The book will expand on the topics discussed in the precursors entitled "DoE in Powertrain Development" with the related areas of "machine learning" and "big data". Now it its ninth outing, it will thus be a forum on which to critically engage with the future challenges of the digital revolution. Real driving emissions (RDE), worldwide harmonized light-duty test procedures (WLTP) and the next round of CO2 guidelines all demand ongoing technical refinement of the drive train. The combination of changed environmental requirements, stricter limit values and new measurement techniques additionally require changes to existing processes and the development of new methods. To reduce costs, many OEMs are scaling down the size of their engine ranges. A small number of standard engines are then installed in numerous vehicle models with minor hardware modifications. The result is an increased focus on the use of derivatives and the systematic validation of an application. Contents: Machine learning and artificial intelligence for engine calibration - Big Data and Machine Learning Made Easy - Automated Calibration Using Simulation and Robust Design Optimization Improving Shift and Launch Quality of Automatic Transmissions - Development of a Simulation Platform for Validation and Optimisation of Real-World Emissions - Implementation of data-based models using dedicated machine learning hardware (AMU) and ist impact on function development and the calibration processes - The Global DoE Model Based Calibration and the Test Automation of the Gasoline Engine - Optimization of ECU Map Sampling Point Values and Positions with Model-Based Calibration - Dynamic Route-Based Design of Experiments (R-DoE) - System for Real-time Evaluation of Real Drive Emission (RDE) Data - System optimization for automated calibration of ECU functions - Dynamic MBC Methodology for Transient Engine Combustion Optimization - Implementing a real time exhaust gas temperature model for a Diesel engine with ASC@ECU - Dynamic Modelling for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines - Excitation Signal Design for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems - Application of a DoE based robust design process chain for system simulation of engine systems - Application of Emulator Models in Hybrid Vehicle Development - Fast response surrogates and sensitivity analysis based on physico-chemical engine simulation applied to modern compression ignition engines - The Connected Car and ist new possibilities in ECU calibration - Processing vehicle-related measurement data - On the selection of appropriate data from routine vehicle operation for system identification of a diesel engine gas system - Data Plausibility at the Engine Test Bench: How im-portant is the Human Factor in the Process? - Non-Convex Hulls for Engineering Applications - Modern Online DoE Methods for Calibration: Constraint Modeling, Continuous Boundary Estimation, and Active Learning - Model-based iterative DoE in highly constrained spaces - Approach for Automated Adjusting of the Road Load and Tire Simulation on Powertrain Test Beds
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-04
> findR *
Discussions on electrification, air pollution control and driving bans in inner cities bring major challenges for powertrain development. Real Driving Emissions (RDE), Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Test Procedures (WLTP) and the next level of CO2 reduction enforce new development methods. At the same time, new measurement technology and better IT infrastructure mean that ever larger amounts of data are available. Thereby, methods of digitization, e.g. Machine Learning, may be used in automotive development. Another challenge arises from the ever-increasing number of vehicle variants. Many OEMs reduce the number of their engines to reduce costs. However, the basic engines are then installed with little hardware customization in numerous vehicle models. As a result, the application of derivatives and the systematic validation of an application play an important role.
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-04
> findR *
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