Walter Felsenstein (1901–1975), founder and general director of the Komische Oper in Berlin, was one of the twentieth century’s greatest creative theatre directors, who played a hugely important role in the revival of opera as a theatrical art form. A brilliant artist who directed over 190 productions during the course of his career, he was equally committed to the works, their creators, the ensemble and the audience.
For Felsenstein, Verdi’s “Othello” was one of the most significant works in the history of opera. This was why he chose it to shoot the first colour opera film for DEFA in 1969. In his own interpretation, Felsenstein succeeded in creating a work that was not simply a documentation of the stage production, but a work that used cinematic means in order to portray the “unbearable happiness” that “Othello” conveys. Guiseppe Verdi who was enthused by Shakespeare’s plays produced with “Othello” an ingenious late work that the fantastic librettist, Arrigo Boito, had specially adapted for him beforehand.
In his penultimate opera, the composer once again demonstrates his entire creative energy and turns the beauty and tragedy of the love between the endearing Desdemona and Othello, the commander who everyone regards mistrustfully because he is black, into music that excites the audience today just as much as it did back then. Felsenstein produces with “Othello” a film that tells a tragic story interwoven with great music and at the same time documents his own dramaturgical work.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the German reunification on October 3, 2015, Arthaus Musik combines two unique programmes as 2 DVD Edition.
The impressive documentary Classical Music and Cold War – Musicians in the GDR by Thomas Zintl spans the range from the founding of the two German states in 1949 to the fall of the Wall in 1989. Using archive material and interviews with political as well as cultural representatives of that time like Helmut Schmidt, Peter Schreier and Kurt Masur the film draws a parallel between the cultural and political developments.
The performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 at the Gewandhaus Leipzig in 1991 turned out to be a great success for Kurt Masur. Masur, the Gewandhaus’ music director from 1970 to 1996, was one of the six prominent Leipzig citizens who came up with the call “Keine Gewalt!” (“No Violence!”) on the Monday demonstration on October 9, 1989, thus contributing significantly to its peaceful outcome. Since then, Kurt Masur and the Gewandhaus orchestra have been part of the collective memory
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
On occasion of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 Arthaus Musik combines two unique programmes in one Blu-ray.
The performance of Beethovens Symphony No. 9 at the Gewandhaus Leipzig in the reunited Germany turned out to be a great success for Kurt Masur, who was music director of the Gewandhaus from 1970 to 1996 and who decisively shaped the orchestra before and after the fall of the Wall.
The Echo Award winning fi lm documentation Classical and Cold War – Musicians in the GDR by Thomas Zintl spans the range from the founding of the two German states in 1949 to the fall of the Wall. Using archive material and interviews with contemporary witnesses like Helmut Schmidt, Peter Schreier and Kurt Masur the documentation draws the parallelism between the cultural and political developments.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *
Walter Felsenstein (1901–1975), founder and general director of the Komische Oper in Berlin, was one of the twentieth century’s greatest creative theatre directors, who played a hugely important role in the revival of opera as a theatrical art form. A brilliant artist who directed over 190 productions during the course of his career, he was equally committed to the works, their creators, the ensemble and the audience.
For Felsenstein, Verdi’s “Othello” was one of the most significant works in the history of opera. This was why he chose it to shoot the first colour opera film for DEFA in 1969. In his own interpretation, Felsenstein succeeded in creating a work that was not simply a documentation of the stage production, but a work that used cinematic means in order to portray the “unbearable happiness” that “Othello” conveys. Guiseppe Verdi who was enthused by Shakespeare’s plays produced with “Othello” an ingenious late work that the fantastic librettist, Arrigo Boito, had specially adapted for him beforehand.
In his penultimate opera, the composer once again demonstrates his entire creative energy and turns the beauty and tragedy of the love between the endearing Desdemona and Othello, the commander who everyone regards mistrustfully because he is black, into music that excites the audience today just as much as it did back then. Felsenstein produces with “Othello” a film that tells a tragic story interwoven with great music and at the same time documents his own dramaturgical work.
Aktualisiert: 2021-04-22
> findR *
On occasion of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 Arthaus Musik combines two unique programmes in one Blu-ray.
The performance of Beethovens Symphony No. 9 at the Gewandhaus Leipzig in the reunited Germany turned out to be a great success for Kurt Masur, who was music director of the Gewandhaus from 1970 to 1996 and who decisively shaped the orchestra before and after the fall of the Wall.
The Echo Award winning fi lm documentation Classical and Cold War – Musicians in the GDR by Thomas Zintl spans the range from the founding of the two German states in 1949 to the fall of the Wall. Using archive material and interviews with contemporary witnesses like Helmut Schmidt, Peter Schreier and Kurt Masur the documentation draws the parallelism between the cultural and political developments.
Aktualisiert: 2021-05-20
> findR *
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the German reunification on October 3, 2015, Arthaus Musik combines two unique programmes as 2 DVD Edition.
The impressive documentary Classical Music and Cold War – Musicians in the GDR by Thomas Zintl spans the range from the founding of the two German states in 1949 to the fall of the Wall in 1989. Using archive material and interviews with political as well as cultural representatives of that time like Helmut Schmidt, Peter Schreier and Kurt Masur the film draws a parallel between the cultural and political developments.
The performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 at the Gewandhaus Leipzig in 1991 turned out to be a great success for Kurt Masur. Masur, the Gewandhaus’ music director from 1970 to 1996, was one of the six prominent Leipzig citizens who came up with the call “Keine Gewalt!” (“No Violence!”) on the Monday demonstration on October 9, 1989, thus contributing significantly to its peaceful outcome. Since then, Kurt Masur and the Gewandhaus orchestra have been part of the collective memory
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-15
> findR *
Festgabe für den langjährigen Gewandhauskapellmeister Kurt Masur zum 80. Geburtstag: SACD 1 mit einer Tschaikowski-Sinfonie, CD 2 mit einem Hörbuch über Masurs Leben, gesprochen von Harald Schmidt
Aktualisiert: 2018-12-17
> findR *
Wissenschaftliche Aufsätze zu Beethovens Symphonien und Symphoniefragmenten, inkl. Zeittafel zur Entstehungsgeschichte.
Aktualisiert: 2021-12-30
> findR *
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