Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen von Bernstein,  Nicole, Brodala,  Tobias, Fathi,  Ramian, Fiedrich,  Frank, Freudenberg,  Dirk, Geschwendt,  Astrid, Habig,  Therese, Karsten,  Andreas, Kleinebrahn,  Anja, Marterer,  Robin, Martini,  Stefan, Rosenberg,  Matthias, Sauerland,  Torben, Schütte,  Patricia Magdalena, Steenhoek,  Sylvia, Tackenberg,  Bo, Uelpenich,  Gerhard, Voßschmidt,  Stefan, Weber,  Martin, Ziga,  Denis, Zisgen,  Julia
The interdependencies between supply infrastructures & in the event of power failures, for example & may not only limit regular supplies in the event of a crisis, but can also make emergency supply mechanisms more difficult. This book illustrates the interdependencies between various infrastructures and identifies potentially critical structures and the consequences for public life when individual components fail. Using selected example scenarios, the challenges of crisis events and ways of coping with them are discussed. The book is rounded off with clear suggestions for ways of increasing resilience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen von Bernstein,  Nicole, Brodala,  Tobias, Fathi,  Ramian, Fiedrich,  Frank, Freudenberg,  Dirk, Geschwendt,  Astrid, Habig,  Therese, Karsten,  Andreas, Kleinebrahn,  Anja, Marterer,  Robin, Martini,  Stefan, Rosenberg,  Matthias, Sauerland,  Torben, Schütte,  Patricia Magdalena, Steenhoek,  Sylvia, Tackenberg,  Bo, Uelpenich,  Gerhard, Voßschmidt,  Stefan, Weber,  Martin, Ziga,  Denis, Zisgen,  Julia
The interdependencies between supply infrastructures & in the event of power failures, for example & may not only limit regular supplies in the event of a crisis, but can also make emergency supply mechanisms more difficult. This book illustrates the interdependencies between various infrastructures and identifies potentially critical structures and the consequences for public life when individual components fail. Using selected example scenarios, the challenges of crisis events and ways of coping with them are discussed. The book is rounded off with clear suggestions for ways of increasing resilience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen von Bernstein,  Nicole, Brodala,  Tobias, Fathi,  Ramian, Fiedrich,  Frank, Freudenberg,  Dirk, Geschwendt,  Astrid, Habig,  Therese, Karsten,  Andreas, Kleinebrahn,  Anja, Marterer,  Robin, Martini,  Stefan, Rosenberg,  Matthias, Sauerland,  Torben, Schütte,  Patricia Magdalena, Steenhoek,  Sylvia, Tackenberg,  Bo, Uelpenich,  Gerhard, Voßschmidt,  Stefan, Weber,  Martin, Ziga,  Denis, Zisgen,  Julia
The interdependencies between supply infrastructures & in the event of power failures, for example & may not only limit regular supplies in the event of a crisis, but can also make emergency supply mechanisms more difficult. This book illustrates the interdependencies between various infrastructures and identifies potentially critical structures and the consequences for public life when individual components fail. Using selected example scenarios, the challenges of crisis events and ways of coping with them are discussed. The book is rounded off with clear suggestions for ways of increasing resilience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen von Bernstein,  Nicole, Brodala,  Tobias, Fathi,  Ramian, Fiedrich,  Frank, Freudenberg,  Dirk, Geschwendt,  Astrid, Habig,  Therese, Karsten,  Andreas, Kleinebrahn,  Anja, Marterer,  Robin, Martini,  Stefan, Rosenberg,  Matthias, Sauerland,  Torben, Schütte,  Patricia Magdalena, Steenhoek,  Sylvia, Tackenberg,  Bo, Uelpenich,  Gerhard, Voßschmidt,  Stefan, Weber,  Martin, Ziga,  Denis, Zisgen,  Julia
The interdependencies between supply infrastructures & in the event of power failures, for example & may not only limit regular supplies in the event of a crisis, but can also make emergency supply mechanisms more difficult. This book illustrates the interdependencies between various infrastructures and identifies potentially critical structures and the consequences for public life when individual components fail. Using selected example scenarios, the challenges of crisis events and ways of coping with them are discussed. The book is rounded off with clear suggestions for ways of increasing resilience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen von Bernstein,  Nicole, Brodala,  Tobias, Fathi,  Ramian, Fiedrich,  Frank, Freudenberg,  Dirk, Geschwendt,  Astrid, Habig,  Therese, Karsten,  Andreas, Kleinebrahn,  Anja, Marterer,  Robin, Martini,  Stefan, Rosenberg,  Matthias, Sauerland,  Torben, Schütte,  Patricia Magdalena, Steenhoek,  Sylvia, Tackenberg,  Bo, Uelpenich,  Gerhard, Voßschmidt,  Stefan, Weber,  Martin, Ziga,  Denis, Zisgen,  Julia
The interdependencies between supply infrastructures & in the event of power failures, for example & may not only limit regular supplies in the event of a crisis, but can also make emergency supply mechanisms more difficult. This book illustrates the interdependencies between various infrastructures and identifies potentially critical structures and the consequences for public life when individual components fail. Using selected example scenarios, the challenges of crisis events and ways of coping with them are discussed. The book is rounded off with clear suggestions for ways of increasing resilience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen von Bernstein,  Nicole, Brodala,  Tobias, Fathi,  Ramian, Fiedrich,  Frank, Freudenberg,  Dirk, Geschwendt,  Astrid, Habig,  Therese, Karsten,  Andreas, Kleinebrahn,  Anja, Marterer,  Robin, Martini,  Stefan, Rosenberg,  Matthias, Sauerland,  Torben, Schütte,  Patricia Magdalena, Steenhoek,  Sylvia, Tackenberg,  Bo, Uelpenich,  Gerhard, Voßschmidt,  Stefan, Weber,  Martin, Ziga,  Denis, Zisgen,  Julia
The interdependencies between supply infrastructures & in the event of power failures, for example & may not only limit regular supplies in the event of a crisis, but can also make emergency supply mechanisms more difficult. This book illustrates the interdependencies between various infrastructures and identifies potentially critical structures and the consequences for public life when individual components fail. Using selected example scenarios, the challenges of crisis events and ways of coping with them are discussed. The book is rounded off with clear suggestions for ways of increasing resilience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen

Resilienz und Kritische Infrastrukturen von Bernstein,  Nicole, Brodala,  Tobias, Fathi,  Ramian, Fiedrich,  Frank, Freudenberg,  Dirk, Geschwendt,  Astrid, Habig,  Therese, Karsten,  Andreas, Kleinebrahn,  Anja, Marterer,  Robin, Martini,  Stefan, Rosenberg,  Matthias, Sauerland,  Torben, Schütte,  Patricia Magdalena, Steenhoek,  Sylvia, Tackenberg,  Bo, Uelpenich,  Gerhard, Voßschmidt,  Stefan, Weber,  Martin, Ziga,  Denis, Zisgen,  Julia
The interdependencies between supply infrastructures & in the event of power failures, for example & may not only limit regular supplies in the event of a crisis, but can also make emergency supply mechanisms more difficult. This book illustrates the interdependencies between various infrastructures and identifies potentially critical structures and the consequences for public life when individual components fail. Using selected example scenarios, the challenges of crisis events and ways of coping with them are discussed. The book is rounded off with clear suggestions for ways of increasing resilience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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