Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
In der Europäischen Union sollen Gemeinsamer Markt, gemeinsame Währung, finanzielle Programme, Harmonisierungen nationaler Vorschriften und wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Koordinierung das Wachstum, die Beschäftigung und den Wohlstand vergrößern. Mehr noch: die wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Integration wird häufig als wesentlicher Baustein eines friedlich geeinten und politisch starken Europa angesehen. Gleichzeitig werden Maßnahmen vertiefter Integration oft kontrovers diskutiert. Das Buch erklärt die ökonomischen Mechanismen und Instrumente der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion und diskutiert Entwicklungsansätze. Zuständigkeiten sollten dann auf die EU-Ebene übertragen werden, wenn sie dort gegenüber Regelungen auf Länderebene einen klaren Mehrwert aufweisen. Gemeinschaftliche Institutionen und Maßnahmen sollten die Funktionsfähigkeit der Märkte und Reformanreize auf Länderebene stärken statt sie zu verwässern.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
In der Europäischen Union sollen Gemeinsamer Markt, gemeinsame Währung, finanzielle Programme, Harmonisierungen nationaler Vorschriften und wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Koordinierung das Wachstum, die Beschäftigung und den Wohlstand vergrößern. Mehr noch: die wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Integration wird häufig als wesentlicher Baustein eines friedlich geeinten und politisch starken Europa angesehen. Gleichzeitig werden Maßnahmen vertiefter Integration oft kontrovers diskutiert. Das Buch erklärt die ökonomischen Mechanismen und Instrumente der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion und diskutiert Entwicklungsansätze. Zuständigkeiten sollten dann auf die EU-Ebene übertragen werden, wenn sie dort gegenüber Regelungen auf Länderebene einen klaren Mehrwert aufweisen. Gemeinschaftliche Institutionen und Maßnahmen sollten die Funktionsfähigkeit der Märkte und Reformanreize auf Länderebene stärken statt sie zu verwässern.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
In der Europäischen Union sollen Gemeinsamer Markt, gemeinsame Währung, finanzielle Programme, Harmonisierungen nationaler Vorschriften und wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Koordinierung das Wachstum, die Beschäftigung und den Wohlstand vergrößern. Mehr noch: die wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Integration wird häufig als wesentlicher Baustein eines friedlich geeinten und politisch starken Europa angesehen. Gleichzeitig werden Maßnahmen vertiefter Integration oft kontrovers diskutiert. Das Buch erklärt die ökonomischen Mechanismen und Instrumente der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion und diskutiert Entwicklungsansätze. Zuständigkeiten sollten dann auf die EU-Ebene übertragen werden, wenn sie dort gegenüber Regelungen auf Länderebene einen klaren Mehrwert aufweisen. Gemeinschaftliche Institutionen und Maßnahmen sollten die Funktionsfähigkeit der Märkte und Reformanreize auf Länderebene stärken statt sie zu verwässern.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-25
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-13
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Europäische Integration wohin?

Europäische Integration wohin? von Kooths,  Stefan, Wurzel,  Eckhard
Economic integration is the core of the European unification process and has become a matter of increasing controversy - for example, on questions involving monetary and financial policy, economic coordination and the development of a banking and capital market union. This is the starting-point for this book project. The author, an expert in European integration and economic policy, explains the economic mechanisms and instruments involved in European economic and monetary union and discusses their strengths and weaknesses along with development approaches in relation to the performance of the European economy and its further integration.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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