Behavioural finance & behaviour-oriented financial market theory & is becoming increasingly important as a result of volatility and increasing anomalies on the financial and capital markets. Behavioural finance is concerned with the psychology of investors, and seeks to identify the ways in which investment decisions are reached in the financial and capital markets. What becomes clear in the process & in contrast to the frequent assumption that there is such a thing as a rationally acting homo oeconomicus & is that people act irrationally in this setting and thus often make erroneous decisions. This clear and intentionally concise textbook presents the foundations of behavioural finance against the backdrop of current financial market developments, illustrates the essential components of the theory, and thus provides pointers towards sensible investor behaviour from the viewpoint of behavioural market theory.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Behavioural finance & behaviour-oriented financial market theory & is becoming increasingly important as a result of volatility and increasing anomalies on the financial and capital markets. Behavioural finance is concerned with the psychology of investors, and seeks to identify the ways in which investment decisions are reached in the financial and capital markets. What becomes clear in the process & in contrast to the frequent assumption that there is such a thing as a rationally acting homo oeconomicus & is that people act irrationally in this setting and thus often make erroneous decisions. This clear and intentionally concise textbook presents the foundations of behavioural finance against the backdrop of current financial market developments, illustrates the essential components of the theory, and thus provides pointers towards sensible investor behaviour from the viewpoint of behavioural market theory.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Behavioural finance & behaviour-oriented financial market theory & is becoming increasingly important as a result of volatility and increasing anomalies on the financial and capital markets. Behavioural finance is concerned with the psychology of investors, and seeks to identify the ways in which investment decisions are reached in the financial and capital markets. What becomes clear in the process & in contrast to the frequent assumption that there is such a thing as a rationally acting homo oeconomicus & is that people act irrationally in this setting and thus often make erroneous decisions. This clear and intentionally concise textbook presents the foundations of behavioural finance against the backdrop of current financial market developments, illustrates the essential components of the theory, and thus provides pointers towards sensible investor behaviour from the viewpoint of behavioural market theory.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Das Controlling leistet Führungsunterstützung für die Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle aller Unternehmensbereiche. Dazu laufen hier die Daten des Rechnungswesens und anderer Quellen zusammen, müssen adäquat aufbereitet und zur Grundlage für Entscheidungen gemacht werden. Der Autor vermittelt die grundlegenden theoretischen und instrumentellen Inhalte des Controllings, behandelt dabei die praktischen Anwendungsfragen und verdeutlicht anhand eines durchgehenden Beispiels, wie das Management durch Controlling unterstützt werden kann. Da Nachhaltigkeit für die Gestaltungs- und Lenkungsaufgabe immer relevanter wird und neben ökonomischen auch Fragen der Ökologie, des Sozialen und guter Unternehmensführung zu integrieren sind, wird eine systemische Herangehensweise vermittelt.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Das Controlling leistet Führungsunterstützung für die Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle aller Unternehmensbereiche. Dazu laufen hier die Daten des Rechnungswesens und anderer Quellen zusammen, müssen adäquat aufbereitet und zur Grundlage für Entscheidungen gemacht werden. Der Autor vermittelt die grundlegenden theoretischen und instrumentellen Inhalte des Controllings, behandelt dabei die praktischen Anwendungsfragen und verdeutlicht anhand eines durchgehenden Beispiels, wie das Management durch Controlling unterstützt werden kann. Da Nachhaltigkeit für die Gestaltungs- und Lenkungsaufgabe immer relevanter wird und neben ökonomischen auch Fragen der Ökologie, des Sozialen und guter Unternehmensführung zu integrieren sind, wird eine systemische Herangehensweise vermittelt.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Das Controlling leistet Führungsunterstützung für die Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle aller Unternehmensbereiche. Dazu laufen hier die Daten des Rechnungswesens und anderer Quellen zusammen, müssen adäquat aufbereitet und zur Grundlage für Entscheidungen gemacht werden. Der Autor vermittelt die grundlegenden theoretischen und instrumentellen Inhalte des Controllings, behandelt dabei die praktischen Anwendungsfragen und verdeutlicht anhand eines durchgehenden Beispiels, wie das Management durch Controlling unterstützt werden kann. Da Nachhaltigkeit für die Gestaltungs- und Lenkungsaufgabe immer relevanter wird und neben ökonomischen auch Fragen der Ökologie, des Sozialen und guter Unternehmensführung zu integrieren sind, wird eine systemische Herangehensweise vermittelt.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Das Controlling leistet Führungsunterstützung für die Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle aller Unternehmensbereiche. Dazu laufen hier die Daten des Rechnungswesens und anderer Quellen zusammen, müssen adäquat aufbereitet und zur Grundlage für Entscheidungen gemacht werden. Der Autor vermittelt die grundlegenden theoretischen und instrumentellen Inhalte des Controllings, behandelt dabei die praktischen Anwendungsfragen und verdeutlicht anhand eines durchgehenden Beispiels, wie das Management durch Controlling unterstützt werden kann. Da Nachhaltigkeit für die Gestaltungs- und Lenkungsaufgabe immer relevanter wird und neben ökonomischen auch Fragen der Ökologie, des Sozialen und guter Unternehmensführung zu integrieren sind, wird eine systemische Herangehensweise vermittelt.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-20
> findR *
Behavioural finance & behaviour-oriented financial market theory & is becoming increasingly important as a result of volatility and increasing anomalies on the financial and capital markets. Behavioural finance is concerned with the psychology of investors, and seeks to identify the ways in which investment decisions are reached in the financial and capital markets. What becomes clear in the process & in contrast to the frequent assumption that there is such a thing as a rationally acting homo oeconomicus & is that people act irrationally in this setting and thus often make erroneous decisions. This clear and intentionally concise textbook presents the foundations of behavioural finance against the backdrop of current financial market developments, illustrates the essential components of the theory, and thus provides pointers towards sensible investor behaviour from the viewpoint of behavioural market theory.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Behavioural finance & behaviour-oriented financial market theory & is becoming increasingly important as a result of volatility and increasing anomalies on the financial and capital markets. Behavioural finance is concerned with the psychology of investors, and seeks to identify the ways in which investment decisions are reached in the financial and capital markets. What becomes clear in the process & in contrast to the frequent assumption that there is such a thing as a rationally acting homo oeconomicus & is that people act irrationally in this setting and thus often make erroneous decisions. This clear and intentionally concise textbook presents the foundations of behavioural finance against the backdrop of current financial market developments, illustrates the essential components of the theory, and thus provides pointers towards sensible investor behaviour from the viewpoint of behavioural market theory.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Behavioural finance & behaviour-oriented financial market theory & is becoming increasingly important as a result of volatility and increasing anomalies on the financial and capital markets. Behavioural finance is concerned with the psychology of investors, and seeks to identify the ways in which investment decisions are reached in the financial and capital markets. What becomes clear in the process & in contrast to the frequent assumption that there is such a thing as a rationally acting homo oeconomicus & is that people act irrationally in this setting and thus often make erroneous decisions. This clear and intentionally concise textbook presents the foundations of behavioural finance against the backdrop of current financial market developments, illustrates the essential components of the theory, and thus provides pointers towards sensible investor behaviour from the viewpoint of behavioural market theory.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Behavioural finance & behaviour-oriented financial market theory & is becoming increasingly important as a result of volatility and increasing anomalies on the financial and capital markets. Behavioural finance is concerned with the psychology of investors, and seeks to identify the ways in which investment decisions are reached in the financial and capital markets. What becomes clear in the process & in contrast to the frequent assumption that there is such a thing as a rationally acting homo oeconomicus & is that people act irrationally in this setting and thus often make erroneous decisions. This clear and intentionally concise textbook presents the foundations of behavioural finance against the backdrop of current financial market developments, illustrates the essential components of the theory, and thus provides pointers towards sensible investor behaviour from the viewpoint of behavioural market theory.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
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