When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences capable of changing your whole attitude.
This book represents a successful interplay between scientific research and participation. Experts in their own field use narrative methods to tell the stories of their lives and their own life-worlds, accompanied by highly expressive photos. Chapters discussing how to organize everyday life, sports, work and many other topics are presented, in some cases by public figures such Kirsten Bruhn, Christian Au and Andreas Schneider. People with an interest in the topic, specialists and the general public are thus given a glimpse from the inside into what living with paraplegia is like.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Christian Au,
Kirsten Bruhn,
Steven Dylla,
Carolin Fischer,
Achim Freund,
Timm Heienbrok,
Jörg Köhler,
Jessica Lilli Köpcke,
Maria Kreß,
Dirk Michelus,
Andreas Nickel,
Christoph Pisarz,
Manuela Richter,
Katja Sandschneider,
Jens Sauerbier,
Richard Schaefer,
Andreas F. Schneider,
Andreas Schönhofer,
Arne Schöning,
Katrin Schreier,
Dennis Sonne,
Mario Swoboda,
Stefan Volkmann,
David Weissbaum
> findR *
When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences capable of changing your whole attitude.
This book represents a successful interplay between scientific research and participation. Experts in their own field use narrative methods to tell the stories of their lives and their own life-worlds, accompanied by highly expressive photos. Chapters discussing how to organize everyday life, sports, work and many other topics are presented, in some cases by public figures such Kirsten Bruhn, Christian Au and Andreas Schneider. People with an interest in the topic, specialists and the general public are thus given a glimpse from the inside into what living with paraplegia is like.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Christian Au,
Kirsten Bruhn,
Steven Dylla,
Carolin Fischer,
Achim Freund,
Timm Heienbrok,
Jörg Köhler,
Jessica Lilli Köpcke,
Maria Kreß,
Dirk Michelus,
Andreas Nickel,
Christoph Pisarz,
Manuela Richter,
Katja Sandschneider,
Jens Sauerbier,
Richard Schaefer,
Andreas F. Schneider,
Andreas Schönhofer,
Arne Schöning,
Katrin Schreier,
Dennis Sonne,
Mario Swoboda,
Stefan Volkmann,
David Weissbaum
> findR *
When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences capable of changing your whole attitude.
This book represents a successful interplay between scientific research and participation. Experts in their own field use narrative methods to tell the stories of their lives and their own life-worlds, accompanied by highly expressive photos. Chapters discussing how to organize everyday life, sports, work and many other topics are presented, in some cases by public figures such Kirsten Bruhn, Christian Au and Andreas Schneider. People with an interest in the topic, specialists and the general public are thus given a glimpse from the inside into what living with paraplegia is like.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Christian Au,
Kirsten Bruhn,
Steven Dylla,
Carolin Fischer,
Achim Freund,
Timm Heienbrok,
Jörg Köhler,
Jessica Lilli Köpcke,
Maria Kreß,
Dirk Michelus,
Andreas Nickel,
Christoph Pisarz,
Manuela Richter,
Katja Sandschneider,
Jens Sauerbier,
Richard Schaefer,
Andreas F. Schneider,
Andreas Schönhofer,
Arne Schöning,
Katrin Schreier,
Dennis Sonne,
Mario Swoboda,
Stefan Volkmann,
David Weissbaum
> findR *
When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences capable of changing your whole attitude.
This book represents a successful interplay between scientific research and participation. Experts in their own field use narrative methods to tell the stories of their lives and their own life-worlds, accompanied by highly expressive photos. Chapters discussing how to organize everyday life, sports, work and many other topics are presented, in some cases by public figures such Kirsten Bruhn, Christian Au and Andreas Schneider. People with an interest in the topic, specialists and the general public are thus given a glimpse from the inside into what living with paraplegia is like.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Christian Au,
Kirsten Bruhn,
Steven Dylla,
Carolin Fischer,
Achim Freund,
Timm Heienbrok,
Jörg Köhler,
Jessica Lilli Köpcke,
Maria Kreß,
Dirk Michelus,
Andreas Nickel,
Christoph Pisarz,
Manuela Richter,
Katja Sandschneider,
Jens Sauerbier,
Richard Schaefer,
Andreas F. Schneider,
Andreas Schönhofer,
Arne Schöning,
Katrin Schreier,
Dennis Sonne,
Mario Swoboda,
Stefan Volkmann,
David Weissbaum
> findR *
When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences capable of changing your whole attitude.
This book represents a successful interplay between scientific research and participation. Experts in their own field use narrative methods to tell the stories of their lives and their own life-worlds, accompanied by highly expressive photos. Chapters discussing how to organize everyday life, sports, work and many other topics are presented, in some cases by public figures such Kirsten Bruhn, Christian Au and Andreas Schneider. People with an interest in the topic, specialists and the general public are thus given a glimpse from the inside into what living with paraplegia is like.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Christian Au,
Kirsten Bruhn,
Steven Dylla,
Carolin Fischer,
Achim Freund,
Timm Heienbrok,
Jörg Köhler,
Jessica Lilli Köpcke,
Maria Kreß,
Dirk Michelus,
Andreas Nickel,
Christoph Pisarz,
Manuela Richter,
Katja Sandschneider,
Jens Sauerbier,
Richard Schaefer,
Andreas F. Schneider,
Andreas Schönhofer,
Arne Schöning,
Katrin Schreier,
Dennis Sonne,
Mario Swoboda,
Stefan Volkmann,
David Weissbaum
> findR *
When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences capable of changing your whole attitude.
This book represents a successful interplay between scientific research and participation. Experts in their own field use narrative methods to tell the stories of their lives and their own life-worlds, accompanied by highly expressive photos. Chapters discussing how to organize everyday life, sports, work and many other topics are presented, in some cases by public figures such Kirsten Bruhn, Christian Au and Andreas Schneider. People with an interest in the topic, specialists and the general public are thus given a glimpse from the inside into what living with paraplegia is like.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Christian Au,
Kirsten Bruhn,
Steven Dylla,
Carolin Fischer,
Achim Freund,
Timm Heienbrok,
Jörg Köhler,
Jessica Lilli Köpcke,
Maria Kreß,
Dirk Michelus,
Andreas Nickel,
Christoph Pisarz,
Manuela Richter,
Katja Sandschneider,
Jens Sauerbier,
Richard Schaefer,
Andreas F. Schneider,
Andreas Schönhofer,
Arne Schöning,
Katrin Schreier,
Dennis Sonne,
Mario Swoboda,
Stefan Volkmann,
David Weissbaum
> findR *
When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences capable of changing your whole attitude.
This book represents a successful interplay between scientific research and participation. Experts in their own field use narrative methods to tell the stories of their lives and their own life-worlds, accompanied by highly expressive photos. Chapters discussing how to organize everyday life, sports, work and many other topics are presented, in some cases by public figures such Kirsten Bruhn, Christian Au and Andreas Schneider. People with an interest in the topic, specialists and the general public are thus given a glimpse from the inside into what living with paraplegia is like.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Christian Au,
Kirsten Bruhn,
Steven Dylla,
Carolin Fischer,
Achim Freund,
Timm Heienbrok,
Jörg Köhler,
Jessica Lilli Köpcke,
Maria Kreß,
Dirk Michelus,
Andreas Nickel,
Christoph Pisarz,
Manuela Richter,
Katja Sandschneider,
Jens Sauerbier,
Richard Schaefer,
Andreas F. Schneider,
Andreas Schönhofer,
Arne Schöning,
Katrin Schreier,
Dennis Sonne,
Mario Swoboda,
Stefan Volkmann,
David Weissbaum
> findR *
When people who have paraplegia are allowed to talk about their own lives, lots of exciting, serious, funny and thought-provoking things come to light. You may sometimes remember only a few sentences of the stories they tell - but they are sentences capable of changing your whole attitude.
This book represents a successful interplay between scientific research and participation. Experts in their own field use narrative methods to tell the stories of their lives and their own life-worlds, accompanied by highly expressive photos. Chapters discussing how to organize everyday life, sports, work and many other topics are presented, in some cases by public figures such Kirsten Bruhn, Christian Au and Andreas Schneider. People with an interest in the topic, specialists and the general public are thus given a glimpse from the inside into what living with paraplegia is like.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Christian Au,
Kirsten Bruhn,
Steven Dylla,
Carolin Fischer,
Achim Freund,
Timm Heienbrok,
Jörg Köhler,
Jessica Lilli Köpcke,
Maria Kreß,
Dirk Michelus,
Andreas Nickel,
Christoph Pisarz,
Manuela Richter,
Katja Sandschneider,
Jens Sauerbier,
Richard Schaefer,
Andreas F. Schneider,
Andreas Schönhofer,
Arne Schöning,
Katrin Schreier,
Dennis Sonne,
Mario Swoboda,
Stefan Volkmann,
David Weissbaum
> findR *
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