Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.
The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
Malte C. Claussen,
Dominique Diethelm,
Gian Ege,
Monika Gattiker,
Jakob Hajszan,
Sena Hangartner,
Yoshihisa Hayakawa,
Samuel Iff,
Norihide Ishido,
Patrick Koch,
Hanjo Schnydrig,
Christian Schwarzenegger,
Shoichi Sugiyama,
Kanako Takayama
> findR *
Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.
The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
Malte C. Claussen,
Dominique Diethelm,
Gian Ege,
Monika Gattiker,
Jakob Hajszan,
Sena Hangartner,
Yoshihisa Hayakawa,
Samuel Iff,
Norihide Ishido,
Patrick Koch,
Hanjo Schnydrig,
Christian Schwarzenegger,
Shoichi Sugiyama,
Kanako Takayama
> findR *
Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.
The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
Malte C. Claussen,
Dominique Diethelm,
Gian Ege,
Monika Gattiker,
Jakob Hajszan,
Sena Hangartner,
Yoshihisa Hayakawa,
Samuel Iff,
Norihide Ishido,
Patrick Koch,
Hanjo Schnydrig,
Christian Schwarzenegger,
Shoichi Sugiyama,
Kanako Takayama
> findR *
Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.
The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
Malte C. Claussen,
Dominique Diethelm,
Gian Ege,
Monika Gattiker,
Jakob Hajszan,
Sena Hangartner,
Yoshihisa Hayakawa,
Samuel Iff,
Norihide Ishido,
Patrick Koch,
Hanjo Schnydrig,
Christian Schwarzenegger,
Shoichi Sugiyama,
Kanako Takayama
> findR *
Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.
The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
Malte C. Claussen,
Dominique Diethelm,
Gian Ege,
Monika Gattiker,
Jakob Hajszan,
Sena Hangartner,
Yoshihisa Hayakawa,
Samuel Iff,
Norihide Ishido,
Patrick Koch,
Hanjo Schnydrig,
Christian Schwarzenegger,
Shoichi Sugiyama,
Kanako Takayama
> findR *
Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.
The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-06
Malte C. Claussen,
Dominique Diethelm,
Gian Ege,
Monika Gattiker,
Jakob Hajszan,
Sena Hangartner,
Yoshihisa Hayakawa,
Samuel Iff,
Norihide Ishido,
Patrick Koch,
Hanjo Schnydrig,
Christian Schwarzenegger,
Shoichi Sugiyama,
Kanako Takayama
> findR *
Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.
The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-06
Malte C. Claussen,
Dominique Diethelm,
Gian Ege,
Monika Gattiker,
Jakob Hajszan,
Sena Hangartner,
Yoshihisa Hayakawa,
Samuel Iff,
Norihide Ishido,
Patrick Koch,
Hanjo Schnydrig,
Christian Schwarzenegger,
Shoichi Sugiyama,
Kanako Takayama
> findR *
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