
Psychosomatik von Velden,  Manfred
The book “Psychosomatics” deals with the influence of psychiatric strain (stress, conflict, traumata) on bodily disorders. The different opinions on the effects of such influences are very diverse. Some ground their views on scientific opinions which seem rather speculative, irrational and esoteric. Aim of this book is to provide a scientific profound term of how the psyche can effect the body. The author tries to explain psychological processes that begin with bodily problems triggered by psychiatric strain and lead to dysfunctions. Such problems are hardly known, not even to people with psychosomatic disorders. The author’s target is to make a comprehensive description of such developments. Only this way a rational understanding of the development of such disorders is possible and can supplement scientific facts. Methods of psychological intervention in cases of psychosomatic disorders are only dealt with peripherally.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion von Velden,  Manfred
Biologism – the idea that the science of biology supplies the means to exhaustively explain psychological processes – has become vastly popular in recent decades. It can be shown that the idea is illusory on fundamental and a-priori grounds. Several fields of inquiry are described, where the biologistic project has demonstrably failed, like, for example, heritability estimates for mental traits (like intelligence). It is argued as well that biologism is just a further instance of an older, more comprehensive and equally illusory concept: psychology as a natural science (a science that produces generally accepted basic facts, for example the creation of a psychological risk factor for coronary disease). It is shown that psychology, masquerading as a natural science, as it largely does, may create serious societal problems like, for example, its misuse for racist purposes. The peculiar use of methodology in psychology is also documented.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
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Psychosomatik von Velden,  Manfred
The book “Psychosomatics” deals with the influence of psychiatric strain (stress, conflict, traumata) on bodily disorders. The different opinions on the effects of such influences are very diverse. Some ground their views on scientific opinions which seem rather speculative, irrational and esoteric. Aim of this book is to provide a scientific profound term of how the psyche can effect the body. The author tries to explain psychological processes that begin with bodily problems triggered by psychiatric strain and lead to dysfunctions. Such problems are hardly known, not even to people with psychosomatic disorders. The author’s target is to make a comprehensive description of such developments. Only this way a rational understanding of the development of such disorders is possible and can supplement scientific facts. Methods of psychological intervention in cases of psychosomatic disorders are only dealt with peripherally.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion von Velden,  Manfred
Biologism – the idea that the science of biology supplies the means to exhaustively explain psychological processes – has become vastly popular in recent decades. It can be shown that the idea is illusory on fundamental and a-priori grounds. Several fields of inquiry are described, where the biologistic project has demonstrably failed, like, for example, heritability estimates for mental traits (like intelligence). It is argued as well that biologism is just a further instance of an older, more comprehensive and equally illusory concept: psychology as a natural science (a science that produces generally accepted basic facts, for example the creation of a psychological risk factor for coronary disease). It is shown that psychology, masquerading as a natural science, as it largely does, may create serious societal problems like, for example, its misuse for racist purposes. The peculiar use of methodology in psychology is also documented.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion von Velden,  Manfred
Biologism – the idea that the science of biology supplies the means to exhaustively explain psychological processes – has become vastly popular in recent decades. It can be shown that the idea is illusory on fundamental and a-priori grounds. Several fields of inquiry are described, where the biologistic project has demonstrably failed, like, for example, heritability estimates for mental traits (like intelligence). It is argued as well that biologism is just a further instance of an older, more comprehensive and equally illusory concept: psychology as a natural science (a science that produces generally accepted basic facts, for example the creation of a psychological risk factor for coronary disease). It is shown that psychology, masquerading as a natural science, as it largely does, may create serious societal problems like, for example, its misuse for racist purposes. The peculiar use of methodology in psychology is also documented.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *


Psychosomatik von Velden,  Manfred
The book “Psychosomatics” deals with the influence of psychiatric strain (stress, conflict, traumata) on bodily disorders. The different opinions on the effects of such influences are very diverse. Some ground their views on scientific opinions which seem rather speculative, irrational and esoteric. Aim of this book is to provide a scientific profound term of how the psyche can effect the body. The author tries to explain psychological processes that begin with bodily problems triggered by psychiatric strain and lead to dysfunctions. Such problems are hardly known, not even to people with psychosomatic disorders. The author’s target is to make a comprehensive description of such developments. Only this way a rational understanding of the development of such disorders is possible and can supplement scientific facts. Methods of psychological intervention in cases of psychosomatic disorders are only dealt with peripherally.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
> findR *

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion von Velden,  Manfred
Biologism – the idea that the science of biology supplies the means to exhaustively explain psychological processes – has become vastly popular in recent decades. It can be shown that the idea is illusory on fundamental and a-priori grounds. Several fields of inquiry are described, where the biologistic project has demonstrably failed, like, for example, heritability estimates for mental traits (like intelligence). It is argued as well that biologism is just a further instance of an older, more comprehensive and equally illusory concept: psychology as a natural science (a science that produces generally accepted basic facts, for example the creation of a psychological risk factor for coronary disease). It is shown that psychology, masquerading as a natural science, as it largely does, may create serious societal problems like, for example, its misuse for racist purposes. The peculiar use of methodology in psychology is also documented.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
> findR *

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion

Biologismus – Folge einer Illusion von Velden,  Manfred
Die oft als »Biologismus« bezeichnete Vorstellung, dass die menschliche Psyche nicht nur eine biologische Grundlage hat, sondern darüber hinaus auch über biologische Prozesse erklärt werden kann, hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten einen besonderen Auftrieb erhalten, insbesondere durch spektakuläre Erfolge der biologischen Wissenschaft. Es wird dargelegt, dass diese Vorstellung in einer alten Misskonzeption der Psychologie ihre Wurzeln hat, nämlich dass sich psychische Prozesse generell im Sinne einer Naturwissenschaft, also in Form allgemeinverbindlicher Regeln (Gesetze), beschreiben lassen.
Aktualisiert: 2019-04-23
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Psychosomatik von Velden,  Manfred
Die Psychosomatik handelt vom Einfluß psychischer Belastungen (Streß, Konflikte, »Traumata«) auf körperliche Erkrankungen. Über die Art und Weise, wie diese Einflüsse ausgeübt werden, gehen die Auffassungen z. T. weit auseinander. Sie reichen von wissenschaftlich begründeten Auffassungen zu solchen, die man eher als spekulativ, irrational oder esoterisch bezeichnen muß. Ziel des Buches ist es, einen wissenschaftlich fundierten Begriff davon zu vermitteln, wie Psychisches sich auf körperliche Prozesse auswirken kann, deren Fehlfunktionen letztendlich zu Erkrankungen führen können. Es wird, soweit dies möglich ist, versucht, schrittweise die physiologischen Prozesse zu beschreiben, die, beginnend mit den unmittelbaren körperlichen Auswirkungen der psychischen Belastungen, zur Erkrankung führen. Diese Prozesse sind keineswegs für alle, ja nicht einmal für die meisten psychosomatischen Erkrankungen bekannt. Maxime sollte aber in jedem Falle sein, soweit als möglich diese Prozesse zu beschreiben. Nur auf diese Weise ist ein rationales Verständnis der Krankheitsentstehung möglich, d. h. ein solches, das wissenschaftlichen Tatsachen nicht widerspricht.Methoden psychologischer Intervention bei psychosomatischen Erkrankungen sollen nur am Rande behandelt werden.
Aktualisiert: 2019-04-23
> findR *


Psychosomatik von Velden,  Manfred
The book “Psychosomatics” deals with the influence of psychiatric strain (stress, conflict, traumata) on bodily disorders. The different opinions on the effects of such influences are very diverse. Some ground their views on scientific opinions which seem rather speculative, irrational and esoteric. Aim of this book is to provide a scientific profound term of how the psyche can effect the body. The author tries to explain psychological processes that begin with bodily problems triggered by psychiatric strain and lead to dysfunctions. Such problems are hardly known, not even to people with psychosomatic disorders. The author’s target is to make a comprehensive description of such developments. Only this way a rational understanding of the development of such disorders is possible and can supplement scientific facts. Methods of psychological intervention in cases of psychosomatic disorders are only dealt with peripherally.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *

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