Rhetorik und Gesprächsführung

Rhetorik und Gesprächsführung von Kraft,  Hans, Peters,  Horst
Markets today are extremely globalized, digital interactions are finding their way into every sphere of life, and communications are increasingly taking place online. Many people are already losing the cultural techniques involved in spontaneous speech and conversational strategy. People with speaking skills like many decision-makers are at a clear advantage. The individual chapters in this textbook therefore focus in concise form on central aspects such as verbal and nonverbal communication, successful personal presentation, commonly used communications models and conversational situations. Intercultural communication is addressed, as well as dress code, manners and small talk. The sections of the book are structured in an easy-to-follow way for beginners and are augmented with exercise sections.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Rhetorik und Gesprächsführung

Rhetorik und Gesprächsführung von Kraft,  Hans, Peters,  Horst
Markets today are extremely globalized, digital interactions are finding their way into every sphere of life, and communications are increasingly taking place online. Many people are already losing the cultural techniques involved in spontaneous speech and conversational strategy. People with speaking skills like many decision-makers are at a clear advantage. The individual chapters in this textbook therefore focus in concise form on central aspects such as verbal and nonverbal communication, successful personal presentation, commonly used communications models and conversational situations. Intercultural communication is addressed, as well as dress code, manners and small talk. The sections of the book are structured in an easy-to-follow way for beginners and are augmented with exercise sections.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Rhetorik und Gesprächsführung

Rhetorik und Gesprächsführung von Kraft,  Hans, Peters,  Horst
Markets today are extremely globalized, digital interactions are finding their way into every sphere of life, and communications are increasingly taking place online. Many people are already losing the cultural techniques involved in spontaneous speech and conversational strategy. People with speaking skills like many decision-makers are at a clear advantage. The individual chapters in this textbook therefore focus in concise form on central aspects such as verbal and nonverbal communication, successful personal presentation, commonly used communications models and conversational situations. Intercultural communication is addressed, as well as dress code, manners and small talk. The sections of the book are structured in an easy-to-follow way for beginners and are augmented with exercise sections.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Rhetorik und Gesprächsführung

Rhetorik und Gesprächsführung von Kraft,  Hans, Peters,  Horst
Markets today are extremely globalized, digital interactions are finding their way into every sphere of life, and communications are increasingly taking place online. Many people are already losing the cultural techniques involved in spontaneous speech and conversational strategy. People with speaking skills like many decision-makers are at a clear advantage. The individual chapters in this textbook therefore focus in concise form on central aspects such as verbal and nonverbal communication, successful personal presentation, commonly used communications models and conversational situations. Intercultural communication is addressed, as well as dress code, manners and small talk. The sections of the book are structured in an easy-to-follow way for beginners and are augmented with exercise sections.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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