Theologische und humanwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
Lars Allolio-Näcke, Peter Bubmann, Corinna Dahlgrün, Eckhard Frick, Nicole Grochowina, Hubert Knoblauch, Ann-Sophie Markert, Isolde Meinhard, Erwin Möde, Andreas Nehring, Regina Polak, Cornelius Roth, Wolfgang Schuhmacher, Uwe Wolfradt, Peter Zimmerling
Spirituality is a highly topical and at the same time controversial subject in the contemporary world. This anthology presents essays from various scholarly cultures that address the topic of spirituality for interdisciplinary purposes. In particular, it brings together three of these types of discourse: spirituality in theology and faith practice, in medicine as spiritual care, and in sociology and psychology. This provides instructive insights into and overviews of the wide variety of approaches to the complex field of spirituality and research on it.