Biblical women are widely received in the Jewish tradition. This is first shown by individual female figures such as Sara, Eve, Ester, Judith and the "capable woman" from the
Book of Proverbs. Ester or Zion as a woman were also elaborately treated as such, and theology, liturgy, and poetry, came into dialogue. Female figures in the Bible became
models for their own ethical-moral and theological orientation.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Carol Bakhos,
Judith R. Baskin,
Elisheva Baumgarten,
Mary Ann Beavis,
Dagmar Börner-Klein,
Constanza Cordoni,
Rachel Elior,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Meret Gutmann-Grün,
Robert A. Harris,
Yuval Katz-Wilfing,
Sheila Tuller Keiter,
Katrin Kogmann-Appel,
Gerhard Langer,
Mercedes Navarro Puerto,
Aurora Salvatierra Ossorio,
Adriana Valerio,
Felicia Waldmann
> findR *
Biblical women are widely received in the Jewish tradition. This is first shown by individual female figures such as Sara, Eve, Ester, Judith and the "capable woman" from the
Book of Proverbs. Ester or Zion as a woman were also elaborately treated as such, and theology, liturgy, and poetry, came into dialogue. Female figures in the Bible became
models for their own ethical-moral and theological orientation.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Carol Bakhos,
Judith R. Baskin,
Elisheva Baumgarten,
Mary Ann Beavis,
Dagmar Börner-Klein,
Constanza Cordoni,
Rachel Elior,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Meret Gutmann-Grün,
Robert A. Harris,
Yuval Katz-Wilfing,
Sheila Tuller Keiter,
Katrin Kogmann-Appel,
Gerhard Langer,
Mercedes Navarro Puerto,
Aurora Salvatierra Ossorio,
Adriana Valerio,
Felicia Waldmann
> findR *
Biblical women are widely received in the Jewish tradition. This is first shown by individual female figures such as Sara, Eve, Ester, Judith and the "capable woman" from the
Book of Proverbs. Ester or Zion as a woman were also elaborately treated as such, and theology, liturgy, and poetry, came into dialogue. Female figures in the Bible became
models for their own ethical-moral and theological orientation.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Carol Bakhos,
Judith R. Baskin,
Elisheva Baumgarten,
Mary Ann Beavis,
Dagmar Börner-Klein,
Constanza Cordoni,
Rachel Elior,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Meret Gutmann-Grün,
Robert A. Harris,
Yuval Katz-Wilfing,
Sheila Tuller Keiter,
Katrin Kogmann-Appel,
Gerhard Langer,
Mercedes Navarro Puerto,
Aurora Salvatierra Ossorio,
Adriana Valerio,
Felicia Waldmann
> findR *
Biblical women are widely received in the Jewish tradition. This is first shown by individual female figures such as Sara, Eve, Ester, Judith and the "capable woman" from the
Book of Proverbs. Ester or Zion as a woman were also elaborately treated as such, and theology, liturgy, and poetry, came into dialogue. Female figures in the Bible became
models for their own ethical-moral and theological orientation.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Carol Bakhos,
Judith R. Baskin,
Elisheva Baumgarten,
Mary Ann Beavis,
Dagmar Börner-Klein,
Constanza Cordoni,
Rachel Elior,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Meret Gutmann-Grün,
Robert A. Harris,
Yuval Katz-Wilfing,
Sheila Tuller Keiter,
Katrin Kogmann-Appel,
Gerhard Langer,
Aurora Salvatierra Ossorio,
Mercedes Navarro Puerto,
Adriana Valerio,
Felicia Waldmann
> findR *
Biblical women are widely received in the Jewish tradition. This is first shown by individual female figures such as Sara, Eve, Ester, Judith and the "capable woman" from the
Book of Proverbs. Ester or Zion as a woman were also elaborately treated as such, and theology, liturgy, and poetry, came into dialogue. Female figures in the Bible became
models for their own ethical-moral and theological orientation.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Carol Bakhos,
Judith R. Baskin,
Elisheva Baumgarten,
Mary Ann Beavis,
Dagmar Börner-Klein,
Constanza Cordoni,
Rachel Elior,
Irmtraud Fischer,
Meret Gutmann-Grün,
Robert A. Harris,
Yuval Katz-Wilfing,
Sheila Tuller Keiter,
Katrin Kogmann-Appel,
Gerhard Langer,
Mercedes Navarro Puerto,
Aurora Salvatierra Ossorio,
Adriana Valerio,
Felicia Waldmann
> findR *
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