Geology of Bangladesh
K Hiller, Klaus U Reimann
The present volume is the synthesis of the results of over 6 years of geological research in Bangladesh. Intensified hydrocarbon exploration in Bangladesh during the last 2 decades has provided a wealth of new insights into the sedimentary and structural history of the country. The paleogeographical reconstruction of the Bengal Basin from the Carboniferous to the present is based primarily on the results of the geological, biostratigraphical, geophysical and geochemical studies carried out in the course of these exploratory activities. By including geological and stratigraphical data from the neighboring Indian states of Assam, Tripura, Mizoram as well as West Bengal and Bihar, the book broadens its scope and achieves the status of a supra-regional study of the Bengal Basin. In addition to a detailed, stratigraphical account, emphasis is placed on presentation of the individual stages of the structural history in conjunction with the evolving paleogeography. Treatment begins with Gondwana, its fragmenta- tion, the drift phase of the Indian plate, collision with Eurasia, subduction in the north and east and the ultimately resulting orogeny and continues to include the development of the world?s largest delta, the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta. Rich reserves of natural gas, coal and recently discovered petroleum have transformed Bangladesh into a focal point of commercial exploration for energy resources. Presentation of the results of hydrocarbon exploration in Bangla- desh takes on a new significance in light of these reserves and is consequently a further, major topic of the book. The tables and lucid maps included provide exploration geologists with a well-prepared and up-to-date synopsis of the ?present stage of knowledge. Of interest to all geoscientists and geoscientifc institutions, geop/aysicists, minerulogists, petrograplyers, geographers, paleonto- logists, mining and petroleum industry, oil and oilgas industry, scientific libraries.