The classic works in the field of psychology are presented here in over 40 clearly laid-out chapters - with titles including Fechner's Elements of Psychophysics, Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and other books that are today regarded as milestones in psychology. Connections are made between the era in which the books were first published and the present day. The authors of the classics and the conditions in which the books were written are presented, the content of the books is conveyed in a comprehensible way and the contemporary reception of them is outlined. The volume closes with an appreciation of each work from today's point of view.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Horst-Peter Brauns,
Almuth Bruder-Bezzel,
Kathrin Budel,
Rainer Dollase,
Douwe Draaisma,
Georg Eckardt,
Achim Eschbach,
Hermann Feuerhelm,
Herbert Fitzek,
Rainer Funk,
Katrin Gaiser,
Klaus Grossmann,
Horst Heidbrink,
Matthias Huth,
Siegfried Jaeger,
Jürgen Jahnke,
Gerhard Kaminski,
Jens Kapitzky,
Tobias Keller,
Uwe Laucken,
Helmut E. Lück,
Günter Mey,
Rudolf Miller,
Bernd Nitzschke,
Rudolf Oerter,
Juan Carlos Pastor,
Ernst Plaum,
Miriam Rothe,
Viktor Sarris,
Henning Schmidgen,
Angela Schorr,
Gabriela Sewz,
Bernd Six,
Sibylle Volkmann-Raue,
Michael Wertheimer
> findR *
The classic works in the field of psychology are presented here in over 40 clearly laid-out chapters - with titles including Fechner's Elements of Psychophysics, Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and other books that are today regarded as milestones in psychology. Connections are made between the era in which the books were first published and the present day. The authors of the classics and the conditions in which the books were written are presented, the content of the books is conveyed in a comprehensible way and the contemporary reception of them is outlined. The volume closes with an appreciation of each work from today's point of view.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Horst-Peter Brauns,
Almuth Bruder-Bezzel,
Kathrin Budel,
Rainer Dollase,
Douwe Draaisma,
Georg Eckardt,
Achim Eschbach,
Hermann Feuerhelm,
Herbert Fitzek,
Rainer Funk,
Katrin Gaiser,
Klaus Grossmann,
Horst Heidbrink,
Matthias Huth,
Siegfried Jaeger,
Jürgen Jahnke,
Gerhard Kaminski,
Jens Kapitzky,
Tobias Keller,
Uwe Laucken,
Helmut E. Lück,
Günter Mey,
Rudolf Miller,
Bernd Nitzschke,
Rudolf Oerter,
Juan Carlos Pastor,
Ernst Plaum,
Miriam Rothe,
Viktor Sarris,
Henning Schmidgen,
Angela Schorr,
Gabriela Sewz,
Bernd Six,
Sibylle Volkmann-Raue,
Michael Wertheimer
> findR *
The classic works in the field of psychology are presented here in over 40 clearly laid-out chapters - with titles including Fechner's Elements of Psychophysics, Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and other books that are today regarded as milestones in psychology. Connections are made between the era in which the books were first published and the present day. The authors of the classics and the conditions in which the books were written are presented, the content of the books is conveyed in a comprehensible way and the contemporary reception of them is outlined. The volume closes with an appreciation of each work from today's point of view.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Horst-Peter Brauns,
Almuth Bruder-Bezzel,
Kathrin Budel,
Rainer Dollase,
Douwe Draaisma,
Georg Eckardt,
Achim Eschbach,
Hermann Feuerhelm,
Herbert Fitzek,
Rainer Funk,
Katrin Gaiser,
Klaus Grossmann,
Horst Heidbrink,
Matthias Huth,
Siegfried Jaeger,
Jürgen Jahnke,
Gerhard Kaminski,
Jens Kapitzky,
Tobias Keller,
Uwe Laucken,
Helmut E. Lück,
Günter Mey,
Rudolf Miller,
Bernd Nitzschke,
Rudolf Oerter,
Juan Carlos Pastor,
Ernst Plaum,
Miriam Rothe,
Viktor Sarris,
Henning Schmidgen,
Angela Schorr,
Gabriela Sewz,
Bernd Six,
Sibylle Volkmann-Raue,
Michael Wertheimer
> findR *
The classic works in the field of psychology are presented here in over 40 clearly laid-out chapters - with titles including Fechner's Elements of Psychophysics, Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and other books that are today regarded as milestones in psychology. Connections are made between the era in which the books were first published and the present day. The authors of the classics and the conditions in which the books were written are presented, the content of the books is conveyed in a comprehensible way and the contemporary reception of them is outlined. The volume closes with an appreciation of each work from today's point of view.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Horst-Peter Brauns,
Almuth Bruder-Bezzel,
Kathrin Budel,
Rainer Dollase,
Douwe Draaisma,
Georg Eckardt,
Achim Eschbach,
Hermann Feuerhelm,
Herbert Fitzek,
Rainer Funk,
Katrin Gaiser,
Klaus Grossmann,
Horst Heidbrink,
Matthias Huth,
Siegfried Jaeger,
Jürgen Jahnke,
Gerhard Kaminski,
Jens Kapitzky,
Tobias Keller,
Uwe Laucken,
Helmut E. Lück,
Günter Mey,
Rudolf Miller,
Bernd Nitzschke,
Rudolf Oerter,
Juan Carlos Pastor,
Ernst Plaum,
Miriam Rothe,
Viktor Sarris,
Henning Schmidgen,
Angela Schorr,
Gabriela Sewz,
Bernd Six,
Sibylle Volkmann-Raue,
Michael Wertheimer
> findR *
The classic works in the field of psychology are presented here in over 40 clearly laid-out chapters - with titles including Fechner's Elements of Psychophysics, Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and other books that are today regarded as milestones in psychology. Connections are made between the era in which the books were first published and the present day. The authors of the classics and the conditions in which the books were written are presented, the content of the books is conveyed in a comprehensible way and the contemporary reception of them is outlined. The volume closes with an appreciation of each work from today's point of view.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Horst-Peter Brauns,
Almuth Bruder-Bezzel,
Kathrin Budel,
Rainer Dollase,
Douwe Draaisma,
Georg Eckardt,
Achim Eschbach,
Hermann Feuerhelm,
Herbert Fitzek,
Rainer Funk,
Katrin Gaiser,
Klaus Grossmann,
Horst Heidbrink,
Matthias Huth,
Siegfried Jaeger,
Jürgen Jahnke,
Gerhard Kaminski,
Jens Kapitzky,
Tobias Keller,
Uwe Laucken,
Helmut E. Lück,
Günter Mey,
Rudolf Miller,
Bernd Nitzschke,
Rudolf Oerter,
Juan Carlos Pastor,
Ernst Plaum,
Miriam Rothe,
Viktor Sarris,
Henning Schmidgen,
Angela Schorr,
Gabriela Sewz,
Bernd Six,
Sibylle Volkmann-Raue,
Michael Wertheimer
> findR *
The classic works in the field of psychology are presented here in over 40 clearly laid-out chapters - with titles including Fechner's Elements of Psychophysics, Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and other books that are today regarded as milestones in psychology. Connections are made between the era in which the books were first published and the present day. The authors of the classics and the conditions in which the books were written are presented, the content of the books is conveyed in a comprehensible way and the contemporary reception of them is outlined. The volume closes with an appreciation of each work from today's point of view.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Horst-Peter Brauns,
Almuth Bruder-Bezzel,
Kathrin Budel,
Rainer Dollase,
Douwe Draaisma,
Georg Eckardt,
Achim Eschbach,
Hermann Feuerhelm,
Herbert Fitzek,
Rainer Funk,
Katrin Gaiser,
Klaus Grossmann,
Horst Heidbrink,
Matthias Huth,
Siegfried Jaeger,
Jürgen Jahnke,
Gerhard Kaminski,
Jens Kapitzky,
Tobias Keller,
Uwe Laucken,
Helmut E. Lück,
Günter Mey,
Rudolf Miller,
Bernd Nitzschke,
Rudolf Oerter,
Juan Carlos Pastor,
Ernst Plaum,
Miriam Rothe,
Viktor Sarris,
Henning Schmidgen,
Angela Schorr,
Gabriela Sewz,
Bernd Six,
Sibylle Volkmann-Raue,
Michael Wertheimer
> findR *
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