key concepts for successful corporate communications. The focus is not only on the company itself and its brand(s) & the company=s target groups, whether they are customers, suppliers or employees, are also decisive factors in the communication process. An individualized, consistent and comprehensible corporate language builds trust and promotes long-term customer loyalty. Business deals can be brought to a successful conclusion faster, and later misunderstandings with expensive consequences can be avoided. Starting with a general positioning of the topic in the context of management and corporate identity, this volume presents basic rules along with tried-and-tested measures for achieving optimal corporate communication.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Corporate language and comprehensibility are key concepts for successful corporate communications. The focus is not only on the company itself and its brand(s) & the company=s target groups, whether they are customers, suppliers or employees, are also decisive factors in the communication process. An individualized, consistent and comprehensible corporate language builds trust and promotes long-term customer loyalty. Business deals can be brought to a successful conclusion faster, and later misunderstandings with expensive consequences can be avoided. Starting with a general positioning of the topic in the context of management and corporate identity, this volume presents basic rules along with tried-and-tested measures for achieving optimal corporate communication.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Corporate language and comprehensibility are key concepts for successful corporate communications. The focus is not only on the company itself and its brand(s) & the company=s target groups, whether they are customers, suppliers or employees, are also decisive factors in the communication process. An individualized, consistent and comprehensible corporate language builds trust and promotes long-term customer loyalty. Business deals can be brought to a successful conclusion faster, and later misunderstandings with expensive consequences can be avoided. Starting with a general positioning of the topic in the context of management and corporate identity, this volume presents basic rules along with tried-and-tested measures for achieving optimal corporate communication.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Nur knapp 20 Jahre waren die Triebwagen der Baureihe 611 ab Ulm im Einsatz. Das Buch dokumentiert der pannenanfälligen Neigetechniktriebwagen zwischen Alb, Bodensee und dem Schwarzwald in mit viel Informationen zu den Fahrzeugen und deren Einsätzen. Vom ersten Triebwagen bis zur letzten Fahrt wird die gesamte Einsatzzeit für alle Freunde der Fahrzeuge dokumentiert.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-08
> findR *
Nur knapp 20 Jahre waren die Triebwagen der Baureihe 611 ab Ulm im Einsatz. Das Buch dokumentiert der pannenanfälligen Neigetechniktriebwagen zwischen Alb, Bodensee und dem Schwarzwald in mit viel Informationen zu den Fahrzeugen und deren Einsätzen. Vom ersten Triebwagen bis zur letzten Fahrt wird die gesamte Einsatzzeit für alle Freunde der Fahrzeuge dokumentiert.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-13
> findR *
Corporate language and comprehensibility are key concepts for successful corporate communications. The focus is not only on the company itself and its brand(s) & the company=s target groups, whether they are customers, suppliers or employees, are also decisive factors in the communication process. An individualized, consistent and comprehensible corporate language builds trust and promotes long-term customer loyalty. Business deals can be brought to a successful conclusion faster, and later misunderstandings with expensive consequences can be avoided. Starting with a general positioning of the topic in the context of management and corporate identity, this volume presents basic rules along with tried-and-tested measures for achieving optimal corporate communication.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Corporate language and comprehensibility are key concepts for successful corporate communications. The focus is not only on the company itself and its brand(s) & the company=s target groups, whether they are customers, suppliers or employees, are also decisive factors in the communication process. An individualized, consistent and comprehensible corporate language builds trust and promotes long-term customer loyalty. Business deals can be brought to a successful conclusion faster, and later misunderstandings with expensive consequences can be avoided. Starting with a general positioning of the topic in the context of management and corporate identity, this volume presents basic rules along with tried-and-tested measures for achieving optimal corporate communication.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Corporate language and comprehensibility are key concepts for successful corporate communications. The focus is not only on the company itself and its brand(s) & the company=s target groups, whether they are customers, suppliers or employees, are also decisive factors in the communication process. An individualized, consistent and comprehensible corporate language builds trust and promotes long-term customer loyalty. Business deals can be brought to a successful conclusion faster, and later misunderstandings with expensive consequences can be avoided. Starting with a general positioning of the topic in the context of management and corporate identity, this volume presents basic rules along with tried-and-tested measures for achieving optimal corporate communication.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Corporate language and comprehensibility are key concepts for successful corporate communications. The focus is not only on the company itself and its brand(s) & the company=s target groups, whether they are customers, suppliers or employees, are also decisive factors in the communication process. An individualized, consistent and comprehensible corporate language builds trust and promotes long-term customer loyalty. Business deals can be brought to a successful conclusion faster, and later misunderstandings with expensive consequences can be avoided. Starting with a general positioning of the topic in the context of management and corporate identity, this volume presents basic rules along with tried-and-tested measures for achieving optimal corporate communication.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Dieses Buch belegt anhand von eindrucksvollen Aufnahmen den großen Verkehrswandel weg von der Eisenbahn hin zum Individualverkehr. Die Veränderungen in der Landschaft und der Siedlungsentwicklung werden aber erst bei einem direkten Vergleich so richtig bewusst. Doch auch dort, wo sich die Eisenbahn bis heute als zuverlässiges und umweltfreundliches Verkehrsmittel behaupten konnte, gab es massive Veränderungen. Eine Ursache dafür ist der Traktionswandel, also die Umstellung von Betrieb mit Dampflokomotiven hin zu diesel oder elektrisch betriebenen Zügen. Burkhard Wollny, Dipl. Ing. Herbert Stemmler und Oliver Haug sowie weitere namhafte Fotografen haben die alten Zustände vorbildlich dokumentiert und stellten für dieses Buch ihre fotografischen Raritäten zur Verfügung, so dass Korbinian Fleischer 2014 alle Orte erneut aufsuchen konnte. Doch oftmals waren die Veränderungen so stark, dass keine Vergleichsaufnahme mehr möglich war, weil es keinen Orientierungspunkt mehr gab. Bei allen Fotografien im Buch gibt es mindestens einen Punkt, sei es das Panorama, ein Strommast oder ein Baum, der zeigt, dass es sich exakt um die gleiche Stelle handelt. So sehr das Buch auch irgendwie wehmütig an die "gute alte Zeit" erinnert, so gibt es auch Lichtblicke, wie die Zeitreise aus Herrenberg zeigt. Dort, wo vor über 30 Jahren die Schienen entfernt wurden, fahren heute wieder Regionalbahnen im Taktverkehr. Das Buch soll auch einladen zu einer Reise durch Württemberg, auf die Schwäbische Alb mit ihren herrlichen Museumsbahnen oder dem dichten Zugverkehr im Großraum Stuttgart.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-22
> findR *
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