The United Nations Security Council unanimously expressed concern about the possible impacts of climate change on peace and security in its session of 20 July 2011. The open debate with a record participation of UN member states clearly underlined the need for climate protection and early action to reduce the security implications of climate change. With contributions from policy makers and leading scholars, this edited volume offers the reader the opportunity to learn about key positions in the debate on the security risks of climate change and the prospects of climate diplomacy. Particular emphasis is given to water resource management, global food security, and rising sea levels that threaten coastal areas and low-lying island states. The authors explore ways to further develop regional cooperation and dialogue in light of a changing climate and provide strong arguments for urgent action that complements international climate negotiations. To this end, they stressed the importance of enhancing the dialogue on climate change and security, building early warning capacities and fostering partnerships for early action and conflict prevention. °°This book builds on a conference on Climate Diplomacy in Perspective hosted by the German Federal Foreign Office and adelphi in Berlin in October 2011. Opened by the German Minis ter of State Cornelia Pieper, UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner, Bangladesh’s Minister of Environment Hasan Mahmud, and Mohamed Shareef, Minister of State in the Republic of Maldives’ Environment Ministry, the conference welcomed 100 policy-makers and experts from over 30 countries.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *
The United Nations Security Council unanimously expressed concern about the possible impacts of climate change on peace and security in its session of 20 July 2011. The open debate with a record participation of UN member states clearly underlined the need for climate protection and early action to reduce the security implications of climate change. With contributions from policy makers and leading scholars, this edited volume offers the reader the opportunity to learn about key positions in the debate on the security risks of climate change and the prospects of climate diplomacy. Particular emphasis is given to water resource management, global food security, and rising sea levels that threaten coastal areas and low-lying island states. The authors explore ways to further develop regional cooperation and dialogue in light of a changing climate and provide strong arguments for urgent action that complements international climate negotiations. To this end, they stressed the importance of enhancing the dialogue on climate change and security, building early warning capacities and fostering partnerships for early action and conflict prevention. °°This book builds on a conference on Climate Diplomacy in Perspective hosted by the German Federal Foreign Office and adelphi in Berlin in October 2011. Opened by the German Minis ter of State Cornelia Pieper, UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner, Bangladesh’s Minister of Environment Hasan Mahmud, and Mohamed Shareef, Minister of State in the Republic of Maldives’ Environment Ministry, the conference welcomed 100 policy-makers and experts from over 30 countries.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
> findR *
The United Nations Security Council unanimously expressed concern about the possible impacts of climate change on peace and security in its session of 20 July 2011. The open debate with a record participation of UN member states clearly underlined the need for climate protection and early action to reduce the security implications of climate change. With contributions from policy makers and leading scholars, this edited volume offers the reader the opportunity to learn about key positions in the debate on the security risks of climate change and the prospects of climate diplomacy. Particular emphasis is given to water resource management, global food security, and rising sea levels that threaten coastal areas and low-lying island states. The authors explore ways to further develop regional cooperation and dialogue in light of a changing climate and provide strong arguments for urgent action that complements international climate negotiations. To this end, they stressed the importance of enhancing the dialogue on climate change and security, building early warning capacities and fostering partnerships for early action and conflict prevention. °°This book builds on a conference on Climate Diplomacy in Perspective hosted by the German Federal Foreign Office and adelphi in Berlin in October 2011. Opened by the German Minis ter of State Cornelia Pieper, UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner, Bangladesh’s Minister of Environment Hasan Mahmud, and Mohamed Shareef, Minister of State in the Republic of Maldives’ Environment Ministry, the conference welcomed 100 policy-makers and experts from over 30 countries.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-21
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2019-02-27
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2022-12-30
> findR *
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