Von den vielen schriftlichen Erörterungen des Schelling'schen Idealismus wurde bisher nur ein Teil veröffentlicht. Der Band bringt das gesamte Material bis einschließlich 1801, sodass er eine komplette Dokumentation zu dieser Auseinandersetzung bietet. Außerdem kommen in ihm noch nicht bzw. unzureichend veröffentlichte Texte zum Atheismus-Streit und zur Kontroverse mit Reinhold und Biester sowie eine ›Theorie des Wechsel-Rechts‹ zum Abdruck. Aus ungeordneten Blättern konnten die Herausgeber in jahrelanger Arbeit eine ›Neue Bearbeitung der Wissenschaftslehre‹ wiederherstellen, die Fichte im Oktober 1800 geschrieben hat.
Hitherto, only a portion of Fichte's many written responses to Schellingian idealism have been published. The volume includes all of this material up to 1801 and thus offers a complete documentation of this exchange. It also includes additional unpublished or only partially published texts concerning the atheism controversy and concerning Fichte's controversies with Reinhold and Biester, as well as a ›Theorie des Wechsel-Rechts‹. After years of work, the editors were able to reconstruct from a collection of disorganized pages a ›Neue Bearbeitung der Wissenschaftslehre‹, written by Fichte in October 1800.
Aktualisiert: 2020-09-03
> findR *
The letters between 1800 and 1802 show Schelling‹s personal relationships, mainly with Caroline Schlegel, his family, students and friends, among them Goethe, Schiller and the Romantics, thus providing an insight into the intellectual life of the time. They explain the background and the course of his sometimes intense literary feuds and philosophical polemics. Schelling‹s philosophical development in the direction of the identity system was fostered principally by his correspondence with Fichte, but also with Goethe. The volumes contain a total of 195 letters, among which is the philosophically significant correspondence with Carl August Eschenmayer, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller and August Wilhelm Schlegel, Schelling‹s letters to Karl Joseph Windischmann and the letters from Andreas Röschlaub, Caroline Schlegel, Henrik Steffens and others. The explanatory annotations make it easy to understand the historical background and the numerous scientific and philosophical references.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Hitherto, only a portion of Fichte's many written responses to Schellingian idealism have been published. The volume includes all of this material up to 1801 and thus offers a complete documentation of this exchange. It also includes additional unpublished or only partially published texts concerning the atheism controversy and concerning Fichte's controversies with Reinhold and Biester, as well as a ›Theorie des Wechsel-Rechts‹. After years of work, the editors were able to reconstruct from a collection of disorganized pages a ›Neue Bearbeitung der Wissenschaftslehre‹, written by Fichte in October 1800.
Aktualisiert: 2019-08-19
> findR *
This is the first publication of the ›Elegie‹ (Elegy) and the ›Erklärung‹ (Explanation) (along with the review which instigated it) in a Schelling edition. The ›Elegy‹ is evidence of the first connections to pietism. First attempts at Schellings main theme, mythology, are to be found in ›De malorum origine‹ und ›Über Mythen‹ (On Myths). The treatises follow the epochal studies of von Heyne, Eichhorn und Gabler. In his ›Form der Philosophie‹ (On the Possibility of an Absolute Form of Philosophy), Schelling, inspired by Fichte, tries to define philosophy as the self-understanding of reason or freedom. His dissertation ›De malorum origine‹ includes a translation into German.
Aktualisiert: 2021-11-09
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The ›Allgemeine Übersicht‹ (›Abhandlungen zur Erläuterung des Idealismus der Wissenschaftslehre‹), (Treatises on the Explanation of the Idealism of the Theory of Science) 2nd edition 1809, was published anonymously between November 1796 and July 1798 in the ›Philosophical Journal‹ edited by Niethammer and Fichte . Schelling intervened in the dispute surrounding Kantian philosophy in order to take a stand against the conservative Kantians and against Reinhold and to indicate his own position. The edition incorporates five different versions of the first printing and gives a bibliographical analysis of the literature which Schelling quoted or to which he alluded. Schelling’s scathing criticism of Schlossers anti-Kantian missives, which had caused a stir (Schiller: »miserable emptiness and platitude«, is also in the context of the Kant debate. The editorial report deals with this controversy. In his review entitled ›Ueber Offenbarung und Volksunterricht‹ (On Revelation and National Education) of Niethammer›s dissertation ›De Revelatione‹, Schelling enlarges upon Niethammer‹s criticism of the concept of revelation, which excludes this concept from the use of reason and restricts it to an educational usefulness. The subsequent atheism dispute was forthcoming.
Aktualisiert: 2021-11-11
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After the construction of matter and qualities in the ›Ideas‹, in ›Von der Weltseele‹ (On the World Soul) Schelling dealt with the second major and traditional problem of Kant, organic nature. As in the ›Ideas‹, the constant reference to contemporary science is typical of the text. The edition provides the text of the 1st edition with the versions of the 2nd (1806) und 3rd (1809) edition and the ›Sämmtlichen Werke‹ (Complete Works). For the first time, Schelling‘s handwritten notes on corrections for the 2nd edition, part of his literary remains, have been published. Detailed editorial reports, annotations, indexes and a bibliography make the text accessible.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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Fichte himself attached great importance to public reviews. His critics included such distinguished authors as Aenesidemus-Schulze, Gentz, J. B. Erhard, K. C. E. Schmid, Beck, Abicht, K. L. Reinhold, Bouterwek, Feder, Tieftrunk, Trapp, Tiedemann, Schleiermacher, Friedrich Schlegel, Jean Paul, Herbart, Rehberg, Nicolai, Adam Müller, Schwab, Köppen, Luden, Schelling and Fries. Knowing how important the repercussions from the judgment of his contemporaries were for Fichte himself and the extent to which the knowledge of these relationships can facilitate the understanding of Fichte‹s works, a collection of the reviews was compiled. A list of journals and reviewers make the volumes user-friendly.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
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The volumes contain reports by Fichte's contemporaries, both friends and opponents, concerning both his personality and his philosophy. The reports are drawn from a great variety of sources, both published and unpublished, and greatly expand our knowledge of the contemporary reception of Fichte and the Wissenschaftslehre.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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In addition to a critical edition of the text of the ›Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature‹, Schellings first work on the philosophy of nature, this volume also provides an abundence of explanatory annotations with evidence of quotations and allusions as well as explanations of terms which are no longer in use. An editorial report describes the history of the origins of the ›Ideas‹.
Aktualisiert: 2021-11-11
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The principles of the edition for series III are at the beginning of the first volume. This contains 144 letters from and to Schelling, 10 of which were previously unpublished, during his years of study in Tübingen, his time travelling as a private tutor, and in Leipzig as well as as from his first years as a professor in Jena. The letters which Schelling wrote to his parents while travelling can be read as a travel journal. Of special significance is the correspondence with Hegel, Fichte and the editors of the ›Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung‹, the letters to Niethammer and to his publisher Breitkopf & Härtel as well as letters from Steffens to Schelling. In order to provide an overview, a list of the individual letters and a table containing data on Schelling‹s life and work up to 1799 have been added.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
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