Confessional Gap

Confessional Gap von Lüdtke,  Antonia
What does denominationalism mean today? How can it be advanced as a concept of religious education in the face of condensed pluralization movements? Confessional religious education is once again under scrutiny. In the context of this dissertation, a desideratum of reflection is set against a stated loss of plausibility: The leading metaphor "confessional gap" symbolizes the current talk of confessionality as in need of clarification, ambiguous, and in a state of change. Through a multifaceted approach, different aspects of the confessional construct are examined against this background, so that finally a new picture of confessionality is drawn, one that offers various possibilities of connection for dialogical forms of organization of religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Confessional Gap

Confessional Gap von Lüdtke,  Antonia
What does denominationalism mean today? How can it be advanced as a concept of religious education in the face of condensed pluralization movements? Confessional religious education is once again under scrutiny. In the context of this dissertation, a desideratum of reflection is set against a stated loss of plausibility: The leading metaphor "confessional gap" symbolizes the current talk of confessionality as in need of clarification, ambiguous, and in a state of change. Through a multifaceted approach, different aspects of the confessional construct are examined against this background, so that finally a new picture of confessionality is drawn, one that offers various possibilities of connection for dialogical forms of organization of religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Confessional Gap

Confessional Gap von Lüdtke,  Antonia
What does denominationalism mean today? How can it be advanced as a concept of religious education in the face of condensed pluralization movements? Confessional religious education is once again under scrutiny. In the context of this dissertation, a desideratum of reflection is set against a stated loss of plausibility: The leading metaphor "confessional gap" symbolizes the current talk of confessionality as in need of clarification, ambiguous, and in a state of change. Through a multifaceted approach, different aspects of the confessional construct are examined against this background, so that finally a new picture of confessionality is drawn, one that offers various possibilities of connection for dialogical forms of organization of religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Confessional Gap

Confessional Gap von Lüdtke,  Antonia
What does denominationalism mean today? How can it be advanced as a concept of religious education in the face of condensed pluralization movements? Confessional religious education is once again under scrutiny. In the context of this dissertation, a desideratum of reflection is set against a stated loss of plausibility: The leading metaphor "confessional gap" symbolizes the current talk of confessionality as in need of clarification, ambiguous, and in a state of change. Through a multifaceted approach, different aspects of the confessional construct are examined against this background, so that finally a new picture of confessionality is drawn, one that offers various possibilities of connection for dialogical forms of organization of religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
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Confessional Gap

Confessional Gap von Lüdtke,  Antonia
What does denominationalism mean today? How can it be advanced as a concept of religious education in the face of condensed pluralization movements? Confessional religious education is once again under scrutiny. In the context of this dissertation, a desideratum of reflection is set against a stated loss of plausibility: The leading metaphor "confessional gap" symbolizes the current talk of confessionality as in need of clarification, ambiguous, and in a state of change. Through a multifaceted approach, different aspects of the confessional construct are examined against this background, so that finally a new picture of confessionality is drawn, one that offers various possibilities of connection for dialogical forms of organization of religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
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Seelsorge im Plural

Seelsorge im Plural von Lüdtke,  Antonia, Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
Wie soll Seelsorge heute sein? Was soll sie bewirken? Welche Aspekte und Herangehensweise verhelfen zu einer gelingenden Seelsorgepraxis? Die gegenwärtigen Seelsorgediskurse beantworten diese Fragen „im Plural“ durch ein breites Spektrum von Ansätzen. In dieser Neuausgabe wird die vor zwanzig Jahren aufgenommene Spur weiter fortgeführt, indem aktuelle Ansätze der Poimenik praxisorientiert versammelt werden. Dies ermöglicht einerseits einen Überblick über die Vielfalt der Seelsorge auf konzeptioneller Ebene, in der ersichtlich wird, wie Seelsorgeansätze an verschiedenen Dimensionen, Theorien und Kontexten orientiert sind – ohne sich gegenseitig auszuschließen. Andererseits schlägt dieses Buch die Brücke zur konkreten Praxis durch viele Beispiele und die beständige Frage der Praxisrelevanz.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-05
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