Konzerte für Menschen mit Demenz
Grundlagen, Durchführung, Erfahrungen
Bettina Delius, Sabine L. Distler, Jan Henning Foh, Nina Gremme, Christine Grosse, Kai Koch, Ria Krampitz, Sabine Paganetti, Anastasia Päßler, Nadin Preuße, Brigitte Rauscher, Karin Rawe, Bernd Reuschenbach, Frank Rohde, Jochen Schmauck-Langer, Manuela Söhnchen, Andreas Vincke, Desiree von Bohlen und Halbach, Elisabeth von Leliwa, Laura Wilkert, Beatrice Wolfe
Music can be a way of reaching people with dementia in their own experiential worlds. In particular, professionally arranged concert formats specifically intended for this target group and their relatives provide many options for connecting with people=s lives and experiences and make it possible for them to take part in social and cultural events. Programs of this type are now being presented by opera houses, concert promoters and churches, for example. This edited collection of essays discusses dementia concerts from the point of view of music geragogy (education for older adults) and, in addition to presenting the theoretical foundations, offers practical examples from various musical event settings to provide readers with suggestions for initiating this type of concert themselves.