Siedlungen an der Niederelbe zwischen dem 2. Jahrhundert v.Chr. und dem 5. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
Andreas Schäfer
This book undertakes a comprehensive study of human settlement behaviour along the lower River Elbe between the early pre-Roman Iron Age and the end of the Migration Period. It included the Federal State of Hamburg and, north of the River Elbe, the districts of Pinneberg, Segeberg, Stormarn, and Duchy of Lauenburg, and south of it, the districts of Harburg and Stade. In collaboration with the Federal Office for Geology in Hamburg and the Federal Bureau for Geoinformation and Surveying in Hamburg a large-scale mapping project was conducted. Additionally, the inclusion of airborne and terrestrial laserscan data allowed completely new insights into the archaeological cultural landscape, e. g . its Celtic field systems and ridge and furrow fields. Unpublished finds and house plans are now presented for the first time and were investigated as to chronology, spatial distribution, craft traditions, and house landscapes, for which reference to existing grave chronologies was made. Most recent methods of natural scientific analysis were applied, too. A particularly important result was the definite falsification of a supposed settlement hiatus in the 3rd century A.D..