Neurosurgery Updates, Vol. I

Neurosurgery Updates, Vol. I von Baishya,  Basanta, Kachhara,  Rajneesh, Panigrahi,  Manas
This book is an essential update on the novel approaches used for surgical management of a spectrum of disorders affecting the spine. Focusing on practitioners, residents, and trainee neurosurgeons, the book offers guidance on selecting the most appropriate surgical management option for a variety of spinal conditions. All the 11 chapters of the book take the reader through a stepwise, logical presentation of not only the surgical approaches but also the neuroanatomy and biomechanics of the spine, pain mechanisms, and imaging techniques. Based on evidence-based practice and the vast experience of all authors, the book guides the reader through the diagnostic hierarchy and selection of the requisite approach for managing various disorders of the different regions of the spine. The book also identifies some of the most common potential complications of certain techniques and discusses strategies for avoiding them. The various surgical techniques have been described in the form of case presentations and illustrated with the help of images. The book will be of interest to not only neurosurgeons but also orthopaedic surgeons. Manas Panigrahi, MCh, FACS, is Consultant Neurosurgeon and Head of the Department of Neurosurgery at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana. He has set up one of the oldest comprehensive epilepsy centers of India in NIMS and KIMS. He actively contributes toward literature in neurosurgery using technology to assist a neurosurgeon achieve better outcome and reduced complications. His honours and awards include Young Neurosurgeon Award at Kyoto, Japan; International Paediatric Neurosurgeon, Salt Lake, USA; and numerous Travel Awards from the ISPN Congress held in Rome and Australia. Dr Manas has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, reviews, chapters, and invited Editorials. His contribution to education and training has been acknowledged by Neurological Society of India and he has been appointed as Chairman of its Educational Committee. Rajneesh Kachhara, MS, MCh, is Director at Institute of Neurosciences, Medanta Superspeciality Hospital, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. His areas of interest are vascular and skull base surgery, neurooncology, pituitary tumors, spine surgery, and serious brain trauma. He has undergone fellowships in skull base surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York; The George Washington University, Washington DC; and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan under able and dynamic teachers. He is associated with many international and national neurosurgical societies. He has nearly 40 publications in peerreviewed journals and has also authored a book chapter. B. K. Baishya, MS, MCh, is Professor and Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Gauhati Medical College, Guwahati, Assam. He is an expert in vascular neurosurgery, skull base surgery, and pediatric neurosurgery. He is the Founder President of Skull Base Surgery Association of North-East India and Neurosurgical Association of North-East India. He is presently a member of Board of Education, Neurological Society of India and executive member of other national neurosurgical bodies. Dr Baishya has more than 40 publications in national and international journals.  
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-07
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