Business process management is concerned with the identification/documentation, (optimizing) design, implementation, control and improvement of operational processes in all sorts in businesses. The optimization process focuses not so much on technical issues, but rather on organizational aspects such as strategic orientation, organizational culture and providing a sense of involvement and leadership for those involved in the process. Business process management is thus one of the core competences involved in the field of strategic company management. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Business process management is concerned with the identification/documentation, (optimizing) design, implementation, control and improvement of operational processes in all sorts in businesses. The optimization process focuses not so much on technical issues, but rather on organizational aspects such as strategic orientation, organizational culture and providing a sense of involvement and leadership for those involved in the process. Business process management is thus one of the core competences involved in the field of strategic company management. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Business process management is concerned with the identification/documentation, (optimizing) design, implementation, control and improvement of operational processes in all sorts in businesses. The optimization process focuses not so much on technical issues, but rather on organizational aspects such as strategic orientation, organizational culture and providing a sense of involvement and leadership for those involved in the process. Business process management is thus one of the core competences involved in the field of strategic company management. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Many companies nowadays are working in a framework of social, economic, legal, ecological and technological conditions that are subject to increasing volatility, dynamism and complexity. Hypercompetitive environments are demanding constant adaptation not only of organizational structures and processes, but also of goals, strategies and business models. Introducing changes successfully in companies requires intensive engagement with the fundamental aspects of the transformations that are taking place. On the one hand, there are behaviour-oriented, staff-centred and cultural aspects - so-called "soft factors" - that mainly involve parts of the social-science and psychology disciplines. In contrast to that, there is a strict business-administration approach that focuses on optimizing values, renovation/restructuring, and turnaround. These aspects are summed up as the "hard factors" involved in change management. This volume mainly concentrates on tools and techniques for change management based on the business-administration approach, to provide readers with the equipment they need to face the issues that hard change management involves in everyday operational work.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Many companies nowadays are working in a framework of social, economic, legal, ecological and technological conditions that are subject to increasing volatility, dynamism and complexity. Hypercompetitive environments are demanding constant adaptation not only of organizational structures and processes, but also of goals, strategies and business models. Introducing changes successfully in companies requires intensive engagement with the fundamental aspects of the transformations that are taking place. On the one hand, there are behaviour-oriented, staff-centred and cultural aspects - so-called "soft factors" - that mainly involve parts of the social-science and psychology disciplines. In contrast to that, there is a strict business-administration approach that focuses on optimizing values, renovation/restructuring, and turnaround. These aspects are summed up as the "hard factors" involved in change management. This volume mainly concentrates on tools and techniques for change management based on the business-administration approach, to provide readers with the equipment they need to face the issues that hard change management involves in everyday operational work.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Many companies nowadays are working in a framework of social, economic, legal, ecological and technological conditions that are subject to increasing volatility, dynamism and complexity. Hypercompetitive environments are demanding constant adaptation not only of organizational structures and processes, but also of goals, strategies and business models. Introducing changes successfully in companies requires intensive engagement with the fundamental aspects of the transformations that are taking place. On the one hand, there are behaviour-oriented, staff-centred and cultural aspects - so-called "soft factors" - that mainly involve parts of the social-science and psychology disciplines. In contrast to that, there is a strict business-administration approach that focuses on optimizing values, renovation/restructuring, and turnaround. These aspects are summed up as the "hard factors" involved in change management. This volume mainly concentrates on tools and techniques for change management based on the business-administration approach, to provide readers with the equipment they need to face the issues that hard change management involves in everyday operational work.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Aus- und Weiterbildung werden in unserer Wissensgesellschaft zu einer zentralen Ressource für den persönlichen und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Bildungsanbieter bewegen sich mit unternehmerischen Organisationsstrukturen auch auf wettbewerblich organisierten Bildungsmärkten. Deshalb werden betriebswirtschaftliche Konzepte wie das Marketing immer wichtiger für diesen Bereich: Nur wer sein Bildungsangebot zeitgemäß und zielgruppenkonform gestaltet und vermarktet, ist dauerhaft erfolgreich/profitabel. Der vorliegende Band zeigt die Spezifika, Methoden und Anwendungsbereiche des Bildungsmarketings in konzentrierter und praxisorientierter Form.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Aus- und Weiterbildung werden in unserer Wissensgesellschaft zu einer zentralen Ressource für den persönlichen und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Bildungsanbieter bewegen sich mit unternehmerischen Organisationsstrukturen auch auf wettbewerblich organisierten Bildungsmärkten. Deshalb werden betriebswirtschaftliche Konzepte wie das Marketing immer wichtiger für diesen Bereich: Nur wer sein Bildungsangebot zeitgemäß und zielgruppenkonform gestaltet und vermarktet, ist dauerhaft erfolgreich/profitabel. Der vorliegende Band zeigt die Spezifika, Methoden und Anwendungsbereiche des Bildungsmarketings in konzentrierter und praxisorientierter Form.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Aus- und Weiterbildung werden in unserer Wissensgesellschaft zu einer zentralen Ressource für den persönlichen und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Bildungsanbieter bewegen sich mit unternehmerischen Organisationsstrukturen auch auf wettbewerblich organisierten Bildungsmärkten. Deshalb werden betriebswirtschaftliche Konzepte wie das Marketing immer wichtiger für diesen Bereich: Nur wer sein Bildungsangebot zeitgemäß und zielgruppenkonform gestaltet und vermarktet, ist dauerhaft erfolgreich/profitabel. Der vorliegende Band zeigt die Spezifika, Methoden und Anwendungsbereiche des Bildungsmarketings in konzentrierter und praxisorientierter Form.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Aus- und Weiterbildung werden in unserer Wissensgesellschaft zu einer zentralen Ressource für den persönlichen und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Bildungsanbieter bewegen sich mit unternehmerischen Organisationsstrukturen auch auf wettbewerblich organisierten Bildungsmärkten. Deshalb werden betriebswirtschaftliche Konzepte wie das Marketing immer wichtiger für diesen Bereich: Nur wer sein Bildungsangebot zeitgemäß und zielgruppenkonform gestaltet und vermarktet, ist dauerhaft erfolgreich/profitabel. Der vorliegende Band zeigt die Spezifika, Methoden und Anwendungsbereiche des Bildungsmarketings in konzentrierter und praxisorientierter Form.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The central importance of personnel resources for companies in a dynamic environment requires professional personnel management - both for the company itself and for each of its employees. Efforts to make companies more flexible on the one hand, and employees' desire for greater individualization on the other, give rise to tensions that personnel management needs to reconcile. In addition, aspects involving recruiting employees, employability and ensuring the continual expansion and adaptation of the company's knowledge base play a decisive role that needs to be implemented through (overall) planning, organizational, management-related and controlling activities, and in direct exchanges with personnel management. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The central importance of personnel resources for companies in a dynamic environment requires professional personnel management - both for the company itself and for each of its employees. Efforts to make companies more flexible on the one hand, and employees' desire for greater individualization on the other, give rise to tensions that personnel management needs to reconcile. In addition, aspects involving recruiting employees, employability and ensuring the continual expansion and adaptation of the company's knowledge base play a decisive role that needs to be implemented through (overall) planning, organizational, management-related and controlling activities, and in direct exchanges with personnel management. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The central importance of personnel resources for companies in a dynamic environment requires professional personnel management - both for the company itself and for each of its employees. Efforts to make companies more flexible on the one hand, and employees' desire for greater individualization on the other, give rise to tensions that personnel management needs to reconcile. In addition, aspects involving recruiting employees, employability and ensuring the continual expansion and adaptation of the company's knowledge base play a decisive role that needs to be implemented through (overall) planning, organizational, management-related and controlling activities, and in direct exchanges with personnel management. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The central importance of personnel resources for companies in a dynamic environment requires professional personnel management - both for the company itself and for each of its employees. Efforts to make companies more flexible on the one hand, and employees' desire for greater individualization on the other, give rise to tensions that personnel management needs to reconcile. In addition, aspects involving recruiting employees, employability and ensuring the continual expansion and adaptation of the company's knowledge base play a decisive role that needs to be implemented through (overall) planning, organizational, management-related and controlling activities, and in direct exchanges with personnel management. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
As a subdiscipline in business studies, entrepreneurship or the "theory of enterprise" is concerned with the founding of new companies in response to business opportunities that have been identified. From an institutional and personal point of view, entrepreneurship is characterized by the fact that market opportunities are recognized and exploited in profitable ways. This includes a coordinated use of resources, as well as a calculated acceptance of risks in the founding of new companies. Entrepreneurship is thus concerned with three central processes: identifying market opportunities, developing business ideas/models, and implementing them (commercially and organizationally). The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
As a subdiscipline in business studies, entrepreneurship or the "theory of enterprise" is concerned with the founding of new companies in response to business opportunities that have been identified. From an institutional and personal point of view, entrepreneurship is characterized by the fact that market opportunities are recognized and exploited in profitable ways. This includes a coordinated use of resources, as well as a calculated acceptance of risks in the founding of new companies. Entrepreneurship is thus concerned with three central processes: identifying market opportunities, developing business ideas/models, and implementing them (commercially and organizationally). The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
As a subdiscipline in business studies, entrepreneurship or the "theory of enterprise" is concerned with the founding of new companies in response to business opportunities that have been identified. From an institutional and personal point of view, entrepreneurship is characterized by the fact that market opportunities are recognized and exploited in profitable ways. This includes a coordinated use of resources, as well as a calculated acceptance of risks in the founding of new companies. Entrepreneurship is thus concerned with three central processes: identifying market opportunities, developing business ideas/models, and implementing them (commercially and organizationally). The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
As a subsection of the field of strategic company management, international management is concerned with the development, shaping and maintenance of a company=s production and market relationships across national boundaries, with the aim of achieving a commercially optimized global value-creation chain that can stand up to the competition. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
As a subsection of the field of strategic company management, international management is concerned with the development, shaping and maintenance of a company=s production and market relationships across national boundaries, with the aim of achieving a commercially optimized global value-creation chain that can stand up to the competition. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
As a subsection of the field of strategic company management, international management is concerned with the development, shaping and maintenance of a company=s production and market relationships across national boundaries, with the aim of achieving a commercially optimized global value-creation chain that can stand up to the competition. The individual volumes in the "Executive Education" series are designed in the form of tutorial notes and are intended to be used for independent learning of the modular subject-matter and for rapid revision of the relevant lectures.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *
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