Landesplanung Mitteldeutschland
Spiel-Räume: Die Entstehung der wissenschaftlichen Raumordnung in Deutschland – das Dezentralisierungsparadigma, die Internationalisierung, der Planungsatlas und die demokratisch basierten Strukturen in den Schlüsseljahren 1925-1932.
Harald Kegler
Regional Planning Central Germany
To a great extent, today’s regional planning has its scientific, organisational and politicoeconomic roots in central Germany. Many of the scientific terms, planning methods and working structures still significant today began to take shape in central Germany between 1925 and 1932, the year in which the Planning Atlas was published. The area between Berlin, Leipzig, Magdeburg and Erfurt – with its heart around the industrial centre of Halle-Merseburg – achieved a key position in the emergence of modern, scientific regional planning in the 20th century. In the few years of its existence, this planning association achieved more than its unique plan for the central German industrial region. Indeed, in retrospect it is possible to speak of an attempt to realise democratically based spatial planning that is highly relevant today.