Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 12,1-2: Kirchen- oder Hauspostille

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 12,1-2: Kirchen- oder Hauspostille von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
The ›Kirchen- oder Hauspostille‹ (Church or House Devotional Book), written in 1578/79, has been handed down in three publications which are interdependent and represent a contradiction to the established practice of devotional books in the Lutheran church. Weigel transcribes the sermons he held in the main church service in a »clandestine« manuscript. Based on the outdated homiletic tradition, he used this to summarize his independent theological and philosophical convictions formed during these years, convictions which were strongly influenced by his study of the obligation to the »Formula of Concord«, which he saw as a constraint. It was in the ›Postille‹, that modern researchers saw Weigel‹s »most comprehensive, most famous work and at the same time the work most often attacked by orthodoxy« (S. Wollgast) as well as »one of Weigel‹s most magnificent products« (W. Zeller).
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 7: Von Betrachtung des Lebens Christi. Vom Leben Christi. De vita Christi

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 7: Von Betrachtung des Lebens Christi. Vom Leben Christi. De vita Christi von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Weigel‹s Christological works met with interest outside of the German-speaking countries as well very early on. A Dutch translation of the homiletic pamphlet ›Von Betrachtung des Lebens Christi‹ (A Reflection on the Life of Christ), written in 1574, was published in 1647 and 1686. An English translation of the comprehensive work ›Vom Leben Christi‹ (On the Life of Christ), written in 1578, which advocated religious freedom and rejected the disputes between the confessions, in part with a purpose of polemic, was published in 1648. There are only extant fragments of the ›De vita Christi‹, which is in the appendix, a compilation in German based on various Weigel texts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 6: Handschriftliche Predigtensammlung (Unvollständige Teilpostille). Einfältiger Unterricht. Vom himmlischen Jerusalem

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 6: Handschriftliche Predigtensammlung (Unvollständige Teilpostille). Einfältiger Unterricht. Vom himmlischen Jerusalem von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
The main text is a revision of Valentine Weigel‹s ›Handschriftlichen Predigtensammlung‹ (Collection of Handwritten Sermons), published in 1977 and 1978 for the first time in instalments 6 and 7 of the ›Sämtlichen Schriften‹ (Collected Works). This collection, which was handed down in a handwritten form only, was written five years before Weigel‹s ›Postille‹ (devotional book) and is unfinished. It begins with a sermon on the first Sunday in Advent in 1573 and stops with a sermon on Judica Sunday in 1574. In a preface which he wrote on October 11 of the same year, Weigel describes his spiritually motivated concept of the ministry whose purpose is to lead its listeners »to that which lives within the spirit«.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 6. Lieferung: Handschriftliche Predigtensammlung (1573–1574) I

Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 6. Lieferung: Handschriftliche Predigtensammlung (1573–1574) I von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Valentin Weigel's theology of mystical speculation represented the culmination of German mysticism in the 16th century. Traditional schools of thinking of various origins are united in Weigel's works. His Protestant-spiritualist piety, which was influenced by Sebastian Franck, drew upon medieval mysticism, primarily upon Eckart, Tauler and the ›Theologia Deutsch‹. His thinking incorporated Boethius' neoplatonist ideas and Paracelsus' ideas on natural philosophy, and he developed them into Christological-cosmosophical speculations. The continuing influence of his thinking, which often emerges unexpectedly, such as for example in the works of Johannes Arndt und Kepler, has presented researchers with many unsolved problems, in particular regarding Böhme's relationship to Weigel and to Weigelianism. They will be able to be solved on the basis of this Weigel edition, which also includes the writings attributed to him. This first complete critical edition of Valentin Weigel's works is based on seminal research done by Winfried Zeller. His study of the handwritten works which have been preserved made it possible to resolve the previously contentious issues regarding the question of authenticity, to determine which writings were definitely done by Weigel, as well as their chronology, and led to the discovery of previously unknown manuscripts.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 2. Lieferung: Schriftlicher Bericht von der Vergebung der Sünden oder vom Schlüssel der Kirchen

Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 2. Lieferung: Schriftlicher Bericht von der Vergebung der Sünden oder vom Schlüssel der Kirchen von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Valentin Weigel's theology of mystical speculation represented the culmination of German mysticism in the 16th century. Traditional schools of thinking of various origins are united in Weigel's works. His Protestant-spiritualist piety, which was influenced by Sebastian Franck, drew upon medieval mysticism, primarily upon Eckart, Tauler and the ›Theologia Deutsch‹. His thinking incorporated Boethius' neoplatonist ideas and Paracelsus' ideas on natural philosophy, and he developed them into Christological-cosmosophical speculations. The continuing influence of his thinking, which often emerges unexpectedly, such as for example in the works of Johannes Arndt und Kepler, has presented researchers with many unsolved problems, in particular regarding Böhme's relationship to Weigel and to Weigelianism. They will be able to be solved on the basis of this Weigel edition, which also includes the writings attributed to him. This first complete critical edition of Valentin Weigel's works is based on seminal research done by Winfried Zeller. His study of the handwritten works which have been preserved made it possible to resolve the previously contentious issues regarding the question of authenticity, to determine which writings were definitely done by Weigel, as well as their chronology, and led to the discovery of previously unknown manuscripts.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 2: De vita beata. De luce et caligine divina. Vom seligen Leben

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 2: De vita beata. De luce et caligine divina. Vom seligen Leben von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Der um 1570 entstandene lateinische Traktat ›De vita beata‹, der 1609 als erste Weigelschrift gedruckt wurde, setzt sich mit neuplatonischen Ideen und Vorstellungen auseinander, wie sie besonders in ›De consolatione philosophiae‹ des Boëthius enthalten sind. Alle Menschen streben gleichermaßen nach dem Glück, welches nicht in vergänglichen Dingen außer uns zu suchen und zu finden ist, sondern in dem einigen höchsten Gut Gott oder Christus in uns selbst. Die auf ›De vita beata‹ aufbauende, ebenfalls lateinisch geschriebene Betrachtung ›De luce et caligine divina‹ und die in den Anhang gestellte, in Weigels unmittelbarem Umfeld 1575 entstandene deutsche ›Vita beata‹-Übertragung ›Vom seligen Leben‹ runden den Band ab.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 8: Der güldene Griff. Kontroverse um den ›Güldenen Griff‹. Vom judicio im Menschen

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 8: Der güldene Griff. Kontroverse um den ›Güldenen Griff‹. Vom judicio im Menschen von Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin
›Der güldene Griff‹ (The Golden Art of Knowing) completes the writings on epistemology which began in volume 3, which are now available for the first time in a critical edition. The text is based on a newly-discovered manuscript which was partially written by Weigel. A ›Disputation‹ has been appended in which Weigel defends the basic principles of his work and which provides new information about his position on epistemology.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 1: Zwei nützliche Traktate. Bericht zur ›Deutschen Theologie‹. Die vernünftige Kreatur

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 1: Zwei nützliche Traktate. Bericht zur ›Deutschen Theologie‹. Die vernünftige Kreatur von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
The works in this volume originated parallel to the Latin texts of the second volume and mark the beginning of Weigels literary work. Apart from the Neoplatonic reception, the topics dealt with include medieval German mysticism, primarily the sermons of Meister Eckhart and Johannes Tauler as well as ›Theologia deutsch‹,an anonymous work edited by Martin Luther of which two editions were published. This revised edition of the two main works incorporates the results of their edition in the third instalment of Valentine Weigel‹s ›Sämtlichen Schriften‹ (Collected Works).
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 11: Informatorium. Natürliche Auslegung von der Schöpfung. Vom Ursprung aller Dinge. Viererlei Auslegung von der Schöpfung

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 11: Informatorium. Natürliche Auslegung von der Schöpfung. Vom Ursprung aller Dinge. Viererlei Auslegung von der Schöpfung von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Containing the German ›Informatorium‹ and Weigel‹s authentic as well as the revised interpretations of the creation, this volume combines two groups of texts which are connected by subjects and text adoptions, some of which they have in common. It is the purpose of the ›Informatorium‹ to provide instructions for the right Christian faith using Prayer (Part I), Jacob‹s Ladder (Part II) and the Key of David (Part III). The gradualistically compiled ›Viererlei Auslegung von der Schöpfung‹ (Four Interpretations of Creation) in the appendix was written as a study of Lutheran theology.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 4. Lieferung: Dialogus de Christianismo

Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 4. Lieferung: Dialogus de Christianismo von Ehrentreich,  Alfred, Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Valentin Weigel's theology of mystical speculation represented the culmination of German mysticism in the 16th century. Traditional schools of thinking of various origins are united in Weigel's works. His Protestant-spiritualist piety, which was influenced by Sebastian Franck, drew upon medieval mysticism, primarily upon Eckart, Tauler and the ›Theologia Deutsch‹. His thinking incorporated Boethius' neoplatonist ideas and Paracelsus' ideas on natural philosophy, and he developed them into Christological-cosmosophical speculations. The continuing influence of his thinking, which often emerges unexpectedly, such as for example in the works of Johannes Arndt und Kepler, has presented researchers with many unsolved problems, in particular regarding Böhme's relationship to Weigel and to Weigelianism. They will be able to be solved on the basis of this Weigel edition, which also includes the writings attributed to him. This first complete critical edition of Valentin Weigel's works is based on seminal research done by Winfried Zeller. His study of the handwritten works which have been preserved made it possible to resolve the previously contentious issues regarding the question of authenticity, to determine which writings were definitely done by Weigel, as well as their chronology, and led to the discovery of previously unknown manuscripts.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 10: Vom Ort der Welt. Scholasterium christianum

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 10: Vom Ort der Welt. Scholasterium christianum von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
In ›Vom Ort der Welt‹, (The Place of the World), handed down in its published form only and written around 1576, Weigel deals with the problem of space which he interprets in one way in Paracelsian terms as the outer worldly space and in another way in terms of theology as the continuation of mystical reflections on the inner spiritual space. This work, contained in the first instalment of Valentine Weigel‹s ›Sämtlichen Schriften‹ (Collected Works), is available for the first time in a critical and annotated edition. The ›Scholasterium christianum‹, (written around 1571), was an early attempt to combine the reflections on the problem of space with a study of the concept of time. This has not previously been part of a modern edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 4: Gebetbuch (Büchlein vom Gebet). Vom Gebet. Vom Beten und Nichtbeten

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 4: Gebetbuch (Büchlein vom Gebet). Vom Gebet. Vom Beten und Nichtbeten von Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin
Weigel‹s ›Gebetbuch‹ (Book of Prayers), which combines the influence of the Reformation (Martin Luther) with concepts of German medieval mysticism (Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, ›Theologia deutsch‹), has been reproduced here for the first time using a handwritten manuscript transmission. Divided into three parts, it contains detailed instructions for prayer, a study of how Adam and Christ are in us and an interpretation of the Lord‹s Prayer. By including the first part in Johann Arndt‹s ›Vier Bücher vom wahren Christentum‹ (Four Books on True Christianity), Weigel produced his most effective devotional work and made a vital contribution to internalizing prayer in the history of Protestant piety.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 1. Lieferung: Ein nützlich Tractätlein vom Ort der Welt

Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 1. Lieferung: Ein nützlich Tractätlein vom Ort der Welt von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Valentin Weigel's theology of mystical speculation represented the culmination of German mysticism in the 16th century. Traditional schools of thinking of various origins are united in Weigel's works. His Protestant-spiritualist piety, which was influenced by Sebastian Franck, drew upon medieval mysticism, primarily upon Eckart, Tauler and the ›Theologia Deutsch‹. His thinking incorporated Boethius' neoplatonist ideas and Paracelsus' ideas on natural philosophy, and he developed them into Christological-cosmosophical speculations. The continuing influence of his thinking, which often emerges unexpectedly, such as for example in the works of Johannes Arndt und Kepler, has presented researchers with many unsolved problems, in particular regarding Böhme's relationship to Weigel and to Weigelianism. They will be able to be solved on the basis of this Weigel edition, which also includes the writings attributed to him. This first complete critical edition of Valentin Weigel's works is based on seminal research done by Winfried Zeller. His study of the handwritten works which have been preserved made it possible to resolve the previously contentious issues regarding the question of authenticity, to determine which writings were definitely done by Weigel, as well as their chronology, and led to the discovery of previously unknown manuscripts.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 9: Seligmachende Erkenntnis Gottes. Unterricht Predigte. Bericht vom Glauben

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 9: Seligmachende Erkenntnis Gottes. Unterricht Predigte. Bericht vom Glauben von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Containing the ›Seligmachenden Erkenntnis Gottes‹ (True Knowledge of God) written in 1574, this volume provides a further work on epistemology. Due to its close connection with the writings in volumes 3 and 8, the text, which initially was counted as one of the spuria, can now be seen as Weigel‹s alternative to this important topic. One of his duties as a pastor was a funeral sermon from 1576 on 1 Thessalonians 4, the only Weigel text which was published during his lifetime, which also contains the small work ›Bericht vom Glauben‹, (Report on Faith) reprinted in the appendix.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 3: Vom Gesetz oder Willen Gottes. Gnothi seauton

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 3: Vom Gesetz oder Willen Gottes. Gnothi seauton von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
This volume contains two of Weigel‹s early philosophical works. In ›Vom Gesetz oder Willen Gottes‹ (On the Law or the Will of God) he tries to unite Lutheran anthropology and the mysticism of the ›Theologia Deutsch‹. In ›Gnothi seauton‹ he develops the basic principles of his epistemology based on Boethius, Hugo von St. Viktor, German mysticism, Sebastian Franck and Paracelsus.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 5: ›Vom wahren seligmachenden Glauben‹ – ›Daß das Wort Gottes in allen Menschen sei‹ – ›Wie der Glaube aus dem Gehör komme‹ und andere Schriften

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 5: ›Vom wahren seligmachenden Glauben‹ – ›Daß das Wort Gottes in allen Menschen sei‹ – ›Wie der Glaube aus dem Gehör komme‹ und andere Schriften von Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur,  Mainz, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin
The main work in instalment 5 of Valentine Weigel‹s ›Sämtliche Schriften‹ (Collected Works), ›Vom wahren seligmachenden Glauben‹ (The Only True Faith) of 1572 is being presented here in a revised version. Since Weigel dedicated it to his superiors in the church, it is also known as his ›Apologia‹ and contains an unusually large number of quotes. According to Zeller, the attempt to ›express his conception of Adam and Christ in the words of Lutheran scholastic orthodoxy was part of the method of this justification‹. There are only short extant texts of the other works in this volume, some of them only fragments, most of which were by found by the editor, and these are presented here for the first time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 14: Erschließungs- und Registerband

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 14: Erschließungs- und Registerband von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Trauth,  Michael, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Complete table of contents. List of sigla in the text corpus of Weigel’s works (writings, manuscripts, printed publications). Bibliography. List of all illustrations. Complete index (persons and anonymous works, Weigel‘s texts, biblical passages). In the interest of making this easy to use, the lists and indexes of all the volumes are combined in one special volume (general index) which constitutes the conclusion of the new edition.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
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Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 3. Lieferung: Zwei nützliche Tractate …

Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 3. Lieferung: Zwei nützliche Tractate … von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Valentin Weigel's theology of mystical speculation represented the culmination of German mysticism in the 16th century. Traditional schools of thinking of various origins are united in Weigel's works. His Protestant-spiritualist piety, which was influenced by Sebastian Franck, drew upon medieval mysticism, primarily upon Eckart, Tauler and the ›Theologia Deutsch‹. His thinking incorporated Boethius' neoplatonist ideas and Paracelsus' ideas on natural philosophy, and he developed them into Christological-cosmosophical speculations. The continuing influence of his thinking, which often emerges unexpectedly, such as for example in the works of Johannes Arndt und Kepler, has presented researchers with many unsolved problems, in particular regarding Böhme's relationship to Weigel and to Weigelianism. They will be able to be solved on the basis of this Weigel edition, which also includes the writings attributed to him. This first complete critical edition of Valentin Weigel's works is based on seminal research done by Winfried Zeller. His study of the handwritten works which have been preserved made it possible to resolve the previously contentious issues regarding the question of authenticity, to determine which writings were definitely done by Weigel, as well as their chronology, and led to the discovery of previously unknown manuscripts.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 13: Von Vergebung der Sünden. Dialogus de christianismo. Lazaruspredigt

Weigel, Valentin: Sämtliche Schriften. Neue Edition / Band 13: Von Vergebung der Sünden. Dialogus de christianismo. Lazaruspredigt von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
This volume will contain Valentine Weigel’s late works, including ›Von Vergebung der Sünden‹ (On the Forgiveness of Sins), dated 1582 and the ›Dialogus de christianismo‹, written in 1584, in chronological order. Weigel‘s most demanding literary work, the ›Dialogus‹, in which he recapitulates the theological quarrels about the implementation of the »Formula of Concord«, using the literary form of a debate, and in retrospect tries to justify the signature he gave contrary to his own beliefs, is a conclusion worthy of the new edition of his works.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 7. Lieferung: Handschriftliche Predigtensammlung (1573–1574) II

Valentin Weigel: Sämtliche Schriften / 7. Lieferung: Handschriftliche Predigtensammlung (1573–1574) II von Peuckert,  Will-Erich, Pfefferl,  Horst, Weigel,  Valentin, Zeller,  Winfried
Valentin Weigel's theology of mystical speculation represented the culmination of German mysticism in the 16th century. Traditional schools of thinking of various origins are united in Weigel's works. His Protestant-spiritualist piety, which was influenced by Sebastian Franck, drew upon medieval mysticism, primarily upon Eckart, Tauler and the ›Theologia Deutsch‹. His thinking incorporated Boethius' neoplatonist ideas and Paracelsus' ideas on natural philosophy, and he developed them into Christological-cosmosophical speculations. The continuing influence of his thinking, which often emerges unexpectedly, such as for example in the works of Johannes Arndt und Kepler, has presented researchers with many unsolved problems, in particular regarding Böhme's relationship to Weigel and to Weigelianism. They will be able to be solved on the basis of this Weigel edition, which also includes the writings attributed to him. This first complete critical edition of Valentin Weigel's works is based on seminal research done by Winfried Zeller. His study of the handwritten works which have been preserved made it possible to resolve the previously contentious issues regarding the question of authenticity, to determine which writings were definitely done by Weigel, as well as their chronology, and led to the discovery of previously unknown manuscripts.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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