Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims and crime scenes selected? Are there any connections to further attacks? Halle, Hanau, the murder of Walter Lübcke & Germany has been shaken again and again by right-wing extremist attacks. And time and again, questions have arisen about the state=s responsibility & as with the NSU complex. Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were able to live underground for many years. They were able to carry out robberies and murders for years without being stopped & the authorities seemed to be clueless, blaming the so-called ?doner-kebab murders= on the victims= milieu. How was that possible? The question is still an explosive one, even and especially after the issuing of the verdict in the NSU trial. This book traces the contours of a case that is still uncanny and shocking today. And it addresses what are still burning issues: the role of the authorities, the judicial system and the media & and the suffering of those affected. It establishes connections to the never-ending series of attacks. What impact does the NSU have on the right-wing scene today? People have been receiving menacing letters signed ?NSU 2.0= and have been threatened with details taken from police sources about their private lives & and once again the authorities seem to have been unable to identify the perpetrators for years. The NSU complex is a challenge for the country. The mammoth court trial and a whole series of investigative committees have made progress in clarifying it, but have by no means brought it to a conclusion. The authors of this book clearly show that the state and society must not simply draw a line under it.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Seda Basay-Yildiz,
Clemens Binninger,
Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler,
Thomas Grumke,
Thomas Hauser,
Stephan J. Kramer,
Wiebke Ramm,
Martina Renner,
Tanjev Schultz,
Abdul Kerim Simsek,
Guido Spars,
Sebastian Wehrhahn,
Daniela Winkler
> findR *
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims and crime scenes selected? Are there any connections to further attacks? Halle, Hanau, the murder of Walter Lübcke & Germany has been shaken again and again by right-wing extremist attacks. And time and again, questions have arisen about the state=s responsibility & as with the NSU complex. Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were able to live underground for many years. They were able to carry out robberies and murders for years without being stopped & the authorities seemed to be clueless, blaming the so-called ?doner-kebab murders= on the victims= milieu. How was that possible? The question is still an explosive one, even and especially after the issuing of the verdict in the NSU trial. This book traces the contours of a case that is still uncanny and shocking today. And it addresses what are still burning issues: the role of the authorities, the judicial system and the media & and the suffering of those affected. It establishes connections to the never-ending series of attacks. What impact does the NSU have on the right-wing scene today? People have been receiving menacing letters signed ?NSU 2.0= and have been threatened with details taken from police sources about their private lives & and once again the authorities seem to have been unable to identify the perpetrators for years. The NSU complex is a challenge for the country. The mammoth court trial and a whole series of investigative committees have made progress in clarifying it, but have by no means brought it to a conclusion. The authors of this book clearly show that the state and society must not simply draw a line under it.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Seda Basay-Yildiz,
Clemens Binninger,
Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler,
Thomas Grumke,
Thomas Hauser,
Stephan J. Kramer,
Wiebke Ramm,
Martina Renner,
Tanjev Schultz,
Abdul Kerim Simsek,
Guido Spars,
Sebastian Wehrhahn,
Daniela Winkler
> findR *
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims and crime scenes selected? Are there any connections to further attacks? Halle, Hanau, the murder of Walter Lübcke & Germany has been shaken again and again by right-wing extremist attacks. And time and again, questions have arisen about the state=s responsibility & as with the NSU complex. Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were able to live underground for many years. They were able to carry out robberies and murders for years without being stopped & the authorities seemed to be clueless, blaming the so-called ?doner-kebab murders= on the victims= milieu. How was that possible? The question is still an explosive one, even and especially after the issuing of the verdict in the NSU trial. This book traces the contours of a case that is still uncanny and shocking today. And it addresses what are still burning issues: the role of the authorities, the judicial system and the media & and the suffering of those affected. It establishes connections to the never-ending series of attacks. What impact does the NSU have on the right-wing scene today? People have been receiving menacing letters signed ?NSU 2.0= and have been threatened with details taken from police sources about their private lives & and once again the authorities seem to have been unable to identify the perpetrators for years. The NSU complex is a challenge for the country. The mammoth court trial and a whole series of investigative committees have made progress in clarifying it, but have by no means brought it to a conclusion. The authors of this book clearly show that the state and society must not simply draw a line under it.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Seda Basay-Yildiz,
Clemens Binninger,
Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler,
Thomas Grumke,
Thomas Hauser,
Stephan J. Kramer,
Wiebke Ramm,
Martina Renner,
Tanjev Schultz,
Abdul Kerim Simsek,
Guido Spars,
Sebastian Wehrhahn,
Daniela Winkler
> findR *
Am 6. Mai 2013 beginnt in München der größte Strafprozess in Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung. Am 11. Juli 2018 wird das Urteil gesprochen. Eine Frau und vier Männer werden beschuldigt, die Terrororganisation NSU gegründet oder unterstützt zu haben – eine rechtsradikale Gruppe, die zehn Menschen ermordet, drei Sprengstoffanschläge verübt einen Brandstiftung und 15 Raubüberfälle begangen haben soll. Das Verfahren wird mehr als fünf Jahre dauern, mehr als 600 Zeugen und Sachverständige kommen zu Wort, über 60 Anwälte vertreten die fünf Angeklagten und 93 Nebenkläger an 437 Prozesstagen.
Annette Ramelsberger, Tanjev Schultz und Rainer Stadler gehören zu den wenigen Journalisten, die Zutritt zum Gerichtssaal hatten und die Verhandlung vom ersten Tag an lückenlos verfolgt haben. Aus ihren täglichen Mitschriften ist ein umfangreiches Protokoll entstanden, das in diesen fünf Büchern dokumentiert wird: Ein Stück deutscher Geschichte.
Es handelt sich um Originaltöne aus der Verhandlung, die gekürzt, aber sonst unverändert wiedergegeben werden. Durch die Stimmen des Richters, der Zeugen, der Sachverständigen, der Anwälte und der Angeklagten entsteht ein Gesamtbild von zehn Jahren Terror, dem nicht endenden Schmerz der Opfer, dem eiskalten Vorgehen der Täter, dem Dilettantismus der Ermittler und der schwierigen Suche nach der Wahrheit, die doch so offensichtlich zu sein scheint.
Band 1-3: Beweisaufnahme
Band 4: Plädoyers und Urteil
Band 5: Materialien (Register, Chronologie und kurze Portraits der Beteiligten)
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-10
> findR *
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims and crime scenes selected? Are there any connections to further attacks? Halle, Hanau, the murder of Walter Lübcke & Germany has been shaken again and again by right-wing extremist attacks. And time and again, questions have arisen about the state=s responsibility & as with the NSU complex. Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were able to live underground for many years. They were able to carry out robberies and murders for years without being stopped & the authorities seemed to be clueless, blaming the so-called ?doner-kebab murders= on the victims= milieu. How was that possible? The question is still an explosive one, even and especially after the issuing of the verdict in the NSU trial. This book traces the contours of a case that is still uncanny and shocking today. And it addresses what are still burning issues: the role of the authorities, the judicial system and the media & and the suffering of those affected. It establishes connections to the never-ending series of attacks. What impact does the NSU have on the right-wing scene today? People have been receiving menacing letters signed ?NSU 2.0= and have been threatened with details taken from police sources about their private lives & and once again the authorities seem to have been unable to identify the perpetrators for years. The NSU complex is a challenge for the country. The mammoth court trial and a whole series of investigative committees have made progress in clarifying it, but have by no means brought it to a conclusion. The authors of this book clearly show that the state and society must not simply draw a line under it.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Seda Basay-Yildiz,
Clemens Binninger,
Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler,
Thomas Grumke,
Thomas Hauser,
Stephan J. Kramer,
Wiebke Ramm,
Martina Renner,
Tanjev Schultz,
Abdul Kerim Simsek,
Guido Spars,
Sebastian Wehrhahn,
Daniela Winkler
> findR *
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims and crime scenes selected? Are there any connections to further attacks? Halle, Hanau, the murder of Walter Lübcke & Germany has been shaken again and again by right-wing extremist attacks. And time and again, questions have arisen about the state=s responsibility & as with the NSU complex. Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were able to live underground for many years. They were able to carry out robberies and murders for years without being stopped & the authorities seemed to be clueless, blaming the so-called ?doner-kebab murders= on the victims= milieu. How was that possible? The question is still an explosive one, even and especially after the issuing of the verdict in the NSU trial. This book traces the contours of a case that is still uncanny and shocking today. And it addresses what are still burning issues: the role of the authorities, the judicial system and the media & and the suffering of those affected. It establishes connections to the never-ending series of attacks. What impact does the NSU have on the right-wing scene today? People have been receiving menacing letters signed ?NSU 2.0= and have been threatened with details taken from police sources about their private lives & and once again the authorities seem to have been unable to identify the perpetrators for years. The NSU complex is a challenge for the country. The mammoth court trial and a whole series of investigative committees have made progress in clarifying it, but have by no means brought it to a conclusion. The authors of this book clearly show that the state and society must not simply draw a line under it.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Seda Basay-Yildiz,
Clemens Binninger,
Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler,
Thomas Grumke,
Thomas Hauser,
Stephan J. Kramer,
Wiebke Ramm,
Martina Renner,
Tanjev Schultz,
Abdul Kerim Simsek,
Guido Spars,
Sebastian Wehrhahn,
Daniela Winkler
> findR *
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims and crime scenes selected? Are there any connections to further attacks? Halle, Hanau, the murder of Walter Lübcke & Germany has been shaken again and again by right-wing extremist attacks. And time and again, questions have arisen about the state=s responsibility & as with the NSU complex. Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were able to live underground for many years. They were able to carry out robberies and murders for years without being stopped & the authorities seemed to be clueless, blaming the so-called ?doner-kebab murders= on the victims= milieu. How was that possible? The question is still an explosive one, even and especially after the issuing of the verdict in the NSU trial. This book traces the contours of a case that is still uncanny and shocking today. And it addresses what are still burning issues: the role of the authorities, the judicial system and the media & and the suffering of those affected. It establishes connections to the never-ending series of attacks. What impact does the NSU have on the right-wing scene today? People have been receiving menacing letters signed ?NSU 2.0= and have been threatened with details taken from police sources about their private lives & and once again the authorities seem to have been unable to identify the perpetrators for years. The NSU complex is a challenge for the country. The mammoth court trial and a whole series of investigative committees have made progress in clarifying it, but have by no means brought it to a conclusion. The authors of this book clearly show that the state and society must not simply draw a line under it.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Seda Basay-Yildiz,
Clemens Binninger,
Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler,
Thomas Grumke,
Thomas Hauser,
Stephan J. Kramer,
Wiebke Ramm,
Martina Renner,
Tanjev Schultz,
Abdul Kerim Simsek,
Guido Spars,
Sebastian Wehrhahn,
Daniela Winkler
> findR *
Am 6. Mai 2013 beginnt in München der größte Strafprozess in Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung. Am 11. Juli 2018 wird das Urteil gesprochen. Eine Frau und vier Männer werden beschuldigt, die Terrororganisation NSU gegründet oder unterstützt zu haben – eine rechtsradikale Gruppe, die zehn Menschen ermordet, drei Sprengstoffanschläge verübt einen Brandstiftung und 15 Raubüberfälle begangen haben soll. Das Verfahren wird mehr als fünf Jahre dauern, mehr als 600 Zeugen und Sachverständige kommen zu Wort, über 60 Anwälte vertreten die fünf Angeklagten und 93 Nebenkläger an 437 Prozesstagen.
Annette Ramelsberger, Tanjev Schultz und Rainer Stadler gehören zu den wenigen Journalisten, die Zutritt zum Gerichtssaal hatten und die Verhandlung vom ersten Tag an lückenlos verfolgt haben. Aus ihren täglichen Mitschriften ist ein umfangreiches Protokoll entstanden, das in diesen fünf Büchern dokumentiert wird: Ein Stück deutscher Geschichte.
Es handelt sich um Originaltöne aus der Verhandlung, die gekürzt, aber sonst unverändert wiedergegeben werden. Durch die Stimmen des Richters, der Zeugen, der Sachverständigen, der Anwälte und der Angeklagten entsteht ein Gesamtbild von zehn Jahren Terror, dem nicht endenden Schmerz der Opfer, dem eiskalten Vorgehen der Täter, dem Dilettantismus der Ermittler und der schwierigen Suche nach der Wahrheit, die doch so offensichtlich zu sein scheint.
Band 1-3: Beweisaufnahme
Band 4: Plädoyers und Urteil
Band 5: Materialien (Register, Chronologie und kurze Portraits der Beteiligten)
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-14
> findR *
Am 6. Mai 2013 beginnt in München der größte Strafprozess in Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung. Am 11. Juli 2018 wird das Urteil gesprochen. Eine Frau und vier Männer werden beschuldigt, die Terrororganisation NSU gegründet oder unterstützt zu haben – eine rechtsradikale Gruppe, die zehn Menschen ermordet, drei Sprengstoffanschläge verübt einen Brandstiftung und 15 Raubüberfälle begangen haben soll. Das Verfahren wird mehr als fünf Jahre dauern, mehr als 600 Zeugen und Sachverständige kommen zu Wort, über 60 Anwälte vertreten die fünf Angeklagten und 93 Nebenkläger an 437 Prozesstagen.
Annette Ramelsberger, Tanjev Schultz und Rainer Stadler gehören zu den wenigen Journalisten, die Zutritt zum Gerichtssaal hatten und die Verhandlung vom ersten Tag an lückenlos verfolgt haben. Aus ihren täglichen Mitschriften ist ein umfangreiches Protokoll entstanden, das in diesen fünf Büchern dokumentiert wird: Ein Stück deutscher Geschichte.
Es handelt sich um Originaltöne aus der Verhandlung, die gekürzt, aber sonst unverändert wiedergegeben werden. Durch die Stimmen des Richters, der Zeugen, der Sachverständigen, der Anwälte und der Angeklagten entsteht ein Gesamtbild von zehn Jahren Terror, dem nicht endenden Schmerz der Opfer, dem eiskalten Vorgehen der Täter, dem Dilettantismus der Ermittler und der schwierigen Suche nach der Wahrheit, die doch so offensichtlich zu sein scheint.
Band 1-3: Beweisaufnahme
Band 4: Plädoyers und Urteil
Band 5: Materialien (Register, Chronologie und kurze Portraits der Beteiligten)
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-15
> findR *
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