Alfred Schlomann: Illustrated Technical Dictionary / Internal Combustion-Engines

Alfred Schlomann: Illustrated Technical Dictionary / Internal Combustion-Engines von Schikore,  Karl
Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- List of Contributors and Revisers for Volume IV -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- I. Gases and Oils -- Fundamental Chemical Notions -- Fuels -- Illuminating Gas and Oil-Gas -- Producer-Gas -- Industrial Waste Gases -- Purification of Gas -- Moving of the Gases -- Gas Examination -- Motor Oils -- II. Theory of Internal Combustion Engines -- General Theory -- Working Cycles -- III. Materials and their Manipulation -- Materials -- Manufacture -- IV. Construction of Internal Combustion Engines -- Engine Bed and Frame -- Cylinder -- Piston -- Driving Gear, Moving Parts -- Theory of Driving Gear -- Valve Gear -- Governing of Four Stroke Cycle Engines -- Distribution and Governing of Two Stroke Cycle Engines -- Details of Oil Engines -- V. Equipment of Internal Combustion Engines -- Centrifugal Governor -- Lubrication -- Ignition -- Starting Gear -- VI. Erection -- Foundation of the Engines -- Piping, Tubing -- VII. Complete Plants -- Stationary Plants -- Portable Engine Plants -- VIII. Working and Testing -- Working -- Testing -- IX. Economics -- Supply and Cost -- Employer and Employee -- Alphabetical Index giving the Page and Column in which each Word is to be found -- a) German, English, French, Italian and Spanish in one alphabet -- b) Russian
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Alfred Schlomann: Illustrated Technical Dictionary / Internal Combustion-Engines

Alfred Schlomann: Illustrated Technical Dictionary / Internal Combustion-Engines von Schikore,  Karl
Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- List of Contributors and Revisers for Volume IV -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- I. Gases and Oils -- Fundamental Chemical Notions -- Fuels -- Illuminating Gas and Oil-Gas -- Producer-Gas -- Industrial Waste Gases -- Purification of Gas -- Moving of the Gases -- Gas Examination -- Motor Oils -- II. Theory of Internal Combustion Engines -- General Theory -- Working Cycles -- III. Materials and their Manipulation -- Materials -- Manufacture -- IV. Construction of Internal Combustion Engines -- Engine Bed and Frame -- Cylinder -- Piston -- Driving Gear, Moving Parts -- Theory of Driving Gear -- Valve Gear -- Governing of Four Stroke Cycle Engines -- Distribution and Governing of Two Stroke Cycle Engines -- Details of Oil Engines -- V. Equipment of Internal Combustion Engines -- Centrifugal Governor -- Lubrication -- Ignition -- Starting Gear -- VI. Erection -- Foundation of the Engines -- Piping, Tubing -- VII. Complete Plants -- Stationary Plants -- Portable Engine Plants -- VIII. Working and Testing -- Working -- Testing -- IX. Economics -- Supply and Cost -- Employer and Employee -- Alphabetical Index giving the Page and Column in which each Word is to be found -- a) German, English, French, Italian and Spanish in one alphabet -- b) Russian
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Illustrierte Technische Wörterbücher in sechs Sprachen: Deutsch,… / Verbrennungsmaschinen

Illustrierte Technische Wörterbücher in sechs Sprachen: Deutsch,… / Verbrennungsmaschinen von Schikore,  Karl
Frontmatter -- Vorwort -- Verzeichnis der Mitarbeiter -- INHALTSÜBERSICHT -- I. Gase und Öle -- II. Theorie der Verbremnungsmaschinen -- III. Materialien und ihre Verarbeitung -- IV. Konstruktion der Verbrennungsmaschinen -- V. Ausrüstung der Verbrennungsmaschinen -- VI. Aufstellung, Montage -- VII. Gesamtanlagen -- VIII. Betrieb und Untersuchung -- IX. Wirtschaftliches -- Alphabetisch geordnetes Wortregister mit Angabe der Seite und Spalte, in denen jedes einzelne Wort zu finden ist
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Alfred Schlomann: Illustrated Technical Dictionary / Internal Combustion-Engines

Alfred Schlomann: Illustrated Technical Dictionary / Internal Combustion-Engines von Schikore,  Karl
Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- List of Contributors and Revisers for Volume IV -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- I. Gases and Oils -- Fundamental Chemical Notions -- Fuels -- Illuminating Gas and Oil-Gas -- Producer-Gas -- Industrial Waste Gases -- Purification of Gas -- Moving of the Gases -- Gas Examination -- Motor Oils -- II. Theory of Internal Combustion Engines -- General Theory -- Working Cycles -- III. Materials and their Manipulation -- Materials -- Manufacture -- IV. Construction of Internal Combustion Engines -- Engine Bed and Frame -- Cylinder -- Piston -- Driving Gear, Moving Parts -- Theory of Driving Gear -- Valve Gear -- Governing of Four Stroke Cycle Engines -- Distribution and Governing of Two Stroke Cycle Engines -- Details of Oil Engines -- V. Equipment of Internal Combustion Engines -- Centrifugal Governor -- Lubrication -- Ignition -- Starting Gear -- VI. Erection -- Foundation of the Engines -- Piping, Tubing -- VII. Complete Plants -- Stationary Plants -- Portable Engine Plants -- VIII. Working and Testing -- Working -- Testing -- IX. Economics -- Supply and Cost -- Employer and Employee -- Alphabetical Index giving the Page and Column in which each Word is to be found -- a) German, English, French, Italian and Spanish in one alphabet -- b) Russian
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Alfred Schlomann: Illustrated Technical Dictionary / Internal Combustion-Engines

Alfred Schlomann: Illustrated Technical Dictionary / Internal Combustion-Engines von Schikore,  Karl
Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- List of Contributors and Revisers for Volume IV -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- I. Gases and Oils -- Fundamental Chemical Notions -- Fuels -- Illuminating Gas and Oil-Gas -- Producer-Gas -- Industrial Waste Gases -- Purification of Gas -- Moving of the Gases -- Gas Examination -- Motor Oils -- II. Theory of Internal Combustion Engines -- General Theory -- Working Cycles -- III. Materials and their Manipulation -- Materials -- Manufacture -- IV. Construction of Internal Combustion Engines -- Engine Bed and Frame -- Cylinder -- Piston -- Driving Gear, Moving Parts -- Theory of Driving Gear -- Valve Gear -- Governing of Four Stroke Cycle Engines -- Distribution and Governing of Two Stroke Cycle Engines -- Details of Oil Engines -- V. Equipment of Internal Combustion Engines -- Centrifugal Governor -- Lubrication -- Ignition -- Starting Gear -- VI. Erection -- Foundation of the Engines -- Piping, Tubing -- VII. Complete Plants -- Stationary Plants -- Portable Engine Plants -- VIII. Working and Testing -- Working -- Testing -- IX. Economics -- Supply and Cost -- Employer and Employee -- Alphabetical Index giving the Page and Column in which each Word is to be found -- a) German, English, French, Italian and Spanish in one alphabet -- b) Russian
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Illustrierte Technische Wörterbücher in sechs Sprachen: Deutsch,… / Verbrennungsmaschinen

Illustrierte Technische Wörterbücher in sechs Sprachen: Deutsch,… / Verbrennungsmaschinen von Schikore,  Karl
Frontmatter -- Vorwort -- Verzeichnis der Mitarbeiter -- INHALTSÜBERSICHT -- I. Gase und Öle -- II. Theorie der Verbremnungsmaschinen -- III. Materialien und ihre Verarbeitung -- IV. Konstruktion der Verbrennungsmaschinen -- V. Ausrüstung der Verbrennungsmaschinen -- VI. Aufstellung, Montage -- VII. Gesamtanlagen -- VIII. Betrieb und Untersuchung -- IX. Wirtschaftliches -- Alphabetisch geordnetes Wortregister mit Angabe der Seite und Spalte, in denen jedes einzelne Wort zu finden ist
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

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