Scaliger‹s (1484–1558) ›Poetices libri septem‹, published in 1561 for the first time, is the most comprehensive and probably the most influential poetological compendium of the Renaissance. What is presumably the most famous work of the Italian-French humanist is now being presented in a critical bilingual edition for the first time. A critical apparatus and a list of sources have been included with the Latin text. The German translation has been provided with explanatory annotations. Each book is preceded by a short introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Scaliger‹s (1484–1558) ›Poetices libri septem‹, published in 1561 for the first time, is the most comprehensive and probably the most influential poetological compendium of the Renaissance. What is presumably the most famous work of the Italian-French humanist is now being presented in a critical bilingual edition for the first time. A critical apparatus and a list of sources have been included with the Latin text. The German translation has been provided with explanatory annotations. Each book is preceded by a short introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
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Books 6 und 7 of the ›Poetics‹ conclude the edition of the text and the translation. The subject of the 6th book (Hypercriticus) is – much like the fifth – Latin poetry, and its goal is to give the budding poet examples which are worthy of imitation. There is a division into five eras: from the beginnings and Roman classicism to the decline during the Empire and late antiquity and then the revival after Petrarch. The normative, judgmental aspect predominates, which means that a historical approach as it is taken today was not yet possible. Of great significance is the 4th chapter, which contains an overview of modern Latin poetry. The short 7th book provides a number of addenda to the preceding books, as the title ›Epinomis‹ (appendix) indicates.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
> findR *
Scaliger‹s (1484–1558) ›Poetices libri septem‹, published in 1561 for the first time, is the most comprehensive and probably the most influential poetological compendium of the Renaissance. What is presumably the most famous work of the Italian-French humanist is now being presented in a critical bilingual edition for the first time. A critical apparatus and a list of sources have been included with the Latin text. The German translation has been provided with explanatory annotations. Each book is preceded by a short introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-15
> findR *
Scaliger‹s (1484–1558) ›Poetices libri septem‹, published in 1561 for the first time, is the most comprehensive and probably the most influential poetological compendium of the Renaissance. What is presumably the most famous work of the Italian-French humanist is now being presented in a critical bilingual edition for the first time. A critical apparatus and a list of sources have been included with the Latin text. The German translation has been provided with explanatory annotations. Each book is preceded by a short introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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This volume contains the fifth book (›Criticus‹) of Scaliger‹s ›Poetics‹. It was with this book that the practical part of a poet‹s training began. Using concrete examples, Scaliger shows how the budding poet can perfect himself through emulation and the power of judgment. The comparative analysis of numerous individual passages deals initially with Virgil and his Greek role models and then shows similar sections from Roman literature. Book 5 is classic proof of the disparagement of Homer, a scandalous attitude in hindsight.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Scaliger‹s (1484–1558) ›Poetices libri septem‹, published in 1561 for the first time, is the most comprehensive and probably the most influential poetological compendium of the Renaissance. What is presumably the most famous work of the Italian-French humanist is now being presented in a critical bilingual edition for the first time. A critical apparatus and a list of sources have been included with the Latin text. The German translation has been provided with explanatory annotations. Each book is preceded by a short introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
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