Melanie Klein: Gesammelte Schriften / Band I,1: Schriften 1920–1945, Teil 1
Ruth Cycon, Hermann Erb, Betty Joseph, Melanie Klein, Roger E. Money-Kyrle, Elisabeth Vorspohl
In the course of her groundbreaking discovery of early object relations in infants, Klein developed concepts of an internal world of objects, of the impact of primitive, unconscious fantasy on the perception of internal and external reality and the ego as well as well as of two positions, the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive position. These led to a deeper understanding not only of early childhood development and disturbances in children but also of deeply disturbed narcissistic patients, borderline and psychotic patients. The fact that German psychoanalysts were also increasingly confronted with narcissistic personality disorders and borderline patients was one of the main reasons for the growing interest in Klein’s theories and practice.