Year Book 2017

Year Book 2017 von Fritz,  Michael, Hellmich,  Heike, Hong,  Yi, Ilieva,  Dima, Lundin,  Jonatan, Mitova,  Ekatarina, Orue,  Priscill, Schober,  Martin, tekom Europe,  European Association for Technical Communication -
tekom Europe Year Book Year Books are a new publication series published by tekom Europe. On the first pages of this publication, we inform you about recent developments in tekom Europe and about country organizations. The main part of this year book is reserved for articles on current trends in technical communication: – Jonatan Lundin provides insights in his research and sheds light on the question: Why do users often not understand manuals? – Yi Hong introduces the methodology and process of Smart-Info, used at Huawei. – Heike Hellmich offers another approach to the software documentation development using examples from Bosch. – Dima Ilieva and Ekatarina Mitova present a lovely chatbot called Tina and provide a plan for how to develop a user assistant. – Priscill Orue describes another chatbot realization: Unit4 Wanda Digital Assistant. – Michael Fritz investigates the scope of intelligent information and elaborates on a suitable approach for companies and technical communicators. – Martin Schober opens our eyes and minds to augmented reality principles and application in technical communication.
Aktualisiert: 2021-07-26
> findR *

Year Book 2017

Year Book 2017 von Fritz,  Michael, Hellmich,  Heike, Hong,  Yi, Ilieva,  Dima, Lundin,  Jonatan, Mitova,  Ekatarina, Orue,  Priscill, Schober,  Martin, tekom Europe,  European Association for Technical Communication -
Year Books are a new publication series published by tekom Europe. On the first pages of this publication, we inform you about recent developments in tekom Europe and about country organizations. The main part of this year book is reserved for articles on current trends in technical communication: – Jonatan Lundin provides insights in his research and sheds light on the question: Why do users often not understand manuals? – Yi Hong introduces the methodology and process of Smart-Info, used at Huawei. – Heike Hellmich offers another approach to the software documentation development using examples from Bosch. – Dima Ilieva and Ekatarina Mitova present a lovely chatbot called Tina and provide a plan for how to develop a user assistant. – Priscill Orue describes another chatbot realization: Unit4 Wanda Digital Assistant. – Michael Fritz investigates the scope of intelligent information and elaborates on a suitable approach for companies and technical communicators. – Martin Schober opens our eyes and minds to augmented reality principles and application in technical communication.
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-01
> findR *

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