Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten von Antes,  Peter, Dunand,  Françoise, Greschat,  Martin, Lauble,  Michael, Rüpke,  Jörg, Zivie-Coche,  Christiane
This Presentation takes Egypt's entire history into account. Reaching from the beginning to the end of this culture, it also takes the end of the religion of the pharaohs into account. Next to Greeks, Judeans, Syrians and Christians came to Egypt. How did the people of this poly cultural Old Egypt define the relationship to the gods during their lives and after their death? How did they construct the relationship between the real physical world and the invisible world, that was seen as just as real as the physical world. Along the questions these issues follow: relationship between the political and the religious, the term godly, service to the gods and personal devotion, the world of the dead and burial traditions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten von Antes,  Peter, Dunand,  Françoise, Greschat,  Martin, Lauble,  Michael, Rüpke,  Jörg, Zivie-Coche,  Christiane
This Presentation takes Egypt's entire history into account. Reaching from the beginning to the end of this culture, it also takes the end of the religion of the pharaohs into account. Next to Greeks, Judeans, Syrians and Christians came to Egypt. How did the people of this poly cultural Old Egypt define the relationship to the gods during their lives and after their death? How did they construct the relationship between the real physical world and the invisible world, that was seen as just as real as the physical world. Along the questions these issues follow: relationship between the political and the religious, the term godly, service to the gods and personal devotion, the world of the dead and burial traditions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten von Antes,  Peter, Dunand,  Françoise, Greschat,  Martin, Lauble,  Michael, Rüpke,  Jörg, Zivie-Coche,  Christiane
This Presentation takes Egypt's entire history into account. Reaching from the beginning to the end of this culture, it also takes the end of the religion of the pharaohs into account. Next to Greeks, Judeans, Syrians and Christians came to Egypt. How did the people of this poly cultural Old Egypt define the relationship to the gods during their lives and after their death? How did they construct the relationship between the real physical world and the invisible world, that was seen as just as real as the physical world. Along the questions these issues follow: relationship between the political and the religious, the term godly, service to the gods and personal devotion, the world of the dead and burial traditions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten von Antes,  Peter, Dunand,  Françoise, Greschat,  Martin, Lauble,  Michael, Rüpke,  Jörg, Zivie-Coche,  Christiane
In dieser Darstellung wird die gesamte Geschichte Ägyptens in den Blick genommen: von ihren Anfängen bis zum Ende dieser Kultur, mit dem auch die Praxis der Religion der Pharaonen endete. Schon in frühen Zeiten hatte Ägypten Fremde und ihre Götter aufgenommen, vor allem Gottheiten syro-palästinischen Ursprungs. Neben den Griechen lebten seit mehreren Jahrhunderten auch Judäer im Land, schließlich kam das Christentum nach Ägypten. Wie haben die Menschen dieses plurikulturellen Alten Ägypten ihr Verhältnis zu den Göttern, die sie sich gegeben hatten, zu Lebzeiten und nach dem Tod gesehen? Wie haben sie die Beziehungen zwischen ihrer realen physischen Welt und der Welt des Unsichtbaren, die als ebenso real galt wie die sichtbare, gestaltet? Unter diesen Fragestellungen ergeben sich die Themen: die Beziehungen zwischen dem Politischen und dem Religiösen; der Begriff des Göttlichen; der Dienst für die Götter und die persönliche Frömmigkeit; die Welt der Toten und die Bestattungspraktiken.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten

Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten von Antes,  Peter, Dunand,  Françoise, Greschat,  Martin, Lauble,  Michael, Rüpke,  Jörg, Zivie-Coche,  Christiane
This Presentation takes Egypt's entire history into account. Reaching from the beginning to the end of this culture, it also takes the end of the religion of the pharaohs into account. Next to Greeks, Judeans, Syrians and Christians came to Egypt. How did the people of this poly cultural Old Egypt define the relationship to the gods during their lives and after their death? How did they construct the relationship between the real physical world and the invisible world, that was seen as just as real as the physical world. Along the questions these issues follow: relationship between the political and the religious, the term godly, service to the gods and personal devotion, the world of the dead and burial traditions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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