Judith Le Soldat: Werkausgabe / Band 1: Grund zur Homosexualität
Vorlesungen zu einer neuen psychoanalytischen Theorie der Homosexualität
Monika Gsell, Judith Le Soldat-Stiftung, Judith Le Soldat
›Grund zur Homosexualität‹ (›Grounds for Homosexuality‹) advances a radically new approach to the psychological processes that participate in the emergence of what we call sexual orientation. Not only are conventional ideas of homo- and heterosexuality called into question; we also encounter an entirely new basis for interpreting what we mean by masculinity and femininity. Judith Le Soldat thus elaborates a theory in this book that is a great deal more than a theory of homosexuality. Her precise analysis of the phenomenon of homosexuality provides entirely new, hitherto unknown insights into the very foundations of how the human soul functions.