Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung / Abteilung III: Indices. Kant-Index. Section 1: Indices zum Kantschen Logikcorpus. Band 1: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu George Friedrich Meier ›Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre‹

Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung / Abteilung III: Indices. Kant-Index. Section 1: Indices zum Kantschen Logikcorpus. Band 1: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu George Friedrich Meier ›Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre‹ von Delfosse,  Heinrich P, Feibert,  Fred, Gierens,  Martina, Hinske,  Norbert, Krämer,  Berthold, Reinardt,  Elfriede, Schay,  Heinz
The first volume of the Kant Index of the University of Trier is devoted to the ›Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre‹ (Excerpt from the Doctrine of Reason) by the Wolffian G. F. Meier. Kant used it as a compendium for more than 40 years and as a basis for his own lectures on logic. In his notes, he refers to it constantly. This is why the Academy edition reprinted the ›Auszug‹ along with the literary remains of the logic in Volume XVI. In contrast to Baumgarten's ›Metaphysica‹ however there is not even a normal index in this edition which could facilitate work for the reader, a lack which is particularly noticeable. In his ›Auszug‹, Meier made a point of summarizing the Latin school terminology of logic in the 18th century once again. Numerous terms from the ›Kritik der reinen Vernunft‹ (Critique of Pure Reason), such as amphiboly, antithesis, analytic, dialectics, doctrine, dogmatic etc have their source material here. Meier‹s handbook is one of the most important sources for Kants own terminology. For anyone studying Kant, and also for the study of Wolffianism and the German Enlightenment as a whole, this index volume is an indispensable tool.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung / Abteilung III: Indices. Kant-Index. Section 1: Indices zum Kantschen Logikcorpus. Band 14: Personenindex zum Logikcorpus

Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung / Abteilung III: Indices. Kant-Index. Section 1: Indices zum Kantschen Logikcorpus. Band 14: Personenindex zum Logikcorpus von Boswell,  Terry, Delfosse,  Heinrich P, Ganz,  Sabine, Hinske,  Norbert, Krier,  Birgit, Nehren,  Birgit, Reinardt,  Elfriede, Schoenau,  Susanne
This volume contains all those personal names included in Kant's body of work on logic and thus provides an important supplement to the ›Personenindex zu Kants gesammelten Schriften‹ (Index of Persons to Kant‹s Collected Works) by Gottfried Martin, published in 1969, which does not contain the transcripts of Kant's lectures. It is divided into three parts: a lemmatized index of places, a concordance and an index of the distribution of names. The concordance provides each context in which an author is mentioned and at the same time makes it possible to see at a glance the parallels between the reflections in the handwritten literary remains and the lecture notes and also between the various lecture notes themselves (as well as the Jäsche logic). The index of the distribution of names on the other hand illustrates the focus of Kant's interests in the history of philosophy in particular. Based on numerous word lists compiled according to frequency, a frequency curve and word distribution diagram, a comprehensive introduction provides a first detailed analysis of the development of Kant‹s language and terminology and thus at the same time gives evidence which can be used to determine the dates on which the various lecture notes were written.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung / Abteilung III: Indices. Kant-Index. Section 1: Indices zum Kantschen Logikcorpus. Band 2: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu ›Immanuel Kant’s Logik‹ (Jäsche-Logik)

Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung / Abteilung III: Indices. Kant-Index. Section 1: Indices zum Kantschen Logikcorpus. Band 2: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu ›Immanuel Kant’s Logik‹ (Jäsche-Logik) von Boswell,  Terry, Delfosse,  Heinrich P, Feibert,  Fred, Gierens,  Martina, Hinske,  Norbert, Krämer,  Berthold, Reinardt,  Elfriede, Schay,  Heinz
The handbook on logic which the private lecturer G. B. Jäsche published in 1800 at the behest of Kant drawing on his records and also on lecture notes quickly became an integral part of Kant's works. It has found its way into all the complete editions and has again and again been used to interpret the ›Kritik der reinen Vernunft‹ (Critique of Pure Reason), which was written primarily with the logic as its guideline. Since the notes of Kant which Jäsche used were written over a period of about 40 years, his handbook reflects the fluctuations in Kant's thinking. Numerous contradictions contained in the text have their roots here. The circumstances described make a lexical interpretation of precisely this work necessary. The second volume of the Kant Index is the first attempt to provide an aid for a comparison of this nature. A completely lemmatized index of places where words can be found and concordance lines enable a quick overview of the text. Numerous separate indexes, a list of the reflections used by Jäsche as well as a list of typographical errors for Volume IX of the Academy edition provide further tools.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung / Abteilung III: Indices. Kant-Index. Indices zu Wolff und seiner Schule. Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu Christians Wolffs ›Deutscher Logik‹

Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung / Abteilung III: Indices. Kant-Index. Indices zu Wolff und seiner Schule. Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu Christians Wolffs ›Deutscher Logik‹ von Delfosse,  Heinrich P, Krämer,  Berthold, Reinardt,  Elfriede
Wolff's ›Deutsche Logik‹ (German Logic), 14 editions of which have been published, was one of the most influential texts of the 18th century. Since it was also part of countless compendia, his logic influenced such important authors as Lambert and Kant. With this work, Wolff created a philosophical terminology in the German language which became a part of the language in general and which remained authoritative long after its time. This volume documents the entire language and the philosophical terminology of the text in the main index and in the concordance. Separate indexes provide information on the vocabulary in foreign languages, the artificial words pertaining to logic, names of places and persons etc. Thus this volume of indexes is an indispensable tool for the study of Wolffianism and the Enlightenment in terms of the history of language as well.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

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